Top 10 Worst Holiday Foods and Drinks
Ah, the holidays. (And when I say holidays, I don't just mean Christmas.) The fun, the family, and of course, the food. Food, food, food. Holiday food is like a nostalgia trip, but some holiday foods don't appeal to everyone.This list is partially based on opinion, but I also considered the nutritional content of these foods. What are your least favorite holiday foods? If you don't see them on the list, feel free to add your own!

Fruitcake is pretty self-explanatory - cake with fruit. I see nothing appealing about fruitcake. Fruit does not belong in cake. On top? Sure. In the cake itself? No thank you. Even worse, it usually comes in chunks inside the cake, which is gross.
I hate this stupid cake. I'm not the only one?
Fruitcake tastes hella nasty.
I might be a little biased on this one, but I can't imagine drinking something with raw egg in it. Gross.
I've tried it once. I can't really remember what it tasted like, but I do remember disliking it.
Only a tiny bit of it tastes pretty good, but I could never have too much.
Turducken is NOT the name of a town, but it's a food made of turkey, duck, and chicken. It is about as dry as a food can get. It's not necessarily a holiday food, but it is turkey-related, and it is very disgusting.
If you're a traditional person, then you probably enjoy Christmas candy canes. The taste of sweet mint is so nostalgic that you don't want to taste anything else. Well, fruit-flavored candy canes are a good reason why.
Personally, I like cranberries and other cranberry-flavored things like craisins and cranberry juice. But I know that a lot of people don't like cranberry, which is why I put this on here. I hate the gelatinous cranberry sauce more than the mushy cranberry sauce. In short, pureed fruits are awful to eat on their own.
I hate cranberry sauce so much. I just really hate mushy foods.

Hate to say it, but hot chocolate is not good for you at all. Also, I don't see anything appetizing about drinking warm drinks or liquid chocolate, so I may be a bit biased. Whenever I tried drinking it, I couldn't taste anything appealing. I just tasted sugar.
This doesn't just go for ribbon candy, but for other hard candies as well. They might be tasty, but they are not good for your teeth, and they are major choking hazards, especially for children.
What the hell is this? Lol.
As I explained above, hard candy is so bad for your teeth and is a choking hazard. Sucking on hard candy is fine, but trying to chew on it like a jawbreaker is not good.
I like hard candy, but I agree it's not a good idea to chew on it, or even bite on it.
The Newcomers

Sugarplums are good, I admit. At least the ones I've had. But sugarplums live up to their name: they are covered with pure sugar, which is very unhealthy.

Ew, I HATE sweet potatoes, and this is just... wow.

Gingerbread houses are amazing and fun to create, but I respect your opinion.

I added this pie because I really hate it.

Sorry, I'm just not a big fan of gravy.