Top 10 Best Sports to Play

People underestimate soccer because they think all you have to do is kick the ball. You need to get past skilled defenders, stop tricky offensive players, and make the shot get past an agile goalie. Soccer is just as much of a physical game as a mental game. Foot skills are needed, and every time you get shoved down, you have to grit your teeth and come back fighting harder.
Sheer Popularity
It's just the best sport ever. Anyone can play soccer. You don't have to be huge like in football or tall in basketball. There is no huge advantage to your size. It's about your skill, abilities, work ethic, and teamwork. One player rarely ever scores a solo goal, especially as you climb the skill ladder. It is hard work to get good. It isn't easy, it's incredibly fun, and it's the best.

Basketball is just so exciting. No matter what point in the game it is, making a shot just gives you a kind of thrill that you can't get anywhere else. Injuries are rare, and even so, it is one of the most fast-paced and tough games to play. It takes a lot of skill to make a ball in a small basket. Basketball is the best sport because it has CLASS and requires skill, not just brute force, to play.
Basketball is the best sport to play because it is a game where you need to hustle. You are always moving your feet, and it takes arm strength to shoot. You also need speed.
Another reason is that you can play basketball when you are older. If you play football, good luck with that. It doesn't involve tackling. It is less barbaric.
Basketball is the way to go!

No sport requires more training than hockey, except for maybe swimming. At a very young age (1-3), a kid has to live in a cold, big city where there is a rink or frozen pond nearby to practice. After a few years, the kid eventually gets gear for hockey and plays it.
After a few more years of practicing, the kid eventually heads to bigger leagues, where they will be met with hard blows from tough players. By an extremely slim chance, the kid becomes a man and makes it onto prospect teams. By an even slimmer chance, the man makes it to the NHL/AHL, where they have to play against the best. No other sport requires such skill and dedication to play, unlike those who think American football is the best.

I play basketball, football, and volleyball. I prioritize football simply because the feeling of being a football player makes me feel like a better person. Basketball is a great sport, but it doesn't impact my life outside of the game in the same way.
The way someone presents themselves on a football field reveals a lot about their character. It is a great reward to do amazing things on the field. I play volleyball to keep myself active during the off-seasons.
Football is an amazing sport that requires a lot of consideration and effort. This is personally why I enjoy the sport more than others. It makes you extremely fit if effort is put in properly, and though there are a lot of rules, it expands your memory and experience.
I love football, and I think it deserves rank 1.

Volleyball teams get closer than any other sports team. We are always there for each other. We are family, and we support each other on and off the court. No sport I have played has had so much impact on my life.
Volleyball is the way to go, socially and athletically.
Favorite sport I play out of soccer, swim team, and basketball! Great way to meet new people and a fun, energetic team sport.
Volleyball is a great sport to play. It allows players to develop team-building skills and hustling skills.

Swimming is amazing! It's the best sport ever. How could anyone think that swimming is for babies, weak, pathetic, and makes you sluggish? I am a competitive swimmer, and it's not easy at all. For all of you who think swimming is weak, try swimming 400m (16 lengths). I challenge you to try that. You probably can't even make it halfway. I swim around 3000m/3km five days a week, and it is so tiring.
And then there's dry land training, which involves push-ups and similar exercises. Also, try swimming 5km in 98 minutes. It is super exhausting. Swimming is amazing.

They play the most games out of all sports. Despite only having about 500 million fans, other sports fans, like maybe about one-third of soccer fans and two-fifths of cricket fans, should start being fans of baseball. America's favorite pastime last century, it's still a great sport!
It needs to start regrowing its popularity by gaining almost another billion fans. Baseball is so much fun to watch!
I wish Major League Baseball had been called Mega League Baseball instead. It could include all mega-cities with a city population of at least 3 million or a metro of over 8 million around the globe. American football fans who say all other sports suck are wrong. You just don't care about other sports.

Gymnastics is the best sport to play because you can always learn new skills, get better, and perfect the basics. You can also express yourself through the style of your routine and skills, not to mention how physically fit it makes you.
I love this sport, and I don't know how I could live without it.
Gymnastics is fun, both to watch and do. I have tried a lot of sports in my lifetime, but gymnastics is the only one I still do. More people should try gymnastics.
My favorite sport! It's fun! It's tiring, but the number one thing about sports is FUN! It's hard, but if you keep practicing, you'll think it's a great sport.

I'm really glad this is included. I don't even cheer, but my little sis does, and Jesus, it's so hard. People really underestimate the guys and girls who cheer. They really work their tails off.
I love all of these sports, so the honorable mentions are everything. But cheerleading is fun and cool. I have experience.
Cheerleading strengthens your muscles.
Rugby is my second favorite sport after roller derby but is definitely better than the ones in front of it. It's not just because I'm from Australia, the best rugby country in the world.
Rugby is probably one of the most stereotyped games ever. If anyone says that it is rough, violent, or barbaric, they obviously have not played it.
PS: Soccer is for wimps.
The purest of team sports. Communication is vital. It's violent, fast-paced, powerful, skillful, and flashy (even more so with sevens). The culture is the best.
The Newcomers
Taekwondo is an amazing sport! It requires discipline, speed, and loads of endurance.
Sparring can be really hard, especially against someone with a higher belt rank.

Great to play, similar to badminton. It requires speed, reflexes, and some strength. I find watching it at a high level a bit tedious, as the top players just go through formulaic routines.
Such a great sport to play. You make so many great memories, and you make friends for life by playing with others. It's great because you can be on a team, or you can be independent.
This sport is really good fun. It takes up a lot of energy and gives you a good workout.

I play girls' lacrosse, and I think it is the best because they don't give random sports the title of the fastest sport on two legs for no good reason. So maybe some of you should open your eyes and smell the roses because you must be dreaming if you think basketball is the best! And I expect better from football players to be at the top. So where are you standing right now? Are you in front of the line of duty (haha - or also meant as danger for those who don't know), or are you behind the line of righteousness?
I think softball is an amazing sport. I love baseball just as much, and we share the same plays and skills. Being pushed by a baseball player is like saying both sports are not worth pursuing because they are very similar in certain ways.
Don't get me wrong, softball is different from baseball, but the differences are slim. If you want a faster sport, I would recommend softball. If you prefer a slower sport, perhaps an all-day event, then baseball might be more to your liking. It just depends.
Softball is an amazing game. Most softball players get insulted and pushed down by baseball fanatics because they think we can't play. It's ridiculous because we train just as hard and just as long as any baseball player.
Why isn't this up on the list with baseball?

The only reason cricket is this low is that most of the people voting are Americans. That's also the only reason baseball, American "football" (which you don't actually use your feet for), and basketball are so high. If you had as many Australians (me), Pakistanis, Brits, and Indians voting as there are Americans, cricket would no doubt be number one or two.
This list is so biased.
Cricket is a very good sport. It's so underrated as well. Some people find test matches boring, but T20 cricket matches are so exciting! If T20 matches were introduced internationally or in the Olympics, it would blast off!

I haven't surfed yet, but I will soon. I've been encouraged by a lot of people, mostly friends. This sport is amazing, in my opinion. You should really try it.
The feeling you get pulling into a wave is second only to sex.

Horse riding is so fun! I go to a barn and ride. My favorite horse died, and so did his owner. This is a sport. I don't care what people say! Some say basketball is thrilling because you have to move, but in my opinion, horses are the best animals (sorry, dogs and others). The only problem is the cost. I clean stalls for riding time.
Ask your parents if there is a local barn, and then see if you can clean stalls for riding time. Horses are such sweet and daring animals. Be safe while riding, but have fun! Thank you for reading.
I train in soccer and athletics (track), and I prefer track to soccer because it relieves stress by running and increases your endurance and speed. There are no preferences in captains, and there is no bribery in athletics, unlike soccer, where there is a lot of corruption.
I think track would be a good sport to play because it helps you increase your endurance and is a little less demanding.
Raw athleticism. Track runners, jumpers, and throwers are no joke.
It is very calming and a lot of fun. It helps me with my mental and physical health.
Cycling can be done at any level, from purely recreational to mountain bike and race bike competition.
It's the best sport in the world!
The only fun sport, in my opinion. You also have to use every part of your body, including your brain, because you need to think about how to get a strike 100% of the time.
Bowling is so much fun. I could bowl for hours and never get bored.

Best sport ever. So dynamic, so fast, so fun to watch and play. Makes great groups. Takes lots of effort and sacrifice, but it is all worth it.

The best thing about golf is that you can set your own pace. You can be a competitive golfer without the need to rush yourself or "play hard."
This game is so hard to master, which is what makes it so good. You'll never stop trying to improve your game.
Golf is the greatest! My dad taught me almost everything I know about golf.

Not sure if I'd call it a sport, but it's definitely one of the more fun things on this list.

To those people who are well-advised or even in search of the truth, badminton is their sport. If you play it with proper equipment in indoor spaces dedicated to this awesome sport, there simply is nothing that even comes close. Exhilarating speed, power, soft touch, extremely explosive rallies, and tremendous stamina and speed are only some of what you'll see.
Most people, when exposed to top players' skills, are aghast and dumbfounded. It makes what they perceive as badminton look like a children's picnic. These top world players are very premium athletes who go through a training and conditioning regimen like no other. Just Google This is Badminton, and you might get my drift. Cheers!