Top 10 Hardest Bosses in the Mother/Earthbound Series

This list will be combined with my opinion and the opinions of many people I have seen talk about the games. Please vote for who you think the hardest boss was. Is your boss not on the list? Add it on.
The Top Ten
New Fassad - Mother 3

This boss is right after you regain Duster, and if you are playing through the intended way, he will be five levels behind Lucas, Kumatora, and Boney. Don't forget, he has 3,000 HP and starts healing by 500 when he is almost dead.

I had to grind for half an hour just to get my party to a high enough level to beat him, and I have seen streamers take hours to finish him.

New Fassad was the reason I stopped playing Mother 3 for around five months. I eventually realized I hadn't bought anything new from Saturn Valley (my fault, really), but it left me with a very bad taste for him.

Diamond Dog - EarthBound

Sometimes this boss is easy, sometimes it is not. This boss is extremely hard because the difficulty depends on how smartly you play leading up to him (by that I mean stat-wise. The game does not literally make him harder).

During my second run through the game, I abused save states throughout the fight and finished with only Paula still alive. Every Let's Play I see of Earthbound, the player says that he is a tough boss.

PSI Flash Ω, PSI Shield Beta, diamondizing bites, mortal blows like crazy - this guy should be number 1. He's all bad news.

Plague Rat of Doom - EarthBound

The Plague Rat can be really hard, especially after walking through the sewer and losing a ton of HP already. However, it's a cool and creepy boss nonetheless. Just make sure to grind a little before attempting it.

This boss is especially hard for those on their first playthrough. The only reason it is so hard is because it has very high-damage attacks. Even though he misses a lot, he can demolish your whole party in a few hits.

One Let's Player even fought the boss after Poo left his party and only had Jeff, Ness, and Paula for the fight.

Jealous Bass - Mother 3

I raged at Jealous Bass when I first played. You're forced to fight him with only Lucas and Boney, as Kumatora leaves with Duster shortly before. Definitely one of the hardest bosses in the first half of the game.

Jealous Bass was a pain, to say the least. He wouldn't be so awful if he didn't have his jam session with the other instruments. I only won because I mashed the A button fast enough to skip the text.

Currently stuck on this one on my second playthrough of Mother 3. I remember spending a long time grinding to beat the Jealous Bass on my first playthrough.

Mr. Genetor - Mother 3

Mr. Genetor is hard, but not so hard that you will have to grind for him. He will reflect physical attacks when he is not charging, making Duster and Boney useless the whole time. But even when they are bashing Mr. Genetor, he will be healing himself anyway, keeping his health high throughout the fight.

Ness's Nightmare - EarthBound

I never had trouble with many of the Earthbound bosses, but I had a lot of trouble with Ness's Nightmare. I only won because of luck. It's really hard. He spams PK Rockin' Omega, which deals a lot of damage.

Also, remember that the only person who can battle this boss is Ness, so there are no team members to assist you.

There are two ways to go about this boss. You can wait and heal until he runs out of PP, or just go right in for the kill. Both are hard and tricky to pull off.

This should be higher on the list. I found that the only way to really beat Ness's Nightmare is by relying on smash attacks.

Giygas (Final Phase) - EarthBound

This one is simple: If Paula is dead, you're screwed, and you have to try again.

He's the final boss! Of course, he's a hard boss!

True, but I managed to beat him anyway.

Starman Deluxe - EarthBound

This guy starts with a Shield Beta, making it so that your only hope of defeating him is by letting Jeff blast some Bottle Rockets at its face, while at the same time the other three do not do anything to Starman Deluxe.

The Barrier Trio - Mother 3

Kumatora's Defense Down and Duster's Tickle Stick are your best friends. You could essentially cheese the entire fight because they will perpetually raise their defense during their turns.

These guys will become no problem if you just lower their defense over and over. Without doing that, however, the fight will be very tough.

It takes a while to realize that each member of the Barrier Trio is weak to different PK attacks, but figuring out when to use each one takes even longer. It took me close to an hour to beat them.

Pretty hard, but not *too* bad (that Starstorm is pretty annoying without PSI defense, though...). Kind of sucks that they're immune to just about everything.

Porky's Porkies - Mother 3

The key to beating them is remembering that there are not eleven, but rather only seven. Try sticking to PK Thunder, as it can hit multiple targets and ignores the PSI counters the Mecha-Porkies come equipped with.

These guys are just an endurance test, literally. You're just waiting for the (epic) DCMC to come and save you. The worst part? Their self-destruction.

The Newcomers

? The Dragon - EarthBound Beginnings
? Kraken - EarthBound
The Contenders
Mecha Drago - Mother 3

Mecha-Drago will be a problem for Flint if he is underleveled. Remember to use the Drago Fang like an item in order to do proper damage to it. Bronson will give you the Fang when you encounter him before adventuring off.

This boss was so hard that I gave up on the game the first time I tried to beat him. It's pretty tricky, especially considering how close to the start it is.

Masked Man (First Battle) - Mother 3

With the Masked Man, you want to focus on having physical and PSI shields to soften the tough blows he delivers. Although it seems like this fight will be extremely hard, it will only become a problem if you've wasted your resources on the Colonel before this fight.

Miracle Fassad - Mother 3

Miracle Fassad is possibly worse than New Fassad. He can instantly kill with an intense light, heal a ton with Luxury Bananas, and has access to PK Starstorm. If there's one thing you want during this fight, it's the Leo-Leo Sweater. This shirt heals you every turn, which lets you survive attacks that would normally kill you.

Although that shirt is useful for most fights, Miracle Fassad will still do a normal attack if he detects you're surviving because of Leo-Leo. If you have about 10 health or less, he will automatically use a horn attack rather than PSI, which will kill you even with Leo-Leo. If you have about 30+ HP, he will think you're not surviving off of Leo-Leo and will keep using PSI attacks. If you have 30+ HP and he runs out of PP, you basically automatically win.

Steel Mechorilla - Mother 3

With the Steel Mechorilla, all you really need to do is weaken his stats and boost your own stats until you can defeat him.

Porky - Mother 3

Porky is a tough fight if you're not prepared. The main key is to heal from his large blows and increase your offense and defense. Make sure you can navigate the menus quickly, or else you can easily become overwhelmed by how fast you need to move.

Shroom! - EarthBound
Heavily Armed Pokey - EarthBound
Titanic Ant - EarthBound
R7038XX - EarthBound

This is always so painful. While it isn't hard to beat, it is so hard to lose EVE.

Yep. The worst part by far is losing Eve.

Natural Killer Cyborg - Mother 3

The Natural Killer Cyborg has one major weakness: PK Ground. If you have PK Ground, this fight becomes extremely easy. If not, you should either grind until Kumatora's level 60 or do the fight normally.

Thunder and Storm - EarthBound
Mondo Mole - EarthBound
Trillionage Sprout - EarthBound
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