Most Evil Muhtesem Yuzyil/Magnificent Century Characters

The Top Ten
Hurrem Sultan (Season 1-4)

From early on, Hurrem was very conniving, even before you could give her the excuse of doing all she did to protect her princes. She burnt her best friend's face and resorted to black magic to get what she wanted (maybe not effectively... but still). She took way too much pleasure in seeing Mahidevran suffer.

She killed princess Isabella, right? She poisoned Suleiman's mind against Mustafa, leading to his very sad death. Suleiman was never the same after he executed his son. She forced her daughter to marry someone she couldn't stand because she wanted to ensure power. She was quite ruthless.

Rüstem Paşha (3-4)

Hürrem Sultan's doggy. He has absolutely no feelings, is ready to kill whoever Hürrem wants, and cares only about himself - and sometimes Mihrimah.

Mahidevran Sultan (1-4)

I felt sorry for her towards the end, especially after the death of Mustafa. But she was so conceited and holier-than-thou from the beginning. Her ugliest quality was her jealousy, and the actions stemming from it ultimately led to her downfall.

Mahidevran was always cursing Hurrem and Suleiman, even though she was the one who tried to poison them. She always tried to make Hurrem feel bad that the sultan loved her. After the death of Mustafa, when I felt bad for her, she reminded me what an evil witch she is, wanting Suleiman to suffer.

While she stayed in the palace, she always waited for others to take her part and defend her. She was constantly wishing bad for others instead of taking care of Mustafa.

Hatice Sultan (1-3)

Definitely evil, and even her own husband hated her. Not only did she blame others (like Hurrem) for her husband's affair, but she also made it her mission to never let Hurrem be happy.

Then there's the fact that she hid her husband's daughter by saying she had died. That's just evil.

She was evil and way too possessive. She was weak for sure and definitely the most annoying character.

Weak, makes drama out of everything, a big liar, selfish. Even her husband began to hate her.

Fatma Sultan (4)

Stupid, selfish, evil. She thinks she's the most important and beautiful person on earth, which is a lie. Even her nieces are her enemies.

Valide Sultan (1-2)

Very evil, especially in how she treated Hurrem.

It wasn't until her deathbed that she realized Hurrem wasn't the villain in all of this.

What else can we expect from Fatma, Hatice, and Shah Sultan when they have a mother like Valide Sultan? The apple never falls far from the tree. At least she became a 'better person' at the end of her life, and she didn't only care about herself.

She didn't care for anyone but herself.

Shah Sultan (3)

Another stupid and selfish sister of Sultan Suleyman.

Huricihan Sultan (4)

Well... She's the daughter of Hatice Sultan. Don't need to explain more.

Ibrahim Paşha

If he is not evil, no one is! He started everything!

Most evil character of Magnificent Century.

Shehzade Selim

Guess what? I think I am the only one who actually likes Selim. He is funny, sarcastic, mischievous, beautiful. I kind of understand him. He was never liked by his siblings, and they didn't spend much time with him as they were spending time with the others together. Look, every time there are Beyazid, Mihrimah, Mustafa, and Cihangir together having fun, and when Selim appeared, they suddenly stopped without reason.

A complete idiot. He's the only one of Hurrem's children who is actually like her.

The Newcomers

? Gülşah Hatun

Not only did she serve Mahidevran and carry out all the dirty work for her, but she also later served Hurrem. Gülşah was not very smart, which led her to make poor and evil decisions.

? Nurbahar Hatun
The Contenders
Nurbanu Sultan

I actually adore her. She is my favorite Magnificent Century character, but I agree that she is one of the most evil characters from here.

Sultan Murad Khan

He was insane at the end. Ruthless, unforgiving, and a straight brute. He wanted everyone dead, including himself.

Gulbahar Sultan (Kosem Series)

She was BADASS. Quite sneaky and her paranoia and thirst for power destroyed her poor prince Beyazid, who wanted nothing to do with this.

Sultan Suleyman
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