Best Silent Hill Games

A list of the best games from the Silent Hill franchise.
The Top Ten
Silent Hill 2

Do I honestly have to say anything? I didn't think so, but I'm going to anyway. Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games of all time. That is a fact. That is a definitive fact that cannot be proven wrong.

Is it a perfect game? No. Some of the voice acting is really awkward, among other things. However, the story, characters, soundtrack, graphics (especially for the time), and little shining moments make this game a masterpiece. Each character is deep and rich. The symbolism is incredibly clever and almost undetectable (in a good way) at times. The atmosphere is either chokingly haunting or peacefully haunting. It's always been a deeply relaxing game for me. It just consumes me with such a feeling of tranquility at times.

The little moments are unbelievable. The opening, some of the Maria scenes, the soundtrack, and the Leave ending are moments that are literally perfect. Speaking of, the soundtrack is perfect. Not a single song doesn't hit its mark in its own unique way. Theme of Laura is my favorite song of all time with barely a shadow of a doubt.

Then we have everything else, which is still marvelous. Then there's the plot twist, which is so wonderfully mind-bending and yet it makes everything so clear that Shyamalan is still jealous of it. Also, people still put up spoiler alerts for a fifteen-year-old game. That's how wonderful this entire game is. Play it. Now.

Silent Hill

Unbelievable! SH1 under Shattered Memories? You must be joking...

This game should be first on the list. This is the real masterpiece of the survival horror genre and the most terrifying episode of Silent Hill, independent of its primitive graphics.

A game way ahead of its time. So well made and still very creepy today. Should be #1.

Silent Hill 3

One of the most emotionally in-depth lead characters in the franchise with a beautifully complex personality.

Silent Hill 4: The Room

A good concept but it was executed poorly. First off, this is the only Silent Hill that focuses on the supernatural. Previous games were more psychological, and while SH4 is psychological, it focuses way less on it.

Henry is lifeless, and it really isn't good because it makes you forget you're playing as a human. The graphics are worse than Silent Hill 3, and I mean much worse. I even think Silent Hill 2 looks better (lighting-wise).

The game is fun in the first half since it's got loads of mystery and depth. But the second half is a dull escort mission, which, if you fail (which you likely will), you will be slapped in the face with an ending where Eileen dies and Henry says "Eileen..." and that's the end of the game.

I would have preferred if he visited Eileen's grave and then accepted her death and moved on but still felt guilty. None of the endings are very good either. There are very few puzzles in the game too. I wish I could have enjoyed this game, but there's so much wrong with it.

Though I do love the claustrophobia and just making normal locations look horrifying.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

The saddest horror game ever.

Silent Hill: Origins
Silent Hill: Homecoming

Not exactly the best Silent Hill, but one of the fun ones. Stupendous graphics out of the entire series, creepy atmosphere, easy combat, ray gun, creative monsters, straightforward story, emotional characters, awesome soundtrack, and Pyramid Head cameos. What's not to enjoy?

I personally think that it's the best Silent Hill title on the Xbox 360. At least it didn't have as many technical bugs as Downpour, and it is definitely better than the HD collection.

My favorite game of the whole series. Great story, great gameplay, great characters, great combat system... great game!

Silent Hill: Downpour

This is one of the best, in my opinion. It has a great story following convict Murphy Pendleton, great monster design, such as the Doll and the Bogeyman, diverse locations, phenomenal side quests, and creative puzzles.

The characters don't appear as emotionless statues like they do in Homecoming. The main character actually reacts how a normal person would if they were in the situation. This is the most underrated Silent Hill and a must-have for a fan.

Sixth? Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4 are garbage. Downpour has one of the best stories around. It goes back to psychological horror and has a great atmosphere and voice acting. This should be higher.

Silent Hills: P.T.

Short and sweet. Scariest out of all of them.

Silent Hill: Book of Memories

The Newcomers

? Silent Hill 2 (2024)
? Silent Hill HD Collection
The Contenders
Silent Hill: Orphan
Silent Hill: The Escape
Silent Hill: The Arcade
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