Top Ten Mass Effect Characters
Who is your favourite character from the Mass Effect trilogy?
He can either be your best buddy as MaleShep or your best lover as FemShep. His abilities are so overpowered that I always bring him on every mission in the entire trilogy. His character arc is fleshed out in a way that makes me feel like he is a real person (or in this case, character). I'm honestly surprised that he isn't the main face of Mass Effect, given that almost every ME fan can agree that he is the best character with a good story and a great voice actor!
The most interesting and best-fleshed-out character of the series, with the exception of Shepard, and easily one of the most likable. His combat build makes him a staple on every mission my Sentinel goes out on. He is Shepard's right-hand man - or whatever the turian equivalent of that phrase is. In my opinion, the series would not have been as successful if not for him.

A young girl who is loyal to her family and her entire race. We see her grow as a person to eventually become more self-assured, an admiral, and the love she has for Shepard is cute and innocent. Tali is the girl you take home to mom.
Tali has so many positive things about her: cool personality, loyalty, cuteness, best MaleShep romance (in my opinion), a great voice, and the singing scene. The best Mass Effect character, in my opinion.
Although she is covered from head to toe, she is still by far the most attractive love interest for Shepard - or maybe because of it. Also, her good, naïve, and cute personality only adds to her attractiveness.

Ignore the guy that claims she's boring. Liara is well-rounded, incredibly likable, and has a beautiful voice. If you play the games, you will grow to trust her every word. The empathy and compassion she shows in every conversation, her deep passion for history, and her usefulness in combat, not to mention her excellent character development, make her one of the best characters. The guy claiming that she is emotionless clearly hasn't played Lair of the Shadow Broker, or even paid attention to her in Mass Effect 3.
She's so faithful to Shepard, as a friend or a girlfriend, and she's the whole reason why the commander was revived in Mass Effect 2. She's the most loyal squadmate and an interesting character. Liara grows up a lot throughout the series.

No one defines badass in the Mass Effect universe more than Wrex of Tuchanka. He is a definite must-have on my team in Mass Effect 1.

Playing Mass Effect 2, Mordin was a must-have on my team. I loved his fast-paced demeanor. R.I.P. dear Mordin. Have fun collecting those seashells.

I don't see how Shepard is not number one on this list! Shepard defeated the Reapers, for god's sake. Shepard is the greatest ME character ever! Shepard is so fearless and fierce, it inspires me. Shepard is a complete badass. Granted, she's a terrific soldier (N7) and such a charismatic and strong leader. She defeated the Reapers when no organic had ever done that. She will fight to the very end for what she believes is right, even if it kills her and she loses everything.
Shepard is so boss because she says and does whatever she wants and damns the consequences. Shepard is an amazing leader and friend. Her presence just demands respect and loyalty! She somehow gets very difficult fighters to work together and be loyal to Shepard and the mission. Despite being a great military leader, Shepard takes the time to know every single person on the Normandy on a deep level.
She doesn't let anyone get in her way, and she destroys her enemies with such fierce determination and strength that even Harbinger and Saren (who hated humans) had to respect her. Now that's saying something.

Where would we be without Captain Anderson?

One of my biggest fears in playing Mass Effect was nearly losing my tank-baby Grunt in ME3. He was a must-have on my team in ME2.

She is hot and an all-powerful woman. She acts tough, but showing interest in her opens up a soft, vulnerable side.
The Newcomers

My love interest in the games. He had to be on my team in ME3.
I don't understand the hate Kaidan gets as a character. He is one of my favorites.

He unfortunately died in my Mass Effect 2 game, but I really consider him to be the best character from the whole saga.
This guy is awesome! Even his voice is awesome! And Thane has possibly the saddest death in the whole series.
Sexiest alien with the coolest voice. Very spiritual and understanding, and the best FemShep lover, except for Kaidan.

Legion itself has no real personality - it's a Geth. However, Legion flawlessly characterizes the entire plot of the game and does an outstanding job portraying that to Shepard. It will always be my number one no matter what.
I loved his use of vernacular. His sacrifice for his people and for the greater good will not be forgotten. R.I.P. Legion.

I love her loyalty mission, and she's possibly the sexiest type of Catwoman in any video game.

Oh, I love EDI. I admired her innocence and her willingness to learn.

He is so badass until his death.

She is beautiful and powerful. She can hold her own. Without her, Shepard wouldn't be alive.