Top 10 Reasons Why Communism Doesn't Work

The Top Ten
1 Corrupt leaders

Every country, regardless of its political ideals, have corrupt leaders since they don't give a fuss about their ideology or the nation's well-being nor have moral integrity just like any politician. Don't make it a communist-only flaw as it also happens in many Western, capitalist nations.

They are everywhere. A South Korean president gets deposed for corruption too. And getting deposed is the only good thing about it.

The leaders are gonna kill all their people just so they can have everything for themselves.

2 No free speech

As if free speech exists in the western world as when they feel threatened with a word you say against them, they will show their true colors. Also, it depends on which communist or socialist nation to allow freedom of speech and expression to a certain extent, and not just the ideal itself.

3 This land isn't your land

And that's because in a communist society, private property is abolished and managed collectively so that everybody can equally reap from its rewards.

No it is my land and no commies going to tell me otherwise.

The abolition of private property does not mean the abolition of personal property

4 Communism doesn't care about people

Communism is factually based on absolutely NO ethics. Hell, they even reward laziness over actual hard-working, and that would destroy America altogether as people would be encouraged to be lazy. The only reason it was invented was because people were lazy losers who thought that simply putting in effort was too much work.

As if your market system, and a few wealthy bureaucrats and CEOs care about your plight of working long hours in a decrepit environment for minimal wages.

True communism only cares about the corrupt rules that are implemented.

Does ultra-rich Japanese companies care about their shachikus?

5 It doesn't value creativity

And again, there were works created by artists and writers in communist nations. It is "reactionary" authoritarianism and totalitarianism that kills creativity.

Just listen to Bioshock's take on the "Parasite" obstructing freedom of expression. It is an interesting case!

Yes true all humans are creative in their own way and if they can't express it then life is not worth living.

6 You can't leave your country

People need to have the freedom to visit other countries to learn about other cultures and communist are basically racist and only want their cultures and beliefs to be the ones people follow.

I don't know where you're getting this from but there were numerous Soviet and East European tourists that had vacations outside of their nations after long work hours. Again, communism doesn't restrict this right except the government.

7 There's no variation in the economy

Care to elaborate what you meant by this?

8 You can't practice religion

There is difference between secularism and state atheism. Secularism is where religion doesn't play a role in politics (neutral in the matters of religion) and state atheism is where the government sponsors atheism in the daily lives of society. In communist nations, it is mostly the former as religious expressions are prohibited in state institutions while the religious persecution you see in communist states are a common case of dictators' oppressive paranoia or when religious institutions became vocal against their communist dictator.

9 There are no incentives to work

If you don't work or straight off slacking at work then you won't get to receive the rewards of hard-working in a collectively-owned workplace! It's that simple.

The only true item. Others are about totalitarianism, while this one is the real reason communism failed so much in history.

You get paid the same amount whether you work or not.

10 Communism damages farming communities

The harm in the agricultural industry you see in the USSR and China in the Stalinist and Maoist era is because of poorly-executed state collectivization during a bad weather and harvest when farming. Notably, there weren't any notable famines occurring in China after the Great Leap Forward disaster.

The Contenders
11 People are greedy

Imagine the world where everyone aren't greedy, communism is perfect for them. The only reason the it failed it because people are greedy. In theory Communism just works, but practically it failed.

12 Western projects and ideas not allowed

Yugoslavia was a fairly westernized nation while the Soviet leadership was culturally reactionary against Western media and was in a decade long Cold War against the West. Cultural liberalization varies in from communist state to state. In conclusion, this list is just a over generalization of communism.

13 Money becomes worthless
14 No civil rights
15 People are selfish
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