Best Chess Pieces

The Top Ten

Yes. Here's why the queen is better than the king.

1. She can move in any direction: forward, sideways, backwards, front left diagonal, back left diagonal, front right diagonal, back right diagonal.
2. Unlike the king, you don't have to worry about her getting captured for two reasons:
2A. The game doesn't depend on her.
2B. Get a pawn to the other side of the board, turn that sucker into a queen.

Knights are VERY close, but the queen is better.

Sure, it may be the most powerful, but a player should develop all of their weaker pieces (knights, bishops then rooks) before attacking with their queen.


Use and keep alive for higher chances of winning. They have good moves, and if you lose them there will be another. If you lose that one, you should have promoted at least one pawn, preferably to a knight or queen.

The knight can achieve an insane amount of checks. It can also threaten and protect many pieces due to how long it can stay away from enemy pieces and protect at the same time.

They can be very dangerous to the opponent in closed positions because they jump into unexpected squares the opponent had not calculated.


Rooks are sneaky. If used with the knights, they can be a devious pair. Yes, the queen is the most powerful, but after my grandchildren kicked my butt fair and square on too many occasions, they were ready to play a game minus a major piece, starting with the queen.

Rooks aren't so dangerous and are more fun to play with. Your opponent's queen can pose a great danger to you, and your opponent's queen can be very annoying. However, rooks are a fun piece to play with.

A powerful piece, the rook can move sideways and forwards. It's useful, but the rook usually stays in the corners for a long time, due to how long it takes to get them out.


King should be first! Your whole game depends on it. Checkmate happens when your king can't move and is in check. Sure, the queen will do the attacking, but the king is what you need to play with. If the king is this low, the pawn can become a queen. Can it become a king? No! The king is the piece that you lose with, but you need it to play chess.

Essential to the game, but near useless in battle. It can be used to capture the other team's pawns in the endgame, but other than that, it isn't that useful in battle.

King should be above pawn. It is a very powerful piece in the endgame.


Bobby Fischer's favorite piece was the light squared bishop. Its control over so many squares has allowed it to win several endgames.

It should be ahead of the knight. Everyone knows that bishops are worth more than knights in open positions, and they're better than knights overall.

Bishops are sneaky and quick pieces. At the start of the game, bishops should be ready for action. Bishops are also extremely powerful when used correctly. You can capture many pieces with a bishop while usually staying away from enemy pieces.


There are a lot of flaws. The only good things are the high number of pawns on the board, the fact that you can promote them to stronger pieces like knights or queens, and their usefulness in the endgame. Not that great, but you depend on them if an important piece is lost.

I personally like this piece because they are useful in the opening stages, the middle, and the endgame, especially when you can promote them into a queen. It is really the only piece you can rely on when you lose your queen.