Top 10 Reasons Ash Should End with Misty Instead of Serena

The Top Ten
She and Ash have better chemistry

Ash is meant for Misty, not for other foolish girls like Serena and Dawn.

I agree. Although Misty is a bit of a tsundere, they do have a stronger relationship, whereas deredere Serena has a one-sided crush.

She's saved Ash's life

I kind of like movie Pokeshipping as Misty seems less temperamental in general and has a lot of cute moments in them.

But yeah, Serena is so stupid and useless. She put everyone in danger just to save her pretty face! Great job!

Misty saved Ash from almost drowning in Pokémon 2000. In the same situation, Serena would be just as useless as Aquaman on land.

Yeah, she saved Ash too many times to count.

She was Ash's longest female companion

Misty stayed with Ash all the way from Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto. She returns several times and even shows up at Ash's house when he returned from Hoenn.

She shares a long journey with Ash and never leaves him alone throughout the journey, helping him to become a good trainer. She even takes good care of his Pokémon. She only likes Ash's Bug Pokémon.

Misty is Ash's true childhood friend, not Serena.

She was the first to travel with Ash

She may have started the journey for her bike, but later she liked traveling with him. She was the very first companion of Ash and was always worried about him.

She became really jealous when other girls got too close to Ash

At one point, she got so jealous when Macy got too close to Ash that she threw her arm right between them. In XY, Serena mostly just stands there in shock, doing nothing.

Misty becomes so jealous of other girls. She really doesn't like Ash to be with others. Of course, she hates it.

In the movie 2000, she was jealous when she saw Melody kiss Ash and ignored him when he asked her to come with him to the temple to find the stones. She was angry that Ash was showing interest in Melody.

She always calls Ash out whenever he does something stupid

Which is something Serena rarely ever does.

She's the strongest out of all of Ash's female companions

Yes, she is. That's why she's a gym leader and she deserves to be one. Her battling skills are awesome and the way she battles is amazing.

If by strongest you mean she can kick the other Pokegirls' butts without her Pokémon, then I can see that more than her having stronger Pokémon (though I think Iris is pretty strong too. She took on a Pokémon with her bare hands and constantly swings on vines, having to continuously hold her weight).

She gave up staying with Rudy to continue traveling with Ash

This is a good point. Anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they're talking about.

This is true love. She gave up staying with Rudy because she knew who was perfect for her.

She's a gym leader
She didn't become a trainer just to travel with Ash

The Newcomers

? She's not obsessed with Ash, unlike Serena
? She visits Ash in Alola and in other regions
The Contenders
Ash has shown more affection towards Misty than Serena

Ash may pull her leg, but he had deep feelings for her inside his heart. He really cared for her, and she is more than a best friend to him.

She is the only companion he talked about even in further series. He always kept her presents safe and did not let anyone touch them.

Don't you remember that Ash cried when she left him?

Ash only blushes for Misty, the only Pokégirl until now. He also had a crush on her.

She showed up at Ash's house to welcome him home when he returned from Hoenn

Misty showed up at his home when he returned from the Hoenn region.

Her and Ash's relationship wasn't forced

Yeah! Misty met Ash and grew to love him. Serena literally fell in love with him after ONE SECOND! False, very, very false.

They grew together, they matured, they had a great time, and she wasn't just following him around to like her.

I get mad when I hear that Serena and Ash had a history when he just took care of her hurt leg and then didn't even remember her at all.

Ash and Misty both became more than best friends. They always stood by each other's side.

Ash only shows jealousy for Misty

When Misty is close to some guys, Ash shows his jealousy and affection. There is a phrase that those who quarrel more but really care for each other are the best couples and they are in love.

Not only jealousy, but she is the only girl he blushes for. Like that time when Jessie called them a couple and they both denied it by blushing.

She becomes really considerate whenever something bad happens to Ash
Celebi showed up when Misty kissed him

When Celebi appears, it means there will be a bright future. He appeared right at that moment. That's proof that Misty is Ash's true love.

Misty is the only one of his female companions who he has ever talked about after she left

So true. She's the only one who comes back often. After seeing May in contests and then meeting Dawn, he could have said something about May and given advice to Dawn, but he didn't.

As for Serena, if he loved her after all the signs she showed and kissed him at the end, he would have thought of or mentioned her at least once.

It's kind of funny that Ash, despite traveling with May, Dawn, and Iris, has never really talked about them after they left. In Alola, he has not once mentioned Serena's name, while after Misty left, he talked about her a lot, even stating that he really misses her.

She's more badass

Dudes, you should consider that Misty is a real badass, but Serena does ride big Pokémon at the end. Plus, right now Ash is a little too immature to know who to love.

Yeah, she pretty much is. In my opinion, Misty is much better than Serena in every way.

She cares more about her Pokémon than Serena

Well, even if I love Serena more than Misty, I think this is somehow true.

Ash was more sad after she left

I think it's because it's the first time since episode 1 where he's aware that he's going to be traveling away from home without any human companion for help and company. He believes he's going to Hoenn completely alone (besides Pikachu), while with the other Pokegirls, he was just heading back home.

Also, he's used to saying goodbye to friends by May. When Misty leaves other times, like with her cameos, he seems completely fine with it, just like with the other Pokegirls.

After both Misty and Brock left, Ash actually cries as he runs home to Pallet Town. Yet when May, Dawn, and Serena all left, he doesn't even shed a tear. He just kind of goes like, "Yeah, see ya."

She is prettier than Serena
She helped Ash to become a better trainer

Yes, Misty did, and she always helps Ash battle Team Rocket. She helped him in many ways and I'm glad that she did.

Totally agree. I wonder how much Serena will despise Ash if Ash broke her bike or something.

Well, if Misty didn't help Ash, Serena wouldn't even love Ash.

Misty isn't clingy like Serena

Unlike Serena, Misty knows when to leave Ash alone. That's proof enough that Misty would be a better match for him.

Misty has more in common with Ash
She's more useful

She is more interesting and funnier than Serena.

Pokémon would be quite boring without Misty. Her funny actions made us laugh and even her annoying behavior kept us interested in her.

Serena might be pretty and more like a gentle lady, but she is less interesting than Misty.

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