Top 10 Best Friends Characters

F.R.I.E.N.D.S is my favorite sitcom of all time. It's a fantastic show with some truly lovable characters.
The Top Ten
1 Chandler Bing Chandler Muriel Bing is a fictional character from the NBC sitcom Friends, portrayed by Matthew Perry.

I've watched all the Friends episodes a few times, and it seems to me that Chandler is the only one among the six main characters that evolves normally. He is the only one who transitions from immature/childish to mature, experiencing a few ups and downs. He also seems to be the only one with common sense and strong principles, making him the best friend to have, in my opinion.

As for Ross, I really liked him in the first seasons, but he becomes a little weird and hard to follow after his divorce from Emily. The same thing happens with Phoebe, who was my favorite character at the beginning, but she becomes annoying after the 5th season. Joey never matures and acts like a child throughout the series, which can be frustrating at times. Rachel's life undergoes significant changes, which is interesting to witness, but she doesn't evolve much as a person, except at the very beginning. Monica, as Ross says, is the glue that holds the group together, and the series certainly wouldn't work without her, but she is not my favorite character.

Having said that, I think all the Friends characters are funny in their own ways, and their different personalities make them all important to the series. They each have their special moments that make viewers fall in love with them.

2 Joey Tribbiani Joseph Francis "Joey" Tribbiani, Jr. is a character from the NBC sitcoms Friends and its spin-off Joey, portrayed by Matt LeBlanc.

I bet no one can be as selfless and caring as Joey. He is the best.

He refused to watch Ursula's part when they thought it was Phoebe's (while the others watched it).

He was more concerned about Chandler getting a job than winning a lottery, even when Monica was obsessed with the lottery.

He didn't want Rachel to move out. He was ready to stay away from women who had a problem with the baby. To be honest, Joey and Rachel were a wonderful pair who would get along really well.

He asked Rachel to move in with Ross when he realized Ross was feeling left out of all the baby things.

He was ready to pee on Monica during an emergency.

He offered to marry Phoebe and Rachel when he came to know they were pregnant, just because it would be difficult for single mothers.

He considered Ross's feelings when Rachel confessed to him. He always wanted Ross and Rachel to be together, despite his love for Rachel. He even made plans with Phoebe for that. His love for Rachel was true. He confessed to Ross that he was crazy about her. Joey Tribbiani being crazy about someone!

He even read pregnancy-related books when Rachel was pregnant and took care of her in the best possible way. He considered helping her out with the baby to be amazing.

He was even ready to take Rachel on a date when she said she was missing dates, offering her lilies, her favorite. He gave up beer just because Rachel couldn't stand its smell.

I swear, every time I watch Friends, I'm falling for you over and over again, Joey. Just love you.

3 Ross Geller

Ross needs to be number one, seriously. This is the best show ever, and he is the greatest thing about it. His tan, his roller skates, everything about him is hilarious.

"I'm fine," "We were on a break," "Oh my God, you know what, I think you're right! I think, you know what, listen, listen... a pigeon... no, no, wait, an eagle flew in, landed on the stove, and caught fire! The baby, seeing this, jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid! The eagle, however, misconstrues this as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talon! Meanwhile, the faucet fills the apartment with water! Baby and bird, still ablaze, are locked in a death-grip, swirling around the whirlpool that fills the apartment." Sorry if I didn't mention your favorite quote.

4 Phoebe Buffay Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan is a fictional character, portrayed by Lisa Kudrow, one of the six main characters from the American sitcom Friends.

She is definitely the funniest of all of them! Listen to her hilarious answers and solutions! She's so funny and number one! Her song Smelly Cat is so cool and funny! My list would be:

1. Phoebe - so funny
2. Joey? - I'm not sure, but he's definitely one of the best!
3. Chandler - so funny, but sometimes not so much, which makes him even funnier
4. Rachel - she's not that funny but always pretty, and I like her
5. Monica - I love the character and how she is crazy about things being clean, although she's not one of my favorites
6. Ross - he's my least favorite. He's not that funny, and, God, too many divorces! Just kidding. But he is definitely in 6th place. Sorry, Ross

5 Monica Geller Monica E. Geller is a fictional character, one of the six main characters who appear in the American sitcom Friends.

Although Monica is not my favorite character (early Chandler and late Ross take that spot), I still think she is the kindest out of all six. She is flawed, but that's what makes her a realistic character. I loved how she let Rachel live with her, after not speaking to her for years. I loved how she cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for everybody in Series 1, and it all got burned. They admitted that this was no one's first choice for Thanksgiving. Monica was right to get upset! I think the other five frequently take advantage of Monica. She put up with everyone coming in and out of her flat, even when she wasn't there (but I think she loved being the hostess). I loved her relationship with her parents, too. Whenever I watched the show, she was always selfless and kind. She was the glue that held the entire group together.

- Ross: brother
- Chandler: neighbor/husband
- Joey: neighbor
- Rachel: best friend in high school
- Phoebe: ex-roommate

I adored Monica and Chandler's relationship, and I thought they were perfect for each other. I even thought they were better than Ross and Rachel! However, I do think that from Series 8 onwards, Monica began to become a caricature of her personality, and they pushed her cleanliness and competitiveness to a limit.

Overall, I think Monica is a brilliant, selfless, and kind character, and very underrated.

6 Rachel Green Rachel Karen Green is a fictional character, one of the six main characters who appeared in the American sitcom Friends.

Out of all the characters in the show, Rachel is the only one who grows in a 100% positive direction. Ross forgets how to be an actual adult instead of a spoiled mommy/daddy's boy. Monica becomes excessively anal-retentive. Chandler seems to lose his fun spark. Joey somehow loses IQ points, and Phoebe loses the whimsy that she had in the early seasons. Rachel is, to me, by far, the best character in Friends.

Rachel is the best of them all. She goes from a spoiled brat to a smart and mature businesswoman. Only Chandler grows as much as Rachel in ten seasons. But he loses his magic in later seasons, whereas Rachel remains adorable and funny till the end. Rachel rocks!

7 Gunther

I love it when he found out that Rachel and Ross were together, so he went into what I assume is the cafe's kitchen and destroyed everything in it out of anger, causing a commotion. And when he comes back, he says, I dropped a cup...

8 Mike Hannigan

Love Paul Rudd and I love Mike's relationship with Phoebe!

9 Janice Litman Goralnick

Love her personality, and her random appearances are great, especially when she misinterprets Monica and Chandler and thinks they think of her as family. Just love to hate her.

People find her annoying, but she doesn't mean to be. She is sweet and caring, and she always tries her best. She's actually very complex for a supporting role.

Life would be so boring without Janice. Plus, I think she did love Chandler a lot.

10 Ugly Naked Guy

Oh look! Cute Naked Guy is gaining weight.

Hey, look! The Ugly Naked Guy has gained weight.

The Contenders
11 Jack Geller

Jack and his wife are so funny and cute. Jack Geller always makes me crack up, to be honest.

Jack Geller! Buried in the sea... Huh! He's such a fun-loving character, and I love how he and his wife interact. So sweet!

12 Amy Green

Rachel's self-centered and very unreasonable sister. Though she appeared only in two shows, her performance was superb.

The girl Rachel would be if she hadn't made such strong choices. I love how she thinks Phoebe is Emma. Hilarious.

Like Janice, I would have slapped her.

13 Marcel
14 Mr. Heckles
15 Emma Geller-Green
16 Tag Jones

He was adorable. I loved his and Rachel's relationship. It was sad to see him go.

17 Richard Burke

Richard was delicious! No wonder Monica had a hard time getting over him!

18 David

Underrated character, great actor, and very funny! I can't believe he is below Marcel the Monkey!

19 Susan Bunch
20 Ben Geller

I don't know him very well, but the reason I am voting is that he grew up and plays on Riverdale, which is my favorite show, and his character in the show is the reason I am watching it.

21 Frank Buffay Jr.

He's funny, and Phoebe was pregnant to give birth to the triplets.

22 Carol Willick

She is so sweet! Ross and she still care about each other after the divorce, and they're so sweet.

Carol is kind of an empowering lesbian role model.

23 Nina Bookbinder
24 Richard Crosby
25 Susie Moss
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