Top Ten Games With the Best Credits Music
You know that music you hear when you beat a game? Well, these are the best.This song is just as hilarious as the game itself. When you beat Portal, GLaDOS sings a song about all the people who are still alive for science, and it is so sincere for some reason. If you have ever heard it, I don't need to explain it to you.
Definitely the best credits song. The best credits roll goes to Undertale, though.
By far the most iconic, Super Mario World ends with a very catchy melody. It starts off at a good pace, but during the enemy showcasing, it becomes faster and more awesome.
What a great way to end the game.
Such a beautiful theme. It makes you feel that you accomplished something and also happy and sad at the same time.
Here's a game with two credits songs! After your beloved friend Hatty dies, the first song is a very saddening tribute to Hatty about how you will always be his friend, called "You Were My Hattington." Of course, the game has to take a humorous turn with "Buckle Your Pants," asking people to, well, buckle their pants.
The songs are simply funny and underappreciated.
The whole soundtrack is beautiful, and the ending credit scene is adorable. I love how the music that plays during the credits has parts from the song "Undertale" to show how far your journey has come.
"I Am the Wind" just has to be remembered because future versions of the game did not include the song. The song takes a cheesy side but is also a bit saddening due to the way the instruments are played.
The rhymes are also very well played out!

This is arguably one of the very first credits songs. It starts off as nothing more than the music played at the Continue screen, but then more instruments are added, and it becomes a very catchy tune.
Also, bonus points because it calls the player great!

Hope the credits make up for the ending! This is one of those instances where the music changes genres as it progresses. It starts out with the calm music called "Epilogue," then goes to the main theme, and then to a song worthy of funerals.
It really fits the game!
The Newcomers

If Dear My Friend doesn't make you cry, then you are a heartless and soulless being unworthy of living on this planet.

Totally heartbreaking once you know the words. I think my favorite line is, "You defended this fragile and fleeting world with your hands, so please, fold your wings and rest."

How can a Gameboy game have such good music? When you beat the game and rescue Daisy, the music starts out with the song that played before all those fakeouts. Then Mario and Daisy get in a plane, and the music becomes more Nintendo.
This is one of the most underrated gaming songs because Super Mario Land is an overlooked game. Everyone prefers other Mario songs, but this is too awesome to ignore!
This was the first or second credits song I ever listened to in a game. After you beat Milky Way Wishes, another catchy song plays that... well, it's very Kirby. That should sum it up well.
This is a song that really suits the end of a game!

M4 (Part II) is forever in my heart!
"Rescue Girl" is another underrated song because not a lot of people care about this game. This song is sung and played very well. It may be very cheesy, but after playing a game like this, that's all you really want.

It may be cheating, considering the credits theme is really just the Opening, but this is a great example of a song so good it suits both parts of the game. It sounds amazing when you look at all the damage you caused and is simply epic!

If you didn't cry listening to Hoshi to Bokura are you really human?

The greatest ever. Link's uncle recovers, the flute boy starts playing again, and an excellent rendition of the original Zelda theme is in the credits too!
Not only my favorite credits theme but my favorite piece of music in any video game.