Top 10 Best Bloodborne Weapons
Bloodborne has many unique and diverse weapons, what are the most over-powered of them?Ludwig's Holy Blade is a MASSIVE sword with the massive stats to back it up. It isn't just for show, ladies and gentlemen. This weapon had two forms, one with the cover and the other without.
When with the cover, it dealt massive blunt damage at a perfect speed. The charged attacks could drop ANYTHING in its tracks. Then, when the sword was taken out of the cover, it was able to strike quickly and deal only the most damage.
This weapon is not overrated. I have plenty of favorite weapons that I switch around with for different types of foes. However, this one has come in handy, and I easily use it more often than any other.
Great range with fast-moving attacks in scythe form. The curved sword form is just as good, as it can hit very fast and reliably with a high chance you will hit. The range on the sword isn't very good, though, yet it's still amazing.
The charged R2 is amazing in scythe form. It is great for crowd control and has high damage and will most likely hit everything in a short-to-medium range if it's in front of you.
The Burial Blade offers a very long-range attack when in scythe form, dealing massive damage. When in blade form, the Burial Blade offers a high-damage but quick slash that is able to end most average opponents quite quickly but not cleanly.
This weapon is obtained after beating the final boss of the game.
The Hunter Axe is another starter weapon that is just almost over-powered. It feels great to use, having a perfect charge time, then swinging it in a circle, getting not one but two 360-degree charged attack hits. Yes, go with this if you are a strength build, and you will be quite unstoppable.
This axe has an amazing charge attack that allows you to stagger most enemies. It lets you take a step forward while spinning, making great area damage.
Easy to use, fun to play. Fast and pretty strong in early and late game. Powerful early weapon! Strong to use transformed! Love it. Strong against every enemy because of the knockback if you hold R2!
At 50 STR, the DPS on the Whirligig Saw is unreasonably powerful, especially in PVE. The serrated damage makes tissue paper out of any Beast enemies/bosses. Since it's a pure STR weapon, you're free to dump those extra levels into Arcane, add some fire gemstones, use blood pellets, and make it even more incredibly dangerous.
On NG+, Laurence goes down in 8 hits.
Needs to be higher. This is probably the best PvE weapon due to the DPS. It's a saw, so it hurts beasts more (which is the majority of the game), and its damage rivals Ludwig's. This weapon is easily top 3.
The Blade of Mercy is a great weapon for a dex-build. It is a very fast-striking sword that deals damage so quickly it gives the look that it is melting your opponent's health bar. It almost looks as if the health bar has sprung a leak and is just gracefully draining out.
When in the other form, it breaks into two pieces, striking quicker and keeping your opponent from being able to strike. This weapon is GREAT for PVP.
A bad little sidestep makes short work of most bad guys. You are pretty much untouchable if you are sidestepping with the R1.
Furthermore, it is a very versatile weapon with some powerful strokes and incredible speed in the modified form. My go-to.
I bought Bloodborne a week or three ago, and this is by far my favorite weapon until now, and I reckon it will always be. It's extremely fast and damaging, and enemies will be dead before they know what hit them.
It's also a great weapon for using Fire Paper, Bolt Paper, or Phantasm Shell. The transformed mode (oh boy) is also ridiculously fast and damaging, and you can finish off anything with a swipe and a smash.
It is a good weapon for being aggressive and up close to enemies in normal mode, and long-range in trick mode (if you can time the attacks right). What this weapon lacks in range, it makes up for in ass-kicking.
In the transformed state, it will outperform all but a paper/phantasm-buffed Ludwig's Holy Blade. It has a similar move set while transformed (with a faster thrusting power attack than the LHB while in base form) but swings quicker, can perform ridiculous area knockdowns with L2 or its transformation attack, and has a built-in ranged option via the moonlight waves released from R2 attacks.
Use them at close range so the blade and wave both hit, and it's very easy to deal damage in the thousands, especially as the follow-up R2 is ridiculously fast for a weapon of its size and strength.
This weapon isn't the best at dealing damage, but when it's in its chain whip form, it has some seriously good range and covers a wide area. This is a good trade-off for its damage. It's harder to use than most weapons, but when you learn it, you will do some amazing damage.
The things I just said, along with the fact that it makes you feel like a really badass gangster while wielding this, make this weapon personally my number one weapon to use.
The Threaded Cane is a starter weapon that is able to deal tons of damage to multiple opponents at once when in its metal-whip form. This feels badass to use but has a huge learning curve, so yes, you will die a lot with this weapon. Also, using it, you may feel a bit like an old man whacking away at your opponents with a cane.
The Kirkhammer. Personally, I utterly hate this weapon, remembering all the times I was killed with it in my hands. BUT there is a whole community of people who worship this weapon, so it deserves a spot on this list.
The Kirkhammer, God bless it, is a sword stuck in a hammer that is basically only useful when charge-attacking an opponent. The downside is the charge attack takes SO long, you're usually dead by the time you swing the thing. Also, it's super hard to hit your target.
But my bias aside, this also doubles as a sword in its second form. It is bipolar, not knowing whether it wants to be strength or dex.
The Chikage cuts through enemies like a hot knife through butter. Its damage output in its transformed state is absolutely ridiculous if you have the Bloodtinge to back it up. At Bloodtinge 50, a +10 Chikage almost feels like cheating.
The health loss is negligible. If you haven't killed what you've been hitting by the time it runs out, then the sword might not be the problem.
NOTE: This weapon can kill you during the Moon Presence fight if you aren't careful.
The Chikage is a katana obtained after completing a grueling questline in an over-powered area. This is an extremely powerful weapon, but there is one major drawback keeping it from being #1 on this list. It drains your health to use.
If you use this weapon, you are a Bloodtinge or Dex type build, meaning you don't have much vitality to play around with to begin with.
The Newcomers
Thrusting damage is one of the types in the game with few enemies capable of protecting against it, and the stamina usage is fairly low for the damage it can potentially do. It can be improved with paper and a phantasm shell, and it stacks with Beasthood, allowing for elemental-physical carnage.
This weapon stunlocks many enemies and does fair damage for everything. Gehrman, the First Hunter, can be stunlocked and potentially cheesed with this, and some bosses aren't keen on being stabbed, so they stagger.
The Hunter Pistol has no stagger but high damage for a gun. Most people choose this beauty and use it to the end.
This is quite literally the only gun you need.
What are you hiding under that cloak, Hood? This bow scales off Bloodtinge, and it's one of the most enjoyable weapons in the game to use. Use 30% Fool's or Charging gems, and this beast can destroy bosses.
It's a bow. And a blade. It's Simon's Bowblade.
Could cheese bosses easily? Also very good at PvP.
Could use binoculars at the same time to range monsters in the distance.
10+ awesome, more than you think.
The Blunderbuss, another starter weapon, is good for staggering opponents. It is very useful for any build because, hey, who doesn't love a good stagger on those pesky wolves?
The Beasthunter Saif is a great PvP weapon, and it's even better when you have high Skill. Its moveset is excellent when you lock on, dash to your enemy, and spam R1 in its large curved sword form. It has good range, and by pressing L2, you can extend its reach further. If the weapon's damage feels low, go through the Chalice Dungeons to obtain the 27.2% gems and upgrade it to +10. It staggers very well against bosses like Vicar Amelia and the Orphan of Kos.
The weapon is underrated for several reasons. First, it is hard to obtain in the DLC, and many players don't have the DLC. Even those who do often claim it is slow, but this is likely because they don't realize they can press L1 to switch forms. Instead, they stick to using the R1 attack, which is slower but offers great range. Additionally, some players don't rate it highly because they only use it at +0 without equipping gems. When they first try it, they rely on R1 attacks, find it slow, and dismiss it without exploring its full potential.
The Saw Spear has nice scaling in Skill and Strength, but also has good scaling in Arcane. This weapon is considered one of the best for an Arcane build because it's capable of exploiting all the elements to reign against bosses and certain defenses.
This is actually the best weapon in the game, believe it or not. After playing for more than 400 hours, grinding through the whole game, and maxing out my combat stats, this weapon surpasses all the others, including the Cleaver.
I'm soloing the entire game and killing everyone in a blind run using this. So far, it's the perfect weapon for the job.
This thing can wreck groups of enemies when transformed. It has huge range (transformed), great damage for this type of weapon, and wide sweeping arcs (transformed), decimating everything in front of you.
Slamming enemies into the ground from miles away is just too much fun. The retracted form also allows for a completely different aggressive playstyle, balancing it very well.
A faster, more versatile version of the Hunter's Axe from first impressions. Very satisfying to use. Excellent range, speed, and power.
Seriously underrated. Shame it wasn't even on here yet.
Literally the best gun in the game. With 99 Bloodtinge, your best damage gem, and some bone marrow ash, this weapon can single-handedly destroy a boss, any boss. Few enemies have a resistance to Bloodtinge, making the damage type and the weapon optimal.
If you're building Bloodtinge, it's objectively the strongest gun in the game. And if you're not building Bloodtinge, gun damage is negligible, so you might as well use the most stylish one!
The Arcane Stake Driver is cool because you can use the flame sprayer for crowd control. Since you might not have a pistol equipped, you can use the Augur of Ebrietas for parries, plus all the hunter tools.
In conclusion, the Stake Driver rocks my socks off!
Fast, great versatility, and the most powerful charge attack in the game wrecks any enemy.
Perhaps vampires are a bit strong, but...
It starts off with standard and not stellar damage, the stamina isn't as low as it could be, and the range could be nicer. However, it generates Beasthood, scaling upwards to 100% damage.
Whether you primarily use this or not, once the meter is filled, the weapon goes to town. If not, the Beasthood scales with the Holy Moonlight Blade, making an already powerful, OP weapon that much better. Yikes-- talk about a duo.
This thing is so much fun to use, especially with the Beast's Embrace rune. Like the Saw weapons, it can do crazy DPS, but unlike the Saw weapons, it doesn't have a transformed mode that gives it more range.
My first time playing, I beat the entire game with pretty much just this weapon. Much love. I beat many bosses like Ebrietas and the Moon Presence on my first try with this weapon and finished the game at around level 60, which I think is under-leveled, but I managed to pull it off solely because of this weapon.
Easily the best for a Vitality/Endurance and/or Arcane build. Without scaling, it does great damage. With some scaling, it's viable against any foe or player.
With no buff, it bashes no good. With a self-applied buff, it bashes really well.
Rom, Ebrietas, and the Celestial Emissary think it's no good, but that's because they get hit with a good electric mace. Kin enemies don't like it. Hunters do.
Just PvP is also no good, but PvE is really good.
Nobody can spell it, and not many use it. But it is a thrusting sword and a gun. What more do you need to hunt with? Fans of poking in Dark Souls get to poke, shoot, and look stylish while doing it. Give it a shot and a poke.