Leon Kuwata - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Leon experiences a horrifying execution by Monokuma after being convicted of murder. He is tied to a post and pelted to death by numerous baseballs fired from pitching machines, reflecting his background as a baseball player. Poor Leon. This is the most undeserving execution in the game. He killed someone because he was attacked by said person. (I'm not going to reveal who he killed or who attacked him, as it might spoil it for those who haven't finished Chapter 1, haven't played the game, or at least watched the anime.)
His death is nicknamed "The 1,000 Blows." Leon is tied up to a baseball scoreboard. A baseball machine pointing in his direction starts up, and after about 900-1,000 baseballs, a baseball player appears and throws a couple more baseballs at him. He then dies. It isn't quick, either.
Hammond - Dead Space
Hammond meets his end violently at the claws of a Necromorph after a prolonged struggle for survival. The encounter is gruesome and depicts the brutal reality of the game’s hostile environment. Dead Space is an extremely violent survival-horror game, so anyone's death would qualify. However, Hammond is pounded by an Enhanced Brute. Hearing him scream while being beaten by the creature adds a sense of fear. It makes you think, "What?! That just happened?! And he's still screaming after being beaten by that creature?!"
Yeah, something like that.
Helios - God of War III
In a brutal confrontation with Kratos, Helios has his head forcibly removed as a method of execution. The gruesome act is depicted with detailed and visceral visuals, underscoring the game’s mature and graphic nature. Any other god's death would have been good enough for this list. But Helios is given special treatment. He has his head ripped apart from his body by Kratos' hands. It is slow, bloody, and brutal. I don't ever want to tick Kratos off.
Dr. Trager - Outlast
Dr. Trager is killed gruesomely when he is trapped and crushed between elevator doors. His disturbingly enthusiastic pursuit of the protagonist concludes in a chillingly violent scene. In this part of Outlast, Miles starts an elevator. As Trager tries to catch Miles, he is pushed back into the moving elevator going upwards, where he then gets crushed to death. Ugh.
David - The Last of Us
In a tense and horrifying confrontation, David is violently beaten to death by Ellie with a machete. The savage and relentless nature of his death highlights the game’s exploration of human brutality. This guy's death is a brutal one indeed. After Ellie is pushed down and choked by David, Ellie grabs a nearby machete, swings at David, and cuts his face open. Dang. And I thought the zombies had it bad.
Adam Shepherd - Silent Hill: Homecoming
Adam meets his grim fate through a gruesome and torturous execution. His harrowing death sequence maintains the series’ tradition of disturbing and graphic imagery. Pyramid Head can deliver some pretty brutal deaths. Adam has his hands tied up, literally, to two different poles. After a conversation with Alex (the protagonist), Pyramid Head, the party pooper, appears. He then decapitates Adam and rips his body in half vertically. Dear God.
Andrew Ryan - BioShock
Andrew Ryan faces a violent end, being bludgeoned to death with a golf club by the protagonist. His philosophical monologue preceding his grim demise adds to the game’s atmospheric and narrative depth. Andrew gave us one of the best plot twists in gaming. However, Andrew has Jack kill him with his famous "Would you kindly" phrase. Jack then proceeds to hit Andrew in the head with Andrew's golf club. The end result is both priceless and disgusting.
Nagito Komaeda - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Nagito undergoes a harrowing and elaborate execution involving a combination of poison, stabbing, and a gunshot, ultimately leading to his death. The intricate and violent nature of his demise is indicative of the game’s dark themes. He mutilated his own body, slashing his thighs, and stabbing his own hand, and had to stay in that excruciating state for an unknown period, holding the spear with one hand to prevent it from impaling his body too early. Who knows how much effort and energy it took to endure all that pain.
Moreover, what killed him wasn't even confirmed. It could have been the poison, or the spear impaling him, or maybe both. Either way, his death was one of the more gruesome and painful deaths I've seen in the game.
Vladimir Makarov - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Makarov dies a brutal death after being hanged with a cable by Captain Price. The vivid depiction of his execution is a culmination of the game’s intense and violent narrative. Captain Price and Yuri attack Makarov in his hideout. Yuri is killed by Makarov. Price beats Makarov in the face, then ties a cord around his neck and breaks the glass roof under them. Makarov is hanged, while Price is hurt - a small "Price" (see what I did there?) for the greater good of mankind.
Hoyt Volker - Far Cry 3
Hoyt is killed in a hallucinatory sequence, suffering multiple stabbings by Jason Brody. His brutal demise is rendered in vivid detail, reflective of the game’s mature and gritty themes. Your character, Jason Brody, has spent hours playing and dealing with enemies to kill this SOB. Using two knives, Jason then proceeds to impale Hoyt in the neck, using the other knife for the brain before Hoyt collapses, dead.
The Newcomers
? Dee - The Walking Dead
Dee meets a violent end when she is accidentally or intentionally hit in the head with a metal bar by Bonnie. The shocking and abrupt nature of her death underscores the unpredictability and moral complexity of the game’s world.
? Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club!
Yuri’s end is equally disturbing, meeting her demise through a harrowing and graphic act of self-harm, which players are forced to witness. The depiction of her death enhances the game’s unsettling and emotionally charged atmosphere.
The Contenders
Undyne - Undertale
Undyne experiences a brutal death in the Genocide route, melting away while demonstrating her resilience and determination. Her tragic demise reflects the game’s ability to evoke strong emotional responses. Her body was shattered in two, and, not to mention, it begins to fall slowly when she says her last words.
Benjamin Carmine - Gears of War 2
Benjamin Carmine suffers a gruesome fate, being consumed by a Riftworm from the inside. The vivid and graphic depiction of his death contributes to the intense and brutal atmosphere of the game. Carmine is a cursed name. Benjamin collapses out of the helicopter that the D.E.L.T.A Squad was riding in while they were being swallowed by a giant Riftworm. Inside the belly of the beast, Benjamin's stomach has been chewed out by parasites. (Willy Wonka) Ew.
The Purple Guy - Five Nights at Freddy's 3
The Purple Guy meets his horrific end when he is crushed inside a Springtrap suit, with the sharp endoskeleton piercing his body. The graphic and gruesome nature of his death adds to the horror elements of the game.
The Child - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
The Child, in a harrowing event, is subjected to a fatal bite by an animatronic character. The disturbing scene is sudden and shocking, intensifying the game’s horror experience.
Sans - Undertale
Sans succumbs after a ruthless and challenging battle, suffering fatal wounds and bleeding out. His death is emotionally impactful, adding to the game's moral and emotional complexity. It was somewhat brutal, particularly in a psychological way. Imagine the only thing keeping you going is your brother, and then he gets killed. He was fighting for so long and so hard, only to eventually get killed in the long run.
The Protagonist - Waxworks
In Waxworks, the protagonist can face multiple horrific deaths, each depicting a variety of gruesome and macabre fates. Each death scene is graphically detailed, adding to the game’s horror ambiance. That should be in my "Most Brutal, Gruesome Ways to Die in Video Games" list. I agree, though - the deaths are quite gruesome and brutal.
The death screens in this game can be pretty graphic and detailed if you die.
Mileena - Mortal Kombat X
Mileena experiences a gruesome death, being fed her own sai before being devoured by a Tarkatan. Her death scene is explicit and gory, synonymous with the game's trademark fatalities.
Alphys Neo - Undertale
Alphys Neo faces her brutal end in a battle against the player. Her defeat, part of the game’s darker narrative paths, reinforces Undertale's thematic exploration of choice and consequence.
General Shepherd - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
General Shepherd is killed by Soap, who throws a knife into his eye after a brutal and intense confrontation. The graphic detail and intensity of Shepherd’s death underscore the game’s themes of betrayal and violence.
Jessica - Until Dawn
Jessica’s potential demise in Until Dawn can be horrific, involving a fall down an elevator shaft which can lead to her violent death. The gruesome nature of her death intensifies the game’s horror and suspense.
Sayori - Doki Doki Literature Club!
Sayori’s haunting and tragic demise comes by suicide, hanging, a shocking twist in the visual novel. The sudden and graphic portrayal of her death contributes to the game's disturbing and psychological horror elements. I cried while witnessing this. Sayori deserved better.
Flowey - Undertale (Genocide Route)
Flowey is remorselessly killed by the protagonist, cut down without any chance of mercy. His brutal demise contrasts with other routes and emphasizes the moral choices inherent in the game.
Tsunderplane - Undertale
Tsunderplane, in Undertale, can be defeated in a battle, exploding in a dramatic manner. This demise, while more comical and less graphic, still adheres to the game’s exploration of morality and choice.
Rundas - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Rundas meets a tragic end, becoming corrupted and eventually being defeated by Samus. The emotional weight of his demise is enhanced by the dramatic and intense battle that precedes it.
Crocomire - Super Metroid
Crocomire meets its end in a gruesome manner, falling into a pit of acid and losing its flesh, leaving only its skeleton. The vivid depiction of its demise adds a horror element to the action-packed game.