Top 10 Most Unlikable The Golden Girls Characters

The Golden Girls is a great show that not only contains many of the most hilarious sitcom moments ever recorded but also addresses several social issues that other TV series of that time didn't discuss. That all of this works so well is mostly due to the chemistry of the four protagonists, all of whom equally contribute to the show's distinctive charm.

However, over the years, individual episodes introduced several new characters, not all of whom left equally good impressions - sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally.

This list is dedicated to the Golden Girls characters we could live without!
The Top Ten
Barbara Thorndyke

There is no character in the show I despise more than Barbara Thorndyke. There may have been characters who did worse things, but her personality causes the most aggression.

Brilliantly played by Bonnie Bartlett, she appears in the episode "Dorothy's New Friend," in which Dorothy befriends her. As they are both intellectuals, they get along very well, as they can keep up with each other's knowledge. However, she looks down upon Blanche and Rose (and probably everyone else who is not as versed in literature and culture), likes to permanently demonstrate her intellect, and behaves like a true elitist who thinks she is better than less sophisticated beings.

When she listens to what Rose and Blanche have to say, her eyes are filled with utter disgust. She's not just bewildered, bored, or embarrassed. To her, they are the scum of the earth. When I say I dislike pseudo-intellectuals, I mean people like Barbara Thorndyke.


Played by Billy Jayne in the episode "On Golden Girls," David is Blanche's teenage grandson. This is one of the episodes I like least because it can't clearly focus on whether its message is "David needs love in his life" or "David needs to learn how a household works."

Blanche needs to take care of him, but he doesn't like being there and frequently goes out partying with other teenagers. In and of itself, that's not the problem - a 14-year-old boy and a bunch of women in their 50s might not have a lot in common - but it's how he treats the Golden Girls. Not only disrespectful, which is to be expected of a teen in his rebellious phase, but with remarks that are utterly tasteless and hurtful.

Rex Huntington

In the episode "The Bloom is Off the Rose," Rex (Mitchell Ryan) appears as the current boyfriend of Blanche, who fell in love with him. At the beginning, he appears to be "merely" neglecting her, only being interested in someone to care about the household, which is bad enough. However, as the episode goes on, he shows truly abusive behavior, resulting in heavy verbal assaults and one instance of violence.

Frieda Claxton

Played by Nan Martin, Frieda Claxton appears at the beginning of the episode "It's a Miserable Life," which mostly revolves around her funeral. Frieda Claxton is a cold-hearted, hateful, and misanthropic woman whose only fun lies in destroying other people's joys in life.

We don't get to know why she behaves like this, but it is implied that she didn't become like this because she is lonesome. Rather, it is the other way around - she hates other people and doesn't want friends.

Honestly, we weren't supposed to like her. She was made to be disliked. She hated everyone.


Joe Regalbuto plays Jeremy in "Blanche's Little Girl," in which the character of Rebecca is introduced. Rebecca is Blanche's overweight daughter, with Jeremy being her fiancé, who constantly jokes about her weight, behaves overly dominant (offering to help Blanche clean up but then "ordering" Rebecca to do it, or asking her not to speak), and is mean-spirited in general.

Unlike Rex, he's not really aggressive while doing so. He just appears to view this as perfectly normal behavior. I don't see the main problem of his character in the fat jokes - a lot of couples in love taunt each other - but in his conservative, sexist worldview.


He was portrayed by David Leisure in the single worst episode, "Empty Nests," which was an unused pilot for a TV series that would never air but sparked the basic idea for the sitcom "Empty Nest" (with recasts and completely rewritten characters).

This episode contains little screen time of the Golden Girls, instead focusing on complete strangers. If you want to watch a "Golden Girls" episode, it's very annoying to see characters you have never seen before and never will again, but are treated as if they were regular cast members. Out of all of them, Oliver, a young man with absolutely no manners, stands out the most negatively.

As far as I know, he was the only character kept from this concept in the finished series "Empty Nest," but maybe he works better when he's a recurring character. I've never seen "Empty Nest."

Truby Steele

I don't get this character. She's played by first-class actress Debbie Reynolds in the episode "There Goes the Bride: Part 2," in which Dorothy wants to marry Stan again. Truby is supposed to move in after Dorothy leaves the house, and it appears everyone likes her.

However, her character is a middle-aged woman who likes to marry old men to get their money and openly admits to doing so, which is used as something of a running gag. It's neither funny nor a positive character trait, and it is the only one she shows. Debbie Reynolds deserved a better guest role.

Mr. Terrific

Played by Bob Dishy in the episode of the same name, Mr. Terrific is a guy playing a superhero in a children's educational show. Although he doesn't do anything particularly bad and sometimes acts relatable, he comes off as fairly narcissistic and unlikable.

Caroline Webber

Miles is a recurring character and the longtime boyfriend of Rose. His daughter Caroline, played by Molly Hagan in the episode "Triple Play," doesn't want her father to be with someone who is not her mother and tries to get them to break up by telling Rose he needs time behind his back. She's a brat who doesn't know when it's none of her business.

This character is also problematic for a major plot point involving Miles in later episodes.

George Corliss

Played by Paul Dooley, George is the protagonist of the episode "Empty Nests" (see "Oliver" for more information). He is a doctor who has little time for his wife and family. There's nothing actually wrong with this guy, apart from being a completely uninteresting and boring individual who can't make an episode entertaining on his own, especially when it's an episode of "The Golden Girls."

Throughout the duration, we just wish that the show moves on to the next scene whenever he's on screen, and hope the Golden Girls will be in it.

Not to be confused with Blanche's deceased husband George Devereaux.

The Newcomers

? Michael Zbornak
? Holly Lindstrom
The Contenders
Mr. Ha Ha
Big Daddy Hollingsworth
Glen O'Brien
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