Top Ten Worst Things That Can Happen to You In High School

The Top Ten
Get Pantsed

I got pantsed more than once in high school. My first pantsing happened about five minutes into my first day of freshman year, and my boxers went down too, right in front of a couple of cheerleaders.

This never happened to me, luckily. But my friends pantsed some people, and it was honestly horrible and cruel to watch.

It would be even worse if you were pantsed down to your behind and they saw your junk.

Pee Yourself in Front of the Popular Kids

They will absolutely bully you if that happens to you! Well, most popular kids are bullies, but not all, of course. They will also tell the teacher, and you're doomed.

I'd pee on the popular kids and embarrass them. They're way too popular most likely.

Peeing on the popular kid if he bullied you, then apologizing.

Get Slapped by Your Mom in Front of Everyone

My mom gets so pissed off at everything. I hate walking into school with her. She looks mean the whole way and threatens to hit me in front of everyone. She gets louder and louder with every word.

It wouldn't be that bad at my school with the people I know. Everyone would forget about it after a day.

Hispanic moms don't care where you are. They will slap you in front of the whole world.

Cry in Front of the Football Team

I was in 7th grade. A group of boys had shoved me and embarrassed me. I was emotional enough to cry.

I've been told I look good while crying, but it was so embarrassing since my crush was on that team.

That would be the worst if I was in front of my high school football team and I was crying.

Sit at the Wrong Lunch Table

I think this would be bad because everyone would be staring at you.

Get Your Head Shoved Into a Toilet

My sister came home crying one day, which is surprising because she almost never cries. It turns out this happened to her.

I won't force myself to shove my head into a toilet because that would be gross.

Get Rejected by a Girl

If she doesn't like you, it's best to move on. Someone wouldn't leave me alone because of this, and now I avoid them because they are very creepy.

That would suck if I got rejected by my crush. I would have been upset.

Get Shoved Into a Locker

I was in middle school and super unpopular. A group of boys shoved me into a locker when I was only 11.

I stood there and cried. It's one of my worst moments ever.

That happened to me in my freshman year. A random sophomore guy shoved me in a locker. I was shouting, "Let me out!" for a long time. A friend of mine tried to get me out, and I told him my combination.

Then, the principal came in and said, "There is no telling locker combinations in this school!" I replied, "But I was stuck in the locker. Now do you know why I did that?" She said, "Yes, but why didn't you call me?" I responded, "Isn't that breaking the 'No Phones in School' rule?" She said, "That time it would be okay."

I was like, "Oh." Long story short, I was suspended for a week.

Trip at Graduation

This would completely suck because keep in mind that you're in front of hundreds of families. Usually, graduations are in big places. My sister's was in the Dallas Stars hockey arena. Tripping in front of everyone would be terrible!

I almost tripped at my middle school graduation. It was at the Golden State Warriors Stadium!

This would be so embarrassing.

Get Your Period in the Middle of Class

I hate when that happens. I didn't ask for the monthly subscription for a bloody waterfall and these organic milk bags.

Don't wear light pants when you know it's around that time. I got made fun of so many times.

This has happened. It's not that bad. I would not recommend it though.

The Newcomers

? Stutter While Trying to Answer a Question

This happened to me once. It's the worst!

? You Get a Bad Substitute

Substitutes don't know what they're doing. It sucks.

The Contenders
Fart in the Library

This happened in class, during a test. I tried to hold it in and ended up farting and burping.

That would be the worst if I farted in the library during my spare or something.

Walk in to the Wrong Class

That happens often, so I wouldn't say it's that bad.

That would be the worst if I walked into the wrong class. It never happened to me.

Get Expelled
Cry at Graduation
Get Pushed Out of the Locker Room Naked

I refuse to be naked in the locker room. If it happened, someone would be getting a beating.

This happened to me an astonishing and sad three times in high school. Once my freshman year (my very first time in a high school locker room) and twice my sophomore year. I don't think it's too common, but still, it can happen.

Graduation Gets Cancelled
Stutter While Trying to Make an Excuse
Forced to Dance in Front of the Class

I do that all the time in high school! The teacher wasn't in the classroom.

Get Hit by a Ball in P.E.

It's happened to me many times, and I was fine. It never embarrassed me.

This happened to me once. It was so embarrassing.

Someone Looks Under the Bathroom Stall Door
Teacher Gets Arrested for Being a Pedophile

True story. That happened to a former teacher at middle school years before I started going there.

Get an Erection In Class
Accidentally Burp in Front of the Class
Forget All the Words on Stage
Get Told Off by a Teacher for Your Trainers
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