Top 10 Most Overpowered Mineplex Champions Abilities
If you are a Mineplex veteran, you probably know about the Champions games - Dominate, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Clans - and all the overpowered abilities that come with them.In this list, we'll take a closer look at some of the most OP abilities, including both Passive A and Passive B abilities.
Evade is by far the most abused Assassin skill of all time. When combined with Backstab or Viper Strikes, Evade makes you almost impossible to hit while you trample your opponent like an iron block with a diamond pickaxe.
I still can't decide between Evade or Illusion. But I prefer Evade because it's easy and fun. I even beat players who use Illusion. What do you guys think?
If you ever see a Mage, chances are 50% of the time you'll see them spam Immolate. Basically, Immolate sets nearby opponents on fire, making them easy targets for Magma Blade. So, 99% of the time you see an Immolate spammer, they'll kill you with Magma Blade. Real classic...
Recall is pretty basic: it teleports you back to where you were a short time ago. However, like Evade, it's heavily abused, especially in CTF. Players can capture the flag and then use Recall to swiftly escape.
Probably the most overpowered passive ability ever, Vitality Spores allows you to camp and snipe with OP regeneration. This skill was made for Rangers to snipe while regenerating so they can keep on sniping.
Vitality Spores now only works if you're standing still.
This is awesome. Let's say I'm being cornered in TDM. I use Illusion to make my enemies turn their backs on me. I hit them with Shocking Strikes and then escape. It's also great for baiting people into wasting their abilities so you can fight them while they're recharging.
The ability to lead an opponent where you want them to go and then either run away or ambush them is extremely overpowered. In my opinion, it's much better than Evade.
I get all my kills this way. People in CTF hate it. You can just hit the flag carrier, and they'll be like, What? I can't move! If you're good at strafing and combine it with Smoke Bomb, you can take out any Brute.
This is a lot of people's least favorite kit.
Since this ability was buffed, it's extremely overpowered! One of the most ridiculous updates ever.
Bull's Charge is the default skill for the Knight, and it is really overpowered. You get a speed boost, and when you hit an opponent, they receive Slowness. Then you can easily finish them off.
If you are hit by Bull's Charge, there is no escape. You need a ridiculous advantage over your opponent to win a fight after being hit with Bull's Charge... such as using it yourself.
For the Brute with a seemingly endless killing spree, Bloodlust is the perfect ability. Bloodlust grants Strength and Swiftness after getting a kill, making it easier to get the next one. If you're dealing with groups, Bloodlust makes handling them easier than Seismic Spam.
This is probably the only ability where you can face 5-6 Knights all at once with no help, and yet you'd still kill them all.
Blink is an insanely overpowered ability. It lets you teleport up to 12 blocks. If you land in the wrong spot (e.g., in the middle of a group of Brutes), you can De-Blink, teleporting back to your original position.
The Newcomers
As you run with Stampede, it makes you faster as you sprint. When you run into someone... BOOM! They fly into the air! Then, you can take them out!
Barrage is broken in ALL games. It fires a bunch of high-damage arrows that are nearly impossible to dodge. In fact, Barrage does more damage than Overcharge if all arrows hit.
Ice Prison is a completely broken move that traps your opponent in a ball of ice. The suffocation damage guarantees a kill. There's also an opening at the top, allowing you to enter the ice ball and battle your opponent one-on-one.
Charge up to five Flash points. Each point allows you to teleport 6 blocks, and using them all can teleport you up to 30 blocks.
This is a nice move. Low-armor classes such as Assassin and Mage depend on abilities, and one that prevents you from using them for a certain duration is overpowered. Even for other classes (except possibly a camping Ranger), it's useful for canceling out Bloodlust, Crippling Blow, Cleave, and Level Field.
Fun story: Once, an Assassin was being annoying and hiding at the topmost lava tunnel on a CTF map. It's the one with the flag at the bottom of a huge stone bowl. They kept shooting arrows, so I unknowingly charged a Silencing Arrow and hit them. The shot connected, and they went flying off. The silencing effect prevented them from using any abilities to escape, and they died. That was fun.
Glacial Blade is too strong to be just a "blade." It uses very little mana, deals 3.5 damage, and is extremely spammy. It also has a decent range, making it more spammable than even the Ranger's abilities.
Great PvPers can leap up to an enemy, allowing you to get the first hit and start a combo, just like the name suggests.
Static Lazer is a fast, long-range shock attack. The issue is that avoiding it is entirely based on luck. If the user's cursor is pointed at you when they fire, you can't dodge it. Also, at max level, it deals a lot of damage.
Void Mages are incredibly annoying to kill. It's a good option for heavy PvPers who want to be Mages for some odd reason.
Scenario: Rangers are hiding on a mountain or in their base, shooting at us. Meanwhile, us Brutes and Knights are trying to hit them to no avail. I use Whirlwind, and they get pulled down into a pit filled with Brutes and Knights. They die. We win.
It's easy to fend off a group. I personally like it because new players say you have kill-aura. It lets you hit enemies surrounding you while only striking one. Combined with Level Field, it's overpowered.