Top 10 Dumbest T.V. Characters

French Narrator: Sandy Cheeks is going out of town for a few days, and has asked SpongeBob to do a little pet sitting for her.
Patrick: Pet sitting? Won't that hurt them?
French Narrator: Perhaps you should have asked someone else.
He used to have some intelligence in seasons 1-3, but now he is so dumb that he is not funny. He is a total moron.
Honestly, this is the one list he should be at the top of. And look, he is!

He's stupid, but that's what makes him funny! That's Joey's charm! Monica has her obsessive cleaning, Chandler has his wit, Ross has his many ex-wives and awkwardness, and Joey's stupidity is what makes him a fun character. It isn't supposed to piss people off.
He pisses me off massively. Not only is he stupid, but he raids other people's fridges, sleeps with lots of women and then never calls them back, threatens to beat up his friends, and he can't even remember his own PIN number.
It may not be the quality of stupidity that Joey has, but it's the way you love his stupidity. His stupidity is the main part of his character, and they pull it off so well!

She was so stupid during the show, but that is why everyone loved her. Her stupidity made her do stupid things that always ended up being super funny.
She has to be the best actress to portray a dumb character. She plays it so well that you actually believe that she is stupid.

I have a ten-year-old brother, and he is ten times smarter than Peter and Homer combined!
Homer is smarter than Peter, in my very good opinion, with Homer being smart for an episode.
The highlights are jumping off the water tower again and again, thinking dating Lori was a good idea when he was dating Jackie, burning down the police academy, and last but not least, jumping off the roof in his underwear every Saturday when he's not even stoned!

Steve: State your name.
Waldo: Illinois.
Steve: No, state your name, not name your state!
Waldo: Oh! Waldo Faldo, from Illinois.
Maxine: Let's go see a movie.
Waldo: Cool, what do you wanna see?
Maxine: Anything, as long as I'm with you.
Waldo: Who's in that?

Kelly Bundy needs to be higher.
The Newcomers

He's very dumb, but not the funny kind of dumb. It's the kind of dumbness that makes you want to throw the person into a pit of fire.

He's too desperate to become a Pokemon master, and he's still a kid that hasn't aged much over the years. What kind of human being is he?

Friends' worst-ever character. Just so dumb and annoying, oh, and not at all funny.

I have no idea why Joey, Phoebe, Homer, and Peter are above the dumbest TV character in TV history. Joey, Phoebe, Homer, and Peter are dumb, but that's what makes them funny, and they are Einsteins compared to Dora. Dora's stupidity doesn't make her funny to laugh with. It makes her funny to laugh at and bully, unlike the characters above her.
Dora can't even see what's behind her, and she's too dumb to turn around. She is romantically attracted to a talking monkey, she tells thieves to stop taking things, and she's a bad role model for kids. In real life, if you tell a thief to stop taking things, it won't work. Parents, make sure to tell your kids this.
Hilary Banks is Hilary Banks. The only thing she is good at is spending her daddy's money.
I don't know how he was still alive after seven seasons. One of the best characters on TV, though.