Top 10 Hardest Super Monkey Ball 1, 2, and DX Stages

This list includes every stage from Super Monkey Ball 1 (SMB1), Super Monkey Ball 2 (SMB2), and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe (SMBDX). These stages will frustrate you and test your skills to the limit.

These stages are extremely difficult and require a lot of practice to master. Prepare yourself for the hardest stages you will ever encounter in Super Monkey Ball.

This list does not include stages from Super Monkey Ball games that were developed after the AV company (Amusement Vision) stopped making them.
The Top Ten
Stamina Master (2)

I was thrilled to finally reach the Master stages, but once I got to this level, I spent three to four hours trying to pass it, even with unlimited continues. I never made it, nearly lost my mind, and actually never picked up the game again.

I reached the final two moving squares many, many times but just kept falling. The physics are different here. The platforms slide from under you instead of you moving with the platforms. You have to do this delicate dance, trying to roll with the platforms perfectly while moving between them and controlling the camera. If the camera is facing the wrong way, it can get very disorienting, making it hard to judge how quickly the platform is moving. I didn't know about the fall shortcut. The Master music on repeat still haunts me to this day.

Exam-C (1)

The hardest and cruelest stage in Expert Mode.

This stage is so unfair because it appears so early in the Expert stages, and its extreme difficulty prevents most players from exploring the rest of the Expert stages or unlocking Master and Expert Extra. There are so many elements that can cause you to fail, especially the long, curvy platform that is almost guaranteed to make you fall. You will likely lose most of your lives here.

A tough stage for an early appearance.

I thought it was okay, but on some days, I would lose a life - or all my lives - so I always dreaded this stage and just hoped to get through it. For me, the chequered section was the hardest and most unpredictable. I used the method of rolling fast into the alternating sides, hoping I would bounce to the other side. This worked 70% of the time, but the rest of the time, I would just bounce straight off the map.

Helix (DX)

Hardest stage in Master Extra! This is so hard because it's a large stage and contains a huge slide that you must balance on. If you look at it, you might as well give up because this stage will give you a lot of problems.

The goal is even on the side of the stage!

Bridge Master (2)

I spent at least one hour trying to beat this stage the first time I ever reached it (which was on Deluxe - I never reached Master in Super Monkey Ball 1). The bridge gets extremely thin towards the end, and the camera is impossible to work with on this level.

This stage is impossible for most people, including me, without using skips because 60 seconds is not enough time otherwise. The bridge is far too thin to move quickly without falling off. I've never completed it without making at least one jump over the bridge, and the level is 1000 times harder if you're not using Baby. In my opinion, this is the hardest level of all the Monkey Ball stages.

Domes (2)

Wow, this stage is unbelievably hard for an Advanced Extra stage. It's like Randomizer, but filled with domes instead of squares.

If you try to run through it, I guarantee you will fall out every time. If you take it slow, you'll get extremely frustrated if you fall off. There's barely any space for movement, and it's incredibly frustrating to fall off right at the end.

Yeah, all you can do is hope to get lucky here.

Notch (DX)

This one is way harder than 19th place. Something about balancing a circular object on another circular object is incredibly difficult. Not to mention, the goal is a lot higher than the "notch," so you have to be incredibly precise to even have a chance!

Launchers (2)

Frankly, this stage is just annoying. You start at the bottom of a very tall, cylindrical structure and have to use one of the four "launchers" to propel yourself up the side and land on top. The platform you need to land on is pretty small, and if you miss, you'll likely fly off the edge of the stage.

Your orientation constantly changes, requiring you to quickly adjust the joystick in multiple directions to land on the platform. Additionally, the arrows pointing up the side of the cylinder can act as obstacles, causing you to bounce off and potentially fall off the edge.

Even when you do manage to land on the platform, the goal is rotating around the side, so you have to be very precise in your direction and timing to land in it. I've landed on the top platform many times only to miss the goal because my aim was slightly off. Don't even bother with the green warp goal - it's pure luck if you manage to get in.

This stage is in World 4 in Story Mode (ranked 9/10 for difficulty) and Advanced 65 in Challenge Mode.

Labyrinth 2.0 (2)
Arthropod (2)

Ah yes, this is a stage many people know, and it's the first to reach the highest difficulty level. There are two ways to tackle it:

1. Run through the entire stage, fall, and hope you land in the goal, which is ridiculously hard.
2. Wait until the timer hits 40.00, then run through to reach the goal.

The problem is that you have to avoid the huge arthropod's leg, avoid falling into the gaps by not going too slow, and avoid missing the goal by not going too fast. It's a horrible experience and a pain to complete.

Polar Large (DX)

The Newcomers

? Strata (DX)
? Planets (DX)
The Contenders
Toggle (2)

This stage gives me a lot of problems. This stage is basically luck. There is a high chance you will lose all of your lives. This stage requires a ton of speed and, yes, LUCK! This stage sucks.

Nintendo (DX)

If this is your first time playing this stage, expect a bunch of fallouts because this stage requires practice and a solid strategy. It's really hard to switch to different sides while the console is moving. It moves so fast that you'll fall out immediately if you get the timing wrong by 0.25 seconds.

Sliced Cheese (2)
Polar (2)
Dodge Master (2)

This stage is for all the masters who think they can dodge everything. But this time, there's so much happening on the board. So many poles are circling around, and you have to get through all of them. This stage is pure evil and will torture you unless you get lucky and manage to get past all of them.

Speedy Jam (2)
Catwalk (1)
Giant Comb (2)
Dance Master (2)

Though there is a pattern, it is nearly impossible to execute, even for the best players.

Tracks (DX)

The tracks on this level are really thin! Plus, they curve! Hard level!

Plain (1)
Amida Lot (DX)
Twin Attacker (2)

Reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake's middle.

Also, this game deserves to be in Expert Extra.

Sega Logo (DX)
Skeleton (DX)

This stage is ridiculous! You have 30 seconds, and the yellow parts are thin! The fastest way someone ever beat it was by hitting a building and going into the goal.

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