Top 10 Best Overwatch Couples

Overwatch is a popular first-person shooter game that has garnered a massive following since its release in 2016. One of the game's most beloved aspects is its diverse cast of characters, each with their unique personalities and abilities. And with such a vast array of personalities, it's no surprise that players have been shipping various characters since the game's inception.

In the world of Overwatch fandom, "shipping" refers to the act of wanting or imagining two characters in a romantic relationship, even if it is not explicitly stated in the game's lore. Players have been shipping characters like Tracer and Widowmaker or McCree and Hanzo since the game's release, and the Overwatch community has created countless works of fan art, fanfiction, and even cosplay to celebrate their favorite pairings.
The Top Ten
Genji and Mercy

I like how when I searched up Genji's story, it mentioned Mercy saving him. I also don't know if it's true, but I like when I see all the memes of Genji yelling "I need healing." I honestly think this ship is by far the cutest to me. Yay.

Mercy saved Genji, and now Genji wants to do anything to protect Mercy. It's the perfect couple. Screw Pharmercy. Genji and Mercy make more sense in lore.

Mom and the B.A. Ninja she revived. We know they love each other.

Mercy and Soldier 76

The mom and dad of Overwatch. They are perfect for each other.

Tracer and Widowmaker

Do you remember when they looked into each other's eyes on that rooftop in that animation? There was something there, am I right?

I feel as though Widowmaker kind of flirts with Tracer, plus Tracer doesn't take it badly, does she?

The original Overwatch ship. Nothing else matters.

Hanzo and McCree

It was love at first sight.

Reaper and Widowmaker

They both are without emotion but for one another. They share romance, passion, compromise. They share a love no others can comprehend. And they are the two hot heroes.

They don't feel emotion but towards each other, they do.

They are both emo. Perfect!

Orisa and Zenyatta

Yes, this is a couple that I'm hoping for. They are perfect for each other. They are both omnics. Zenyatta's got the balls, and Orisa has the big gun. See, they match.

Wattpad @melodramas_

Better than Orisa and Bastion. I mean, Orisa and Bastion are my mains, but my girl Orisa deserves an omnic like Zenyatta.

Ana and Soldier 76
Torbjörn and his Turret

Torbjörn has a unique bond with his turret. His caring eyes stare deep into the dark abyss of his turret's barrel. It's a beautiful relationship of two lovers. It's time for him to move on from being just friends and show their affection for each other.

That cry he makes when it's destroyed is a sign of love.

The only thing on this list that I agree with.

Bastion and Birdy

It's time to move on from just friends.

Winston and Bananas

The Newcomers

? Orisa and Bastion

Both adorable. Like, come on, just make it happen!

? Sombra and Reaper
The Contenders
Pharah and Mercy
DVa and Lúcio
Widowmaker and Doomfist
Junkrat and Mei
Reinhardt and Ana
D. Va and Genji
Mercy and Reaper
Tracer and Emily
McCree and Ashe
Hanzo and D. Va
Winston and Peanut Butter
Symmetra and Sombra

My 2 favorite characters as a couple. Love it.

Hanzo and Widowmaker
Hanzo and Symmetra
Sombra and McCree
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