Top 10 Most Violent Sports
Most brutal sports to play. Please vote and comment on why yours should be number one.
By far, ice hockey is more dangerous than any other sport. People often wonder why hockey doesn't have as many players as other sports, such as soccer. It's because of how dangerous it is. Not everyone can handle being hit at really fast speeds. That's why they opt for easier sports such as basketball, soccer, football - you name it. I can already tell people are going to say, "No, football is way harder!" If football is way harder, then how about you try standing on a thin blade of metal while skating around much faster than you could ever run in football, all while trying to get a small piece of rubber into a net almost the same size as the goalie.

As a guy who enjoys combat sports, I have to say MMA is one of the most dangerous sports I have ever played. Getting kicked in the ankle during a soccer practice? What about getting kicked in the head, then proceeding to be punched in the face multiple times while you're down on the ground? Got tackled in a football game? Well, what about being lifted up in the air and landing on your neck, then having your arm almost torn off and locked in an armbar? Unlike boxing, MMA is all about those martial arts being mixed into one: Muay Thai, boxing, kickboxing, judo, karate, wrestling. It's a pretty tough game.

I've played rugby for several years and have to agree it's the most brutal sport. I've had several broken bones, dislocations, and lacerations to the face.
It is a more brutal game than American football in that, much like boxing, you have to carry on after each hit. Sure, the hits in American football are huge, and injuries are commonplace, but in rugby, after a huge hit, you're quite likely to get trampled on by the studs of a 220-pound beast. You've then got to get straight back up and do it all over again. This is brutal on the body and the mind. You need balls of steel and to be extremely fit.

I would consider death the most serious injury. In hockey, in NHL history, only one player has died from an on-ice injury. Twenty-two boxers died from their sport in 1953 alone. For frequency of traumatic head injuries, no major sport can match its unfortunate statistics.
Since inception, you get annual deaths from the sport. Statistically, it is the most dangerous.
It is the only sport where you see plenty of its participants develop slurred speech while still active. MMA is catching up, though.
This is the most grueling sport in the world. You can get some damaging punches early on and still have to fight another 10 rounds. Boxing tests an athlete's mental will more than any sport.

American football is by far the most violent sport on the planet. Why? The pads. The evolution of American football has seen technologically advanced padding, which professional football players have in turn used to their advantage by using themselves as weapons.
The speed of the game is insane. When you look at the bulk of the padding, it's on their helmets and shoulders. Defensive players are now using themselves essentially as missiles, driving into chests, waists, and knees. Concussions are also super common, with players using their helmets to hit each other. No other game is full-contact with "pads." Padding makes the game much more fast-paced and violent.

I think it is very dangerous. A family member of mine plays. God, you don't know how bad it is. You guys just watch it on TV, but you don't know when he comes back from his practice. I told him not to do this, but he is so into it that he doesn't listen to anybody.
In my opinion, I think that wrestling is a very violent and dangerous game or sport. It is harmful, and injuries (physical injuries) like bruises, blood, breaking a bone, and even brain damage are common.
I don't think wrestling is a great game or sport to play. A lot of people say that wrestling is fake...but is it?

I play water polo, and more than once, I have come out of the pool with blood on my back and legs.
It is also nonstop swimming and should probably be in the top three.
I play water polo and let me just say, even though this is my first year, I have already almost broken three or four bones. Anything is fair game underwater, and I mean anything.
I've been groped, and if you grope someone, it gets you a good punch in the head. Even though all we wear is two pieces of plastic over our ears and our Speedos, it is by far the most difficult sport I have ever done.

Lacrosse should be far higher on the list. I guess it is lower because it is not among the most popular or well-known sports.
In my opinion, lacrosse is either the most dangerous team sport or perhaps on par with hockey. It's probably the fastest team sport on foot. I can't think of any other sport where it is legal to take someone out with a 6-foot lump of titanium. Getting hit with a wound-up shot lacrosse ball at over 100 mph (the fastest shot ever currently stands at 116 mph) can certainly do some damage, even with pads. The balls are pretty dense. In addition to this, brawls are common.
Without pads, you would get deaths in this sport. That being said, it is so much fun to play!

Soccer is about as violent as it gets without full-body pads. You are constantly trying to do anything to get the ball. Not to mention, most refs will allow elbows here and there, as they prefer to let the game play out. As for those that say soccer is full of "floppers", they do not know how much it hurts to be bowled over by a person running full speed. Also, soccer has the inherent risk of knee injury because of the constant stop-and-go action. Most soccer players will blow out a knee sometime in their life.
The Newcomers

Aussie rules footy should be in the top 3, if not number one. It is a full-contact sport without any pads or protective gear, with the exception of a mouthguard. If you watch any of the AFL hardest hits videos, it'll send a shiver down your spine. They are running straight at each other at full speed and hip-and-shouldering each other. You can get hit straight to the ground even if you aren't holding or having possession of the ball. Personally, I think it deserves a higher place over the likes of the NFL, where they go over the top with pads, and it's only about 5 seconds of action before they break.

The "science of eight limbs" in Muay Thai, where the whole body is used to powerfully strike the opponent's body with bone-crushing techniques, is a combat sport like no other.
Much more violent than any other sport on this list. It's like kickboxing on steroids.
I do Thai boxing, and I think it is much more aggressive than boxing because you can punch, kick, knee, and elbow. It can cause a lot more damage than the others I've seen on the list.
I'm afraid that anyone who doesn't think hurling belongs in the top three at least needs to watch it. The ball moves at 120 mph, body checking is legal, and concussions, broken bones, and serious body-breaking tackles are the norm.
Add to that the incredible skills and the fact that it's played by amateurs who train harder than most professionals, and you have the fastest, hardest, and most exciting sport in the world.
The ball is like a super-fast rock flying around. The sticks can break bones and, incredibly, there's next to no protection! Americans really need to watch this sport.
This list is definitely made by an American. Handball is way more violent than American football. It's extremely fast and physical without wearing any protection, plus it has the most diverse injuries, which it is often used in medical research projects.
Handball is one, if not the most brutal sport with a ball that you can play. It's fast and very physical, way more than American football. You wear zero to little protection, and massive injuries are very common.
Handball should be at least in the top five. This game destroyed my complete body, but I still love it.
Calcio storico is a brutal sport. It is a sort of huge street fight mixed with a sort of soccer and rugby. It is played just once a year in Florence and isn't on top just because almost anyone knows it outside of Italy.
Calcio storico has been played for over 500 years, and there is no other sport on earth that is as violent as this. In every match, several players get their teeth knocked out or suffer broken bones.
Well, I had to look this up online, and it is basically a gang rumble with no weapons. Not much of a skill sport, that's for sure. Hockey and football are like ballet compared to this.

Hurts so bad. You get pummeled, thrown, and knocked down. Broken bones, bruises, and fights are legal, like hockey.

Umm, do you want to be thrown around and possibly mauled by an up to over 2,000-pound animal with giant hooves and horns that could tear you to shreds? It's common for hands to get stuck in the wrap and arms to be dislocated or broken.
This often leads to a mauling, and it's common to get broken bones, concussions, and knocked-out teeth. I know someone with a metal plate in his head because of this sport.
Bull riding - you can die. This should be number one. You could get kicked in the head, stabbed with their horns, or fallen on by a 2,000-pound animal.

Basketball is a "non-contact" sport. But it can get pretty contact, especially if you're a post player. You use your elbows and body to gain an advantage. I myself have given several girls broken bones or bloody noses, and I wasn't even playing dirty.
Basketball is a very high-contact sport, pushing and muscling your way around (especially in the key) is allowed, without being excessive. Playing in college had much higher contact than high school.
I've been hit in the face with a basketball.
Violent when you crash. I fail to see why rugby is the most violent. Most dangerous team sport, yes... but violent?
At least 330 racers have been killed since auto racing started on April 28, 1887. This number goes up yearly.
This is one of the most rough sports because it's MMA, kickboxing, or boxing but in a metal cage where you are allowed to slam your opponent into the cold metal sides! Also, it's just you and your opponents.
This sport is gaining fans and recognition worldwide. It's essentially like knights in armor in the Middle Ages fighting, except they have made it a bit safer by blunting the swords. The Eastern Europeans, and particularly Russians, have the strongest teams.

If you want a dangerous sport, go play field hockey. I once played a game and got hit in the shins seven times. Not one free hit. If you fall over, just get up and deal with it.
Half my team was out with injuries. One girl from the opposing team took out three of our players in one game... No penalty. They don't care if you get hurt. This sport isn't for wimps.
If you want to be hit by a wooden stick or a ball that feels like concrete, field hockey is for you. We play with little to no gear.

My sister tore her ACL doing this, and I have hurt myself doing it too. Lots of people die doing this wonderful sport. How is it not first?
Crickets unusual in that it is completely allowed and expected for the bloke who is bowling to have a number of key intentions. If he's good at it he's throwing (Bowling) a rock hard ball at 90 + mph trying to hit the geezer with the bat on the body somewhere - head, toes, throat, testicles, fingers, all of them relatively vulnerable. It is one of two or three key intentions and everyone plays the game knowing and accepting that this is the case - he is trying to hurt you, if you stand there trying to stop him from hitting the stumps.
But, the same bowler whilst he is trying to hurt you, if you're good enough and fast enough you are completely within your rights to smack the ball back at the bowler with your bat with the intention of injuring him, sending he message... 'Mate if you want to try and hurt me, have some of this'. If you've got any doubts about the levels of aggression and violence find your self a cricket player and just play catch with them using a cricket ball. 10 of us on a cricket pitch are catching that ball from close range sometimes when it's being hit at 100mph +. Have a look on line at 'Brian close v the west indies' YouTube. Watch that and tell me that is not brutal.