World's Deadliest Sharks

Great White sharks are not as deadly as most think. Most attacks are accidental, and shark attacks are rarer (estimated) than a plane crash, and the bite is usually a test bite. Sharks tend to disfavor humans for food anyways due to our bony bodies to them, and were often mistaken for seals, a favorite for them. And why are people so scared if WE are the ones who are threatening them to extinction? We need to stop killing endangered animals, people!
I was watching shark attacks and the Great White Shark will not know the difference between a person or a seal because they have little legs but the shark will still think it is a person cause because they both have legs and arms but the seal just a little shorter that is mainly why they eat people and seals because they do not know the difference. If you have questions you can comment and leave a message for me.

Bull Shark is 100% the deadliest in my opinion. Just because they don't get a lot of fame from movies, doesn't mean they arnet deadly. They can swim in freshwater as well as salt so they can live almost anywhere, they have high testosterone and are territorial so will attack almost anything! Great whites it is usually mistaken identity or test nibble and then the spit ya out. Bulls don't care what it is they will just attack. That being said they are still beutiful sharks and need our protection not being culled that is bad

Megladon was the most dangerous shark that ever lived because it could kill ANY animal in the sea basically and the great white shark which is claimed to be the most dangerous shark ever are actually very weak compared to megladon the only reason megladon is extinct is because the temperature of the ocean got colder and they got weaker but great whites were used to it and it didn't effect them so scientist say that most likely that a great white shark bit a megladon causing is to bleed out fast because the water tempurature of the water effected it so much there for the megladon died and went extinct

I am 15 and I saw one of these before when I was boogie boarding on the water. It was about 11 feet long and it was coming towards me so I started to run with my board back to shore. I told my parents and they told the lifeguard, who actually did see it too, and started shouting through the megaphone to get out of the water. I was kind of traumatized for that vacation, but I still enjoyed it, because they had great ice cream. That's besides the point though. The point is, I saw one at 5 feet in the water, and that is rare, I think. I was shocked, but then later, my friends knew about it somehow and they thought I was really cool and brave. Basically, if you want to be popular at your school, you have to see a shark coming towards you. Nice society that we're living in.

Ok, mako sharks are scary all the way. Something tells me this thing should even be ahead of the megalodon (because it's dead). Now the most deadly aspect about mako's is its sheer speed. But then again out of all the shark attacks a year by a mako (about 20), there is an average of just 4 fatalities. That sounds like a lot until compared to by great white sharks, bull sharks and tiger sharks. Mako deadly not deadliest.
This is my favorite shark. This should be number 1. It is the fastest shark in the world and a very large and dangerous shark. There has been 20 mako shark attacks a year. 4 are fatal. The size is 10 - 15 feet for this shark. Also, its life span can reach to 30 years max! MY FAVORITE SHARK :D Please like.
Alexander Song

Whitetip sharks are dangerous no question, also popular. Though again stated from "titan", only 5 people died from that creature. The ship story in Indianapolis sounds a little sketchy to be true. And if it was, it was multiple sharks not one. I mean if I said three great whites were biting your body to pieces what would you say about that. Again deadly, but not deadliest.
This shark killed hundreds of crew members from the Indianapolis when it was down. 900 crew members escapedtho the water, and only 316 were saved. Tue Whitetips have feeding frenzies which are insane. This shark is brutal, and is a natural predator. Amazing

Hammer heads look ferocious at first and can be if not dealt with correctly but think about it, how many fatalities has it done a year? That I'll leave you to research
This shark can nearly shred any stuff one day I went to USA then saw a hammer head with 5 Swiss Army knives in its gut
This is my favorite shark besides tiger sharks
I think that the sandtiger shark should be number 5 or 4 because if you look at the teeth you'll freak I know a lot about sharks but the sandtiger shark has about only a couple attacks thanks!
If anything this should be one if the last. Sand sharks are completely harmless to humans. They only attack if they are messed with first.
They look scary but have never attacked a human. All they eat are crabs anyway. That's why they have the sharp teeth

Ready to kill you blue sharks are extremely deadly but not deadliest, still very dangerous creatures
More deadly then the extinct Megalodon
Blue Sharks have NEVER attacked humans

The Goblin Shark has only been seen about 50 times since it's discovery in 1897. It's a strange shark, indeed, with its protrusible jaws and crooked teeth. I can see where it gets its name.
I don't know how you would think a deep sea dweller like that would be a threat to humans.
Yeah it's scary, but it's been reported to not be naturally aggressive towards humans
The Newcomers

Man its dangerous it just lives in deep waters where no one swims. In fact, it could probably beat the Great White Shark in a fight.
Leomen sharks are really aggressive you can get killed in you go to close to them
20 reported deaths since 1892 make this shark very dangerous. Aggressive if provoked.
Tail can grow about it's body length which they can grow to 10-12 feet with tails up to 11ft! One whip of the tail can knock you unconscious and can even kill
They have the longest tail of all sharks. They also have shorter snouts and big round eyes.
The shark's tail is powerful, able to knock you unconscious, paralyze you, and even kill you
It can grow pretty big and live long and has poisonous flesh so if another predator eats lots of it raw it would die.
Deadliest shark alive. Big, fast and with amazingly deadly jaws, it deserves to be number one.
I don't get how you could put a shark like that in the contenders.
These sharks kill more people every year than Great Whites! Definitely should be number 1!
Its small but its teeth can knock you out
They are a close relatives to the white tip sharks often found together in feeding frenzies.
If this shark bashes into your boat you will be knocked out
And it the 2nd largest shark behind the harmless whale shark
What? This is such a friendly shark with the whale shark, they are called gentle giants for a reason.
This thing will scoop you up. But otherwise, it is harmless.
Why are their extinct species on here?

This is not a dangerous shark. These beauty's are very gentle to scuba divers, and although they do look dangerous to people who don't recognize them, they are mostly harmless. Their diet consists of only Plankton, too.
Actually, the Whale Shark isn't really a threat to humans. It doesn't mess with humans and feeds on small things like plankton and shrimp. Some people need to watch more educational programs or do more research.
Whale sharks are harmless! Despite their large size, they only feed on infinitesimal organisms such as plankton and krill. There are actually some images of whale sharks swimming with humans!
It is not capable of killing a whale they are one of the smallest sharks there is.megalodon is the only shark that can kill a whale in one bite get your facts right
Cookie cutter shark should be the top 10 because they will kill u
Made a hole in a sub once.Capable of killing a whale in one bite.Makes circular bites in people.
This shark is extinct, so why is this on this list?