Top 10 Best Cheese Making Countries

So famous, varied, and tasty. It's just amazing, unreal, and surprising.
Just a delight in the mouth.
We didn't expect that. Now we know we found a cheese refiner here in Stockholm, and we buy mostly French cheeses. Of course, this is just a small part compared to the hundreds of different ones you will find in France.
In France, you have more than 400 official cheeses, and in Switzerland, more than 450.
These two countries also produce the most different varieties and the tastiest cheeses, far surpassing Italy.

These are the best cheeses in the world. They should be number one. Whoever did this made an error.
Italian cheeses before Swiss ones? Swiss should be 1st with France and the Netherlands.
Best cheese in the world, premium quality!

Beemster, best by far, from young and creamy to hard and very old. Grass cheese is another top-rated cheese, as is cumin cheese. Frisian cheese is very good, but an acquired taste. Gouda is so-so. You're not much if you're not Dutch!
I'm Dutch, and our cheeses are much better than any others. Has anyone ever heard of Saudi Arabian cheeses?
Best cheese in the world. It is partly the reason why we are the tallest people in the world on average.

The tastiest fresh and aged cheese. A variety of truly different flavors, from the most subtle to sharp and flavorful. Amazing!
Up there with France for the best cheeses. US cheeses are boring.
Better than France because Italy has both cold weather cheese and hot weather cheese.

Most varieties available, best flavors ranging from strong to mild, creamy to crumbly. Different sources available, and many are still traditionally made at creameries. Most other countries make cheese that tastes like chewy, slightly gone-off milk. For real flavor, England will surprise you.
The sheer range of cheeses, complexity of flavors and textures, beats any other country hands down. Very high animal welfare and food hygiene standards.
Some of the most consistent rainfall in the world alongside a temperate climate, making great grass for the dairy cows.

Best cheese variety and selection from the most beautiful country in the world.
Halloumi and feta. Both ridiculously tasty. Where's Cyprus on this list?
Feta is a good Greek cheese to try out!

While very poorly known, Belgian cheeses offer a unique flavor profile. Often creamy and produced by its renowned breweries such as Orval, Chimay, Grimbergen, etc. Belgium also succeeds in "hard" cheeses, especially the "Oud Brugge" variety.

It is one of the best cheese-making countries. It is hidden from the world how amazing homemade cheeses are made here.
Yes, we make so many varieties of cheese but do not export most of them. It is made for consumption by Indians only.
Cow milk with herbs is better.

Germany is the first cheese producer in Europe and second in the world, just behind the USA but ahead of France.
Totally underrated next to France, but still, Germany has some super nice cheeses alongside quantity.
The Newcomers

Particularly the region of Asturias, often known as the "Land of Cheese," with its 42 varieties of artisan cheese!

The cheese in Mexico is so good with its salty taste.

The quality of cheese in Quebec is of the highest, but it's ranked low because of low production.

Good cheese in Tasmania! It's not so warm!

Poland is known for its "smoked food" culture. Polish smoked cheeses are superb. The regional cheeses, like Oscypek, have a unique taste too.

Slovenia is located in Central Europe, east of Italy, south of Austria, west of Hungary, and north of Croatia.
Slovenia's territory is recognizable by its diverse terrain, rich cultural heritage, and abundant and diverse natural features. Cattle breeding is Slovenia's most common agricultural activity, so there are consequently various types of cheese available. Cheese and dairy products are especially typical for the mountainous or karst regions of Slovenia.