Top Ten Yellow Rangers in the Power Rangers Series

The Top Ten
Emily (Brittany Anne Pirtle)

I don't understand why people like Gia Moran more than Emily. I think Emily is one of the most beautiful Yellow Rangers. She has pretty features and is a lovely lady.

Okay, Gia is also good, but I rank them based on their features. To me, Emily is the most beautiful. To those who vote for Gia, she is good too. This is just my list, arranged according to my judgment.

Thanks... And my favorite is Emily, so she is number 1.

Emily is the Yellow Samurai Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai.

She is very sweet and very beautiful. Her acting is awesome, which is why she is number 1 on my list. Her fighting skills are very good, and she is my favorite.

Cute, pretty lady!

Trini Kwan (Thuy Trang)

She sacrificed herself to save Billy, and this wasn't even the first time she saved him. She was a kind, compassionate, selfless, noble, and honorable Ranger, as well as the heart of the team and a pro athlete.

Her daughter is even following in her footsteps. I believe she was the greatest Ranger ever. May she rest in peace.

Trini is really cute. I can't believe that Thuy Trang, who played Trini, died in a car accident in real life. She will live on in the hearts of all her fans forever.

Best Yellow Ranger! Her Mantis style and fierce loyalty made her one of the most dangerous Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

Gia Moran (Ciara Hanna)

How is she at No. 5? She deserves to be No. 1! Please vote for her. She is hot, cute, pretty, talented, confident, and an amazing fighter.

Emily is one of my least favorite Yellow Rangers. She always brings herself down. She is not as skilled a fighter as Gia Moran. I think Mia, the Samurai Pink Ranger, is better and more attractive than Emily.

Ciara Hanna is an amazing person and a beautiful soul. She is the best of all the Rangers. My favorite! Gia Moran, I love you a lot. I would rate her 250 out of 100.

I have never seen such a pretty and amazing Ranger in my life.

Maya (Cerina Vincent)

Maya is so beautiful, the hottest female Ranger ever. I love her so much. She is from the best Power Rangers season ever: Lost Galaxy.

Maya is the Yellow Galaxy Ranger in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. Maya is the best fighter. She is a disciplined lady.

Ashley Hammond (Tracy Lynn Cruz)

By far my favorite Yellow Ranger from one of my favorite seasons. Good acting, strong character, beautiful - she was the total package.

Ashley is the Yellow Turbo Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo.

Another cute and bold lady. She did a very nice job acting. She is an awesome Yellow Ranger.

She's also the In Space Yellow Ranger. Damn, she's so hot and beautiful. Her acting was just awesome, and Ashley Hammond's character was very strong in this PR season.

Love her.

Tanya Sloan (Nakia Burrise)

Yellow Turbo and Zeo Ranger. Strong, compassionate, and stands for what is right.

Katie Walker (Deborah Estelle Phillips)

Katie is the Yellow Time Force Ranger in Power Rangers Time Force. Katie is a good actor and fighter, which is why she is on my list.

Aisha Campbell (Karan Ashley)
Kelsey Winslow (Lightspeed Rescue)
Kira Ford (Emma Lahana)

Kira is the Yellow Dino Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

Kira is a cute and pretty lady. Her acting is very good. She is a good Yellow Ranger.

How come Emily is #1? Kira is not only the best Yellow Ranger, she's the coolest and most badass girl ever, alongside Jen Scotts.

I like how Emma is so easy on the eyes. Plus, most of Kira's dialogues are awesome: "Nobody messes with my mind and gets away with it."

The Newcomers

? Minh Kwan (Charlie Kersh)
? Zoey (Beast Morphers)

Zoey is very skilled in fighting. She is lovely and does not run from trouble, which made her a Ranger. She is my second favorite after Emily.

The Contenders
Ronny Robinson (Caitlin Murphy)

Ronny is the Yellow Overdrive Ranger in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

As everyone knows, this series was not great, but the Yellow Ranger in this series was good.

Waldo "Dustin" Brooks (Glenn McMillian)
Lily Chilman (Anna Hutchison)

Lily is the Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger in Power Rangers Jungle Fury. Lily is a good ranger and a good fighter.

Summer Landsdown (Rose McIver)

What made Summer Landsdown, Rose McIver, my favorite Ranger is the fact that she is nice and caring. But when the time comes, she doesn't hesitate to step up and get her hands dirty to fight for what she believes in.

Plus, it doesn't hurt that she is very easy on the eyes.

Summer is the Ranger Operator Series Yellow in Power Rangers RPM.

She is another beautiful Yellow Ranger. She is very cute, and her fighting skills and acting are awesome.

Nice lady.

Z Delgado (Monica May)

Z is really cool. She can duplicate herself! Imagine if you could duplicate yourself and let your duplicates do your work. Plus, I like her name. Short and simple.

Taylor Earhardt (Alyson Kiperman)

How come she isn't higher on the list? She was (and still is) one of the most badass Yellow Rangers EVER, not to mention that she was a great actress.

Chip (Nac Sampson)
Tideus (Jim Gray)
Calvin Maxwell (Nico Greetham)
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