Top 10 Best Spider-Man TV Shows

Best animated version of Spider-Man and has the greatest theme.
It should've returned for a third season. Carnage was supposed to be in it! Carnage! AKA the best Spider-Man villain in the world (well, his Earth-1610 (The Ultimate Universe) counterpart. His 616 version could go either way).
I was shocked - this show is exceptional! Forget Gravity Falls. This show NEEDS a third season.
Easily the best. Just looking at this cover brings back warm childhood memories.

This one was personally my favorite. While most of it is probably due to nostalgia, a lot of it also comes from the overall concept and portrayal of Spider-Man in this show. I like how it focuses more on the action and adventure of Spider-Man, rather than his personal problems and love interests. As interesting and relatable as his normal life is, it can easily become repetitive and full of clichés.
As far as the action goes, it is exceptional! My favorite part is the number of crossovers that showcase what a fantastic superhero Spider-Man truly is. Sometimes he's with the Avengers, or Wolverine, Doctor Strange, and even Jessie from Disney Channel! What makes this show stand out the most is the fact that Spider-Man has a team, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and introducing cool new characters.
The villains are great, and I believe this show's Green Goblin is very underrated. Overall, this show is original, funny, captivating, and surprisingly entertaining (unlike some other animated Marvel shows like Avengers Assemble). This is a great show that will make you appreciate Spider-Man even more.
I can't get the darn theme song out of my head!
This show was pretty good. Not bad, but not unbelievably incredible either. It's worth watching.
This one was really weird. Spider-Man had a Power Ranger robot.
I mean, they tried.