Best Songs from Ninja Sex Party's NSFW Album

The Top Ten
1 Sex Training

The most enjoyable, upbeat song on the album. It is extremely catchy and amazingly funny to hear how Dan is locking up this girl's boyfriend so he can have her to himself before making him get everyone nachos.

2 If We Were Gay

A fun song that involves laughing at ninja Brian. The main reason this song is so high is because of the list of things that Brian like to suck was one of the funniest things I had heard in the entire discography of NSP.

3 Objects Of Desire

The funniest concept on the entire album. Musically, the song is quite relaxing and pleasant to listen to, but you won't be able to do that very well as you'll be laughing so hard.

4 Dinosaur Laser Fight

Probably the most iconic NSP song to date, the only song on the album to not make constant sexual jokes and one of the catchier songs on the album as well. It also contains the great line "just ask Albert Einstein, he invented space"

5 No Reason Boner

With a name such as that, where can you go wrong? The song's title explains all you need to know about the song.

6 NSP Theme Song

Musically, this is easily my second favourite song on the album (my favourite being Sex Training). The chorus sounds near perfect and the intro is something I remember fondly, a great opening track to a great album. The only reason its not at the top is becaause it isn't as funny as some of the other songs.

7 The Decision

This is a great song that has everything going for it, the premise of Dan trying to prove that he is better than ninja Brian, a catchy tune, and the end about how Brian has an std.

8 Manticore

A very different song to the rest of the album. While most of the songs were synthpop, this one felt much more in the vein of something metal or rock. The absurdist humour used in the song is why this one stands out so much to me.

9 I Just Want to (Dance)

The first NSP song of all time in understandably somewhat weak. The song's premise didn't translate very well into pure audio, but the song is more enjoyable if you watch the video. Since I am judging this purely off the music however, I cannot take that into consideration

10 You Can Do Us!

This song is not very interesting, the only thing I particularly liked was the "sounds that you might hear during this program" section. It isn't bad, just not anything special.

The Contenders
11 Three Minutes of Ecstasy

Very boring song that I wish wasn't on the album, it was not very funny either.

A song that I wish wasn't on the album, extremely boring and not very funny.

12 Accept My Shaft

Just like Three Minutes Of Ecstasy, I found this song incredibly boring. However, it was also lacking the emotion that other songs had, while TMOE at least had that.

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