Top 10 Rescue Rangers Characters

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is a 1989 Disney animated series following the iconic chipmunks Chip and Dale, along with Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack, and Zipper, who form the Rescue Rangers. This list is only for Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers characters. Please don't add other characters.
The Top Ten
1 Gadget Hackwrench Gadget is a fictional character from the animated Disney cartoon series Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers as the sole female member of the Rescue Rangers the genius of the group an inventor who is responsible for creating all the gadgets to aid the group in their missions.

Ginger is the only female of the show.

Little boys' first crush

2 Chip Maplewood

The show needs an upgrade

He's like Indiana Jones

3 Dale Oakmont

He's like Thomas Magnum

4 Tammy

Wish she'd been a recurring character

5 Foxglove
6 Monterey Jack

His obsession with cheese is so funny

7 Zipper
8 Desiree D'Allure

She's sensual

9 Fat Cat
10 Humphrey the Bear

A misunderstood bear who only wants to help a baby

The Contenders
11 Tick-Tock the Crocodile

He's from Kiwi's Big Adventure

12 Mrs. Booby

The mother whose egg gets stolen

13 Wart
14 Mepps
15 Professor Norton Nimnul
16 Jeremy
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