Top 10 Funniest Foods and Drinks

Its name is so anti-appetizing that it sounds funny.
But despite its repulsive name, Ass Cheese is a very expensive and luxurious food product - it costs approximately $700 per pound. Ass Cheese is actually smoked donkey cheese.
I'm not going to eat cheese as much now because this is so DISTURBING. I mean, ASS CHEESE?! I know it's just donkey cheese, but imagine if it was the other thing...
Ass cheese is an elite food that only the intelligent can devour.

The more cheese, the more holes.
The more holes, the less cheese.
Ergo: The more cheese, the less cheese.

It is a sausage on a stick that has been coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep-fried.
Whoever found that image, thank you for the laugh. Also, get some psychiatric help.
Well, this image just fried my brain.

This literally sounds like a sex position term that came out of Urban Dictionary.
LOL. Thanks to whoever added it. This list just needed something like that. I had no idea it existed and asked Google. Here's the answer:
"Spotted dick is a British pudding made with suet and dried fruit, and often served with custard. It is made from a flat sheet of suet pastry sprinkled with dried fruit, which is then rolled up into a circular pudding." - Wikipedia

I don't care if it's milk from a donkey, so I won't drink it.

Didn't you get your funniest yet sweetest mustaches ever (thanks to it)?
Didn't you eat your mustaches at least once?

Spaghetti is the funniest among all pastas (spaghetti are the long, thin, and cylindrical pasta).
Why are they funny?
1. It's fun to bring them to your mouth.
2. You make funny noises while eating them.
3. They look like long worms that you eat.
4. They often look like poop.
5. You may look funny after eating them.

"Rolf's giant wiener will fetch a pretty penny at the market, yes, Victor?"

They do look like trees! I always thought they were trees!

I wrote this on another list already, but "plopp" may simply be a foreign version of the "pop" sound effect when something is bursting or, well, popping. The German candy "Nimm2 Soft," a gum filled with thick fruit juice, is advertised by making a "plopp" sound when you start chewing them. Americans will say they make a "pop!" sound.
That name is funny. By Entranced98's description, it sounds delicious, so why would you want to name it after the sound know.
It's a typical Swedish chocolate bar with caramel inside - don't want to think what they were on when they named it, though.
The Newcomers

Sexual innuendos. And then, hot dog is not made of dog meat. The name is just misleading.
Cue the sexual innuendos, please.

Delicious! I guess some random dude lost his toe out of nowhere and now has only six toes. Put that toe in a drink made out of cow poop, and you get a fine and delicious masterpiece! I would love to drink something with a human toe!

Bananas look funny, and it's also funny when people step on banana peels.
Besides, all people look kinda funny with a banana in their mouth...
They look like something that comes from a boy.

It's fun when you open a bottle and it makes a sound that can scare your neighbors. The wine might then shoot up to the ceiling before dropping into glasses and onto your guests. So funny!
Also, Red Sparkling Wine is funnier than White Sparkling Wine because Red Sparkling Wine can make your place look like a crime scene. Haha!

This fish looks really funny - it looks like a cactus.
But it would be even funnier if you eat it when not cooked properly. Why? Because you can die. Ha. Ha.
(Pufferfish can be lethal if not prepared properly because of potential poisoning.)
"As if I really look like this!" - Mrs. Puff

Y'all remember that Total Drama episode where Owen ate these? Yep, it did not go down so well for him...

The battle of your fork with them can be epic - olives run away, and you chase them. They escape from the plate, and you chase them...