Top 10 Things That Should Happen In Season 7 of Total Drama

The Top Ten
Dawn, Brick, and Leshawna come back

I love all of them! It's just sad that they didn't go in All Stars.

I love all three. I would like to see more of them for sure!

They are just too good. The best TD peeps ever.

Mike's personalities come back

Yes! I will miss them a lot! They brought so much humor to the show, and I loved their accents. Even if Mal comes back, that would add some spice, but I hope he doesn't take full control again. That was a bit annoying, but if he could pop in and out, that would be cool.

Mike was tormented by his personalities. It was ruining his life. Now that he can finally be himself and have a happy relationship, let him stay happy.

I don't think the personalities should come back, but I do think he should have their skills. Svetlana's athleticism, Vito's strength - those aspects should stick around. I'm not sure what Chester brought, but he could keep the useful skills.

Mike and Zoey break up

No! At least there's one perfect couple that's still together. And for all of you who think Mike and Zoey are overrated or boring, that's just more proof that they're perfect for each other!

This would lead to so much character development. Zoey and Mike totally need this!

It becomes annoying when they are always showing how boring they are. STOP IT!

The return of Gwent (Gwen X Trent)

This couple is the second-best couple that ever happened on the show, right after Duncan and Courtney. Bring them back! Breaking them up wasn't what we wanted!

Yes! Duncan and Gwen were the worst couple, and it just made Duncan and Courtney's relationship even more toxic.

Yes! This was great! It would also bring their self-esteem back up, and they are a perfect couple.

More of Jo and Brick's rivalry is shown

Yes. I don't understand why people ship them. Even if they did get together, it would be a toxic and overly competitive relationship that probably wouldn't last long.

Absolutely agree. Their rivalry is funny and enjoyable to watch.

It was cool to see a girl-boy rivalry that isn't about love during Season 4.

If there is a new cast, there should be more likeable characters and fewer "joke" characters

Yes. One day, I made a set of 24 contestants when I was bored, and I can tell you that at most, there were three joke characters, and they all got booted early.

Exactly! Lightning was the worst. He was so stupid and lazy! He should've never been in seasons four and five. Nobody likes him!

I am getting tired of one-dimensional characters like Max, Shawn, Rodney, and Ella.

Noah wins

He should. Every time he has competed, he's gotten better.

Let's be honest... This man deserves it.

Finally! Give my man Noah a chance!

Duncan stops being highly overrated

I actually like Duncan a lot. Who he's been lately hasn't done him any justice, though. I miss Season 1 Duncan.

Totally agree. He is so overrated. He should get booted off first and never come back.

Exactly! When you think about it, he was a horrible person, and he's always rough!

New rivalries, couples, and friendships form

I want to see a lot of new couples! We girl fans love them! Put Duncan with Courtney and Trent with Gwen. I loved the way things were.

I love most of the couples, but I want new pairings. I also think Dawn deserves more friends, and Brick deserves a girlfriend.

Yes, this was very well put. I would also like to see Dawn and Heather come back.

There are 26 contestants and 24 episodes instead of 12 episodes and 13 contestants

Yes! If this had been the case with All Stars, they could've improved it significantly and added more character development. We could've also seen more of Mike and less of Mal. With more episodes, a lot of the issues (or at least most of them) could've been fixed. We might've even had more seasons afterward!

Go back to what made the show popular in Season 1 and stop splitting the groups! It's just lazy writing to avoid spending time on twenty-something people in one season, which is exactly what we all want.

The Newcomers

? Gwuncan (Gwen and Duncan) gets back together

Gwuncan is underrated, and you can't change my mind.

? Chris gets beaten up by all the contestants at the beginning and lets Topher or Don host

Topher and Don would be better hosts than Chris McLean.

The Contenders
Emma and Kitty return as contestants

I loved these two and really hope they come back as contestants. I also love Kitty and Owen's friendship, and Emma and Noah's relationship.

Scott, Amy, and Courtney don't show up at all

I love the seasons without Courtney, and I would love if the new season didn't feature her.

I hate them so much! I hope they don't appear during the season.

Duncan and Courtney get back together

These two were star-crossed lovers! Things between them got messed up after Action, and by All Stars, Duncan and Courtney were both single (Courtney wasn't fully with Scott). It would be exciting to see them get back together and finally resolve the mess. It would also bring back their character development and make the fandom appreciate them more.

I really hope Duncan and Courtney get back together because I noticed that Duncan still had feelings for Courtney, which is why Gwen dumped him.

I feel like this wouldn't happen. After what Duncan did in World Tour, I don't think Courtney would accept an apology.

Fewer gross jokes are shown

I am getting tired of gross jokes. I hope it doesn't turn into a Survivor version of Sanjay and Craig.

Owen needs to tone down the farting.

Ezekiel returns to his normal form

Ezekiel could have had a lot more character development. He was never given a fair chance and was treated as a joke character. Turning him into a monster gave him negative attention and took away the opportunity for his development.

Please, yes. I never saw World Tour or Revenge of the Island before I watched the 100th episode, so I was confused.

I want him to be back to normal for this season.

Samey becomes a finalist, and Amy is the first eliminated

They are both great contestants. How about they work together and both become finalists?

Dakota turns back into a human

She didn't deserve to be a monster! It just takes away from her character. We would've loved to see more of her in human form. They could probably make it happen, maybe by having Dakota's dad pay a bunch of money for genetic engineering or by suing Chris to cover the cost.

I want Dakota to be back to normal this season. She's beautiful.

She needs to have a second chance, and making her human again would give her a better shot.

Jay and Mickey overcome their fears
Gwen gets eaten by sharks
Shawn has to face his zombie fear when Ezekiel shows up

I was thinking Shawn and Scott could team up to defeat Ezekiel, and then Ezekiel gets medical attention and at least partially turns back into his normal self.

Lindsay wins and has more interaction with Tyler
Less of Sugar
Beardo stops doing sound effects

Beardo is awesome! He can make all the sounds he wants.

Lindsay and Tyler's relationship develops more and they have more interaction

Tyler and Lindsay need to be the main couple of a season.

Gwen falls in love and gets cheated on
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