Best Star Trek: The Next Generation Characters

Of course, he's the best one! He is funny and maybe the most human, humane, or at least relatable and likable despite not being human. He often displays peculiar, emotional-like instances, despite not having an emotion chip. I love his sarcastic wit and awkwardness, and seriously, the Enterprise-D crew would have died a long time ago without him!
Data is by far my favorite character in all of Star Trek. No one, I repeat, NO ONE could nail the android role like Brent Spiner. My favorite characters, from most to least favorite:
1. Data
2. Data
3. Data
It continues until five, and then it's the others.

Data is fun, but after watching a handful of episodes, you realize this is really The Picard Show, not the ensemble you were led to believe. Think about how many of your favorite episodes are all about this man (Darmok, The Inner Light, Tapestry, All Good Things...).
Captain Picard is not only the best character in TNG but the best captain in Starfleet history! He's played by one of the greatest actors of all time, especially in the TNG Recut Picard.
An explorer's brain but a poet's heart. He was one of the best characters of Star Trek.

The first Klingon to ever enter and graduate from Starfleet Academy, and he's part of the USS Enterprise. Klingons are awesome, so double awesomeness.
How is Troi above Worf and Geordi? Seriously, Worf is the best, especially when he is in a bad mood.
"I am not a merry man!" "Assimilate this!" "K'Ehleyr was my mate!" Then death by bat'leth. Seriously, he's awesome.

He was my favorite as a kid. A real hero type.
Geordi is a great character. Not quite as good as Data or Picard, but he definitely belongs in the top three.

I love Marina, so, of course, Troi is my favorite pick! I just wish the writers had done more to develop her character over the years. I was happy to see the Troi/Riker relationship finally featured in the final two movies!

The show would be significantly worse without Q. He is a cheeky trickster, and you always get the feeling that he entertains Jean-Luc more than any other character on the show, even though Jean-Luc would be too proud to admit this.
How is Q at the bottom? I guess he's not the best character, but he's a hilarious villain and a great response to the overdose of omnipotence in the original series.
Q isn't the best character, but it's always funny to have such a stuck-up, aristocratic character and watch him fail. He's good comic relief.

Chief is the man. He really kept plans on track. Colm could handle serious, straight humor and irony.

Doctor Beverly Crusher isn't a bad character at all, but I just wish she had more to do. She would appear occasionally whenever a medical crisis arose, but apart from that, she often stood in the background. Her character should have developed more and been more involved in the plots. However, I still think she's quite a cool character.
Guinan and her mystical aura are astounding.
One of the best characters on Star Trek.
The Newcomers

Why does everyone hate her? She's one of my favorite characters! It's not her fault that she died so lamely. Blame the writers for that.

Wesley isn't bad. In fact, as a kid myself, he's actually one of my favorite characters.
He gets a lot of undeserved hate.
She's crazy, but she makes me laugh. She loves her daughter, and her backstory is utterly heartbreaking.