Top 10 Reasons Why Kids Shouldn't Hate School

Why do so many children complain about school!? Yeah, it can get annoying, but that's where you LEARN!
The Top Ten
You learn

School teaches you to deal with stress, pressure, and difficult people. It teaches you math so you can calculate how much those cool shoes would cost if they're forty percent off.

It teaches you history so you can learn not to repeat the mistakes of the past. It teaches you science so you can understand the natural world around you and not be in the dark. It teaches you English so you can make sense of what people are saying and say your own meaningful things.

It teaches you music so you can communicate with people across the globe no matter what language they speak. It teaches you new languages so you can connect with others across political barriers.

It teaches you responsibility, work ethic, humility, kindness, and that life isn't always fair. It teaches you everything you need to know to succeed in the big, bad world of business and jobs and hard work. Important lessons, don't you think?

School is where you make friends

I know you can make friends outside school. I have, online and in camp. I understand the struggle of being socially awkward, anxious, too shy, or quiet to try to make new friends. However, if I had never gone to school, I wouldn't have made any of my friends.

You see them every five days of the week (unless they're sick or on vacation). Even if you get into arguments, become jealous or envious, or yell at each other, real friends won't leave so easily. True friends don't just break off unless you truly fall out.

Like I mentioned, you can make friends in many places besides school, but one of the main reasons a lot of people enjoy school is because of their friends, including me.

Education qualifies you for a larger variety of occupations
You create memories

This sounds rather geeky, but I kept most of my old school work, even though I hated school. I was bullied at school, but I just forget about that and remember learning.

I remember finally getting to sit on the benches in Year 6 instead of the floor. In assembly, we sang "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Who hates school uniforms? The clip-on ties in primary were better.

I remember toy day in primary school, sports day (even though I hated it), and rounders. I hated school showers. Remember turkey twizzlers, '90s kids?

School turns you into a harder worker

It's true that I often want to achieve something but procrastinate too easily. For school, though, I always do my work. I get inspiration from school about working hard.

You get out more often
Summer becomes a miracle instead of just a season

Summer becomes a celebration when changing from one grade to another. If you were to just sit at home all day long, the seasons wouldn't really matter much, and everything would just string together.

This is the only accurate item on the list.

You can become disciplined
You discover hidden talents

Hey, look at that! Who knew you were such a good writer? Or tennis player? Or trombonist?

It's fun to watch kids get in trouble

At my school, it was lunchtime, and a first-grade kid peed his pants and got yelled at by the teacher. The teacher was asking him, "Where's the washroom?" Then, after a while, another student put a wet floor sign, and the janitor mopped it up.

One of the class helpers took that kid to the bathroom. Luckily, he brought an extra change of clothes. Another helper told the teacher that somebody should watch this child.

When the incident happened, the teacher told us not to laugh about it. My friend and I counted five kids who laughed. I was also laughing because when I see someone else laughing, it makes me laugh.

The teacher asked me, "Why are you laughing? It's not a laughing matter. You know better than that." I explained that laughter is contagious. Then I faked the situation and said that I was laughing about a comedy show, not about the incident.

The Newcomers

? There may be some funny students
? It's easier than a job

Detention is better than losing your job.

The Contenders
School helps you get the jobs you actually want

You want to get a decent job? Go to school. I don't know why people say it's pointless. Without school, you would get nowhere in life.

I want to be a scientist in medicine. Chemistry and biology in school actually help me to become one.

You don't experience culture shock as much
School is where you become civilized

School teaches you morals and various basic things you will need. Math helps you to do trades and run a business, language helps you to communicate, and science helps you understand the world.

How can you become a civilized person without these?

I swear most school haters end up uncivilized. If you like school, you grow up as a nice, understanding person.

Teachers have to work too
Many people can't enjoy the privilege of education

My mom's favorite thing to say when I complain about school.

School will teach you how to deal with obnoxious people
You get holidays that you don't get in work
Failing exams challenges you

Exams are one of the reasons I honestly like school.

You get exercise

For you sporty ones and those who aren't, no matter the lesson or not, you play with friends.

Homework is just using your brain

Yeah, exactly! So you can reiterate all the useless information that you learned.

In primary school, you have playtime. In secondary school, you have school breaks.
School gives you something to do during the day
School is part of childhood
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