Top 10 Most Delicious Fruits
We're talking about the tastiest, juiciest, most delectable fruits on the planet. Picture yourself biting into the perfect summer peach, the flesh dripping down your chin, or savoring the burst of tropical sweetness from a fresh mango. Your mouth is watering already, right?
Mango products are among the best fruits in the world. If I had a dollar for every mango I ate, I would probably be able to buy myself a nice steak dinner with fries and maybe even a baked potato!
I LOVE mangoes SO much because they are VERY juicy and VERY delicious. I eat mangoes every day when I have them in my fridge. But when I don't have them in my fridge, I miss them SO much!
Mangos are so delicious. If heaven existed, it would be made out of mangos. Mango ice cream is epic, as is mango yogurt, and it tastes good in smoothies.

Strawberries are a beautiful red color and very sweet. They are really healthy and go with chocolate really well.
Come on, we all know strawberries are the best, so VOTE STRAWBERRIES!
Best fruit. I don't care what anyone says. It could be candied, in ice cream, dipped in chocolate, with sugar, or just by itself, but it still tastes delicious!
Very versatile fruit that goes well with milk products like yogurt, ice cream, milkshakes, flavored milk, pastries, crepes, pancakes, and many more desserts!

If there was a show called Fruit, the main character would be an apple. Apples are probably among the most iconic things of all time.
They don't taste spectacular, and certainly aren't my favorite fruit, but they are still amazing and very versatile.
There exist lots of different types of apples, some that are sweet and others that are more sour, and all of them are so yummy! I particularly love red apples!
APPLES IN TENTH?! I have an apple every day. They can be great in pies and cakes, and even plain! Gotta love them apples!

Probably my favorite fruit. On its own, it's the perfect snack on a hot day, or after a tiring time at school, at work, or a workout. If you add a bit of chaat masala, which is basically a different kind of salt, you get the perfect mix of sweet, salty, and just the tiniest bit sour. It's also extra refreshing because it replenishes the salts in your body.
Simply THE most delicious fruit I have ever eaten. I only discovered it a few years ago when I moved to the southwest of England. I keep it in the fridge and eat it every single day (no exaggeration). I'm addicted to the stuff, but it is a healthy addiction.

Oh, come on! No votes for the little blueberry over here? Hello... Hello? Nope, I guess I'm the only one that loves blueberries. Goes to corner and cries.
I love when you get a perfectly ripe one. That pop of flavor in your mouth!
Delicious and sweet fruit. I love blueberries and I think they should be number 1.

I live in India and I have not tasted raspberries yet. In our Indian markets, most of the temperate fruits are not available, except the strawberries. But just after looking at their pictures, I lose myself in their yumminess. Even though I have not tasted them yet, I believe that they are super tasty.
I want to have some now! Oh! I can't control myself and am going to visit the GROFERS in search of some of them.
I love raspberries! They remind me of my grandma's garden. This should be first!
How come this delicious, tasty, tart yet sweet fruit isn't in first place?

Pineapples are great fruits, no doubt. With a sour-sweet taste, their flavor bursts in your mouth. I can't believe it's not in the top three! The tropical flavor is rich and sprightly. Who doesn't love pineapple?
I've only tried this fruit a couple of times, but it was absolutely delicious. And pineapple on pizza? Not gross. More like one of the best food combos ever made.
Yummy, sweet, sour, and juicy. Everything you want in a fruit.

BANANA. It's so good. It has its own unique flavor that you can recognize anywhere, and it's super sweet and good. It's also pretty soft when ripe and a little less sweet and more firm when greenish. It's just the candy of all fruits. Also, it can be used for like anything: smoothies, ice cream, fruit bowls, snacks, or even lunches!
Bananas are the best fruit that I have ever had, and I believe they should be higher up on the list. Anyway, they are so sweet and have so much flavor when they are ripe enough. They remind me of vacation and tropical islands, unlike some of the fruits at the top of the list.

Hmmm... I wish peaches were higher, but I can't argue with 7th. The texture is so nice when you just bite into them! They go great in a fruit cocktail with cherries and pomegranate. Oh, and star fruit! Peach, star fruit, cherry, and pomegranate are the BEST! My favorite fruits!
Peach is truly an amazing fruit. In my country, they only grow in the summer, and I just long for one. It's furry, sweet, juicy, crunchy but soft at the same time. Love you, peaches.
I love peaches. Soft texture, furry skin, juice dripping, you name it. But don't mention that princess who is always being kidnapped.

I shall tell you why lemon is the best fruit ever.
First of all, lemons can be used to make lemonade. Sure, you like Coke and Fanta better, but lemonade is great anyway. Fanta is from oranges, which don't have the hidden sweetness.
Lemons are great to suck. Ask all children, mine and their classmates, and you'll find out they have hearts of lemon. Hearts of sweetness.
Let's go lemons! We all know lemons are great, but you don't need to be sour about it! - Team Lemons. And that is a fact. I am a part of Team Lemons, and peaches stink.
The Newcomers

They're good for Ramadan and are tasty too!

If you are reading this, understand that this fruit deserves the #1 spot. It is the most delicious fruit known to man, like ice cream.
No other fruit comes close, other than maybe a perfectly ripe pineapple.
It's very sweet with an almost custard-like texture. If you ever get the chance to try one, go for it.

When they are firm, they are the tastiest fruit on earth. Burst of flavor in my mouth. The red ones are definitely the best.
Grapes are so tasty. I could eat them all day.
Purple grapes are better than green ones.

The kiwi fruit attracts my attention because of the chicken-sized bird in New Zealand. After trying it, I seriously got addicted to it!
I love it. Very attractive and very sweet. Love the seeds and their crunchy taste.

Cherries are WAY better than Honeydew and Cantaloupe or even Apples and Grapes for that matter!
I think cherries and nectarines are my favorite stone fruits.
Seriously, 21st? Cherries are a must top 3, together with strawberries and peaches.

My mom showed me lychee when I was a small child and I still love it! The taste is divine and the fruit is tender. It's very memorable!
I love these! The first time I tried them was on a trip to Hawaii when I was maybe four or five. I originally thought they were white grapes, but I was begging for more once I tried them.
Lychees are sweet and juicy, so good! They aren't sour at all. But you might have to spit out the seed.

How come blackberry is not first? Blackberry is one of the sweetest and most delicious I've ever had. Try Naturipe brands. Those brands give a great flavor compared to other brands.
So underrated. The jam made out of it is, in my opinion, more delicious than blueberry. It's so sweet.
Blackberry and raspberry with a touch of agave nectar is the best.

Let me just start by saying that I am somewhat of a fruit connoisseur and have tried many fruits throughout the years. However, in my many years of enjoying fruit, no fruit has come close to the raw deliciousness and enjoyment that passion fruit brings me.
Furthermore, no fruit is as reliably good as passion fruits are. I am fortunate enough to have eaten hundreds of passion fruits throughout my life and can confidently say that I never had one that was not delicious. The same can't be said for some other fruits on this list (strawberry). Just the thought of the sour-sweet goo with the fun crunch of those little seeds is enough to make my mouth water. In fact, I am eating one as I type this!

Despite being sour, the juiciness and taste deserve a 10-star rating. I don't mind the seeds. I understand if the seeds are disliked, but I am bewildered that this fruit is not voted first.
Pomegranates are so good, they're worth the hassle. They taste so nice, sour or sweet. They have an amazing sharp taste, even the seeds taste great.
I love passion fruits, pomegranates, and figs - all in the same kind, I think. And ALL should be in the top three. I love lemons, limes, and pineapples too. Sourish sweet.

Oranges are the fruits that bring joy from sadness when I eat them.

Well, what can I say about the tangerine? It is the best fruit out there.

A clementine is delicious like the tangerine, easy to acquire, and easy to eat.

Life is better with limes. Oh yeah.

Sweet and sour at the same time! When I was younger, we kept a gooseberry bush in our back garden and they were divine!
I think gooseberries taste like grapes when I eat them. It's one of the great green fruits.

Plums are the king of the stone fruits. They are so underrated. They're basically all the good qualities of a peach and an apricot rolled into one.
Do I really need to explain this one? Ripe plums are heaven on earth, end of story.

I love these. Every time we have some at home, I take about 2-3, wash them, cut them into boat shapes, and put them in a bowl. I eat them with a fork.
I miss that week.
I don't understand how nectarines are so low! They are amazing! I haven't even heard of these other fruits above nectarines. If heaven existed, it would be made out of nectarines.
Nectarines are like upgraded peaches. They have so much flavor! My favorite fruit.