Top 10 Most Annoying Minecraft Mobs
Dangerous Minecraft Mobs, 1 hit K.O. to kill five Steves, rage-enducing, that sort of stuff.
Basically, they are even worse versions of creepers. While thankfully they don't have much HP and can die from their own fireballs, they have all sorts of other issues.
Their fireballs explode and set you on fire, and they don't die from shooting them. You can deflect them, but your timing has to be exactly right. They fly, so they're difficult to hit to begin with.
They can also see you from 100 blocks away (the largest field of vision exhibited by any mob), so they may shoot you even if you can't see them.

Creepers are so annoying. Once, I built a good starter house that took me the entire day to build, and then a creeper came up and blew it, and me, up! Plus, if you have a chest full of valuable items and a creeper blows it up, you could lose so many valuable items that you spent time collecting. The only good thing about them is that they can clear space if you get them to explode in the perfect place and at the perfect time. But mostly, they're really annoying.
Man, after I built my house, a stupid creeper blew most of it up. Right after rebuilding it, another one appeared when I didn't have my bow and arrow. So, I rebuilt it once again. Then, when I built my underground network, a creeper followed me into it and blew it up. These are just a few examples of how much they blew up my stuff.

They're really annoying, especially in the End when you're trying to kill the Ender Dragon. If you look at them once, they'll follow you to the ends of the world to kill you. Plus, they do so much damage!
They teleport and try to kill you. One time in creative mode, I saw an Enderman teleporting all around my house. I opened my front door, and when the Enderman was out, I quickly closed the doors and went back into my house.
These guys limit where you can look around as if they want to be provoked. They are crazy fast and even crazier strong. Number 5.

These stupid things constantly spawn absolutely anywhere you haven't spammed an unsightly number of torches. They spawn not just alone but in groups.
They have ridiculous accuracy, and you are basically guaranteed to take damage while fighting one if you use a melee weapon, no matter how strong. They spawn incredibly frequently in both the Nether and the Overworld. No amount of cover is enough to deny damage.
The only thing that can stop their arrows is a shield, but this is impractical if you want to hold a totem or dual-wield anything else. Creepers get a bad reputation for being hard to avoid, but these things reach a whole new level of irritating.
If this isn't enough to convince you how aggravating skeletons are, just imagine yourself hiding against a wall in a cave while on half a heart, waiting for your health to slowly regenerate, only to be one-shotted by this incessant nuisance from a position you didn't even know existed.

The reason I hate Minecraft witches is that they always spam you with splash potions of harming and slowness, and we can't forget splash potions of poison. They will always drink a healing potion and swiftness.
Just like an iron golem, if you attack them, they will always come after you. Even insane enchantments such as fire aspect and thorns are useless on them because when fire aspect is used on them, they will just drink fire resistance potions. Even if you have full enchanted diamond armor, it wouldn't do anything against splash potions.
The only reason they can be useful is for potions of fire resistance, healing, swiftness, and water breathing.

These are usually harmless, but if you accidentally hit them, it is extremely hard to get away from the aggro army. If a skeleton shoots one of them in a nether fort, they'll blame you for it once the skeleton is dead. Even worse, the same applies to players whether they die, log off, or teleport away.
While they thankfully only attack if provoked, they deal a lot of damage. To top it off, they are fast, and if you hit one (even by accident), the whole pack will tear you apart.
However, if you are able to one-hit kill one, the others don't attack you.

The Ender Dragon is the final boss to finish Minecraft. It is hard to find and pretty annoying to fight.
These dragons are going to be the worst nightmare you'll ever see in Minecraft.
Pure torture on easy mode. I can't wait to beat the game on hard mode...

When I first found my first Nether fortress, I was super excited. I had been searching the Nether for 30 minutes and finally discovered one! I wasn't expecting these Wither Skeletons to be waiting to ambush me.
When one of them hit me, I panicked as I saw my hearts turn black and didn't know what that meant. I managed to get away but was left with only 1.5 hearts. After eating some food to regenerate my health, I went back into the fortress, this time prepared. What I wasn't prepared for was having to fight three of them plus a Ghast. I died and lost my diamond sword.
When I went back to retrieve my items, the skeletons were wearing my iron armor, and one was holding my diamond sword. Seconds later, I was dead again.

Even though they have less health than a normal spider, they still pack a poisonous bite. Not to mention that they spawn in mob spawners where they are surrounded by about 50 cobwebs.
They're little, fast, poisonous, and you can get stuck in their webs. They're horrible.
Cave spiders are so annoying. They spawn in the least convenient locations (which has absolutely no effect on them, I might add) and always in groups. They're fast and small, so they can easily poison and kill you if you're not more careful than a person with extreme paranoia when they realize their phone has a camera on it.

When I accidentally mined stone, they just kept converting more stone into silverfish stone, and eventually, there was an army. So I used a potion of harming, and then an army of silverfish attacked me.
They literally spawn everywhere in strongholds, and there is no way anyone has survived.
They pop out of the blue and push me into lava. I sometimes think the invention of silverfish was intentionally done to get players to rage quit the game.
The Newcomers
You hit it, it hits you. You take honey, it hits you.
If you hit one, the chances of death are very high.

Overpowered, fast, and of decent health.
These things are a huge pain in the behind. All these mobs ever do is be a personal annoyance and one of the biggest threats in Minecraft to millions of players around the world. Their little feet allow them to run faster than the average zombie. Not to mention, they are shorter than your average zombie, take a lot of your health, and are harder to hit.
If they were as common as regular zombies, they would be #1. They run super fast, they are small, so they are hard to kill, and they do just as much damage as a regular zombie and have the same health. They are horrible. Come across one of those in the Pocket Edition, and you would probably throw your phone across the room, breaking it.

One time, I was being chased by a zombie villager without any weapon or armor. It was dark outside, so I decided to spend the night in a fancy village in a longhouse. Unfortunately, I wanted to build a fort with some materials such as sandstone, wood, and dirt. However, as I was about to leave, some damn villager was blocking the doorway, so I couldn't escape. I was trapped inside the house until daybreak. Now, I didn't have any weapons or armor, so I couldn't even kill the villager. Villagers suck!
They are annoying because if you kill them, the other villagers will not like you and the iron golems will attack. The best way to deal with them is to trap them in a pit and drop sand or gravel to suffocate them.

You take a long and successful mining trip, having stacks of iron, coal, and lapis. You find a bunch of gold and a few diamonds. You decide that it's time to go back home and smelt your iron and gold and store your other resources.
Just when you're traveling back home, nighttime approaches. You think, What's the worst that can happen? Zombies and spiders won't be a challenge, and I can just avoid the skeletons, creepers, and endermen. Just then, you hear a faint scream and then RARA. Your heart stops. You look behind you, but nothing is there. Then you look up. You see something flying with a long tail and glowing green eyes. Then you say to yourself, This is going to be a long night.

Slimes are very annoying, especially the big ones. When you kill a big slime and it dies, more slimes of a medium size will appear. Then, when you kill a medium-sized slime, small ones will appear. Thankfully, small slimes do not hurt you. Sorry if there are some mistakes. I am not that good at English.
All they do is bounce around my creative super-flat worlds while I'm trying to build. I know you can set it to peaceful, but my builds usually include mobs, so I can't do that.
In flat worlds, they become nuisances that just get in the way. They drop so many slimeballs that it just ends up flooding your inventory.

Not only do they fill up your inventory, but it takes forever to kill them since they split.
Magma cubes hurt more than slimes, and the little ones hurt you.
They are immune to lava, and if I go to lava without fire resistance, I die.

These things just freaking chase you, having no care in the world. Every block you use is useless because they can break obsidian with their blue wither skulls. So annoying!
These things just follow you all the time, and it is so annoying! Never spawn one of these!
They are so small and are so hard to kill! Plus, they fly around and make loud noises. What a nuisance! A bunch of these spawn in the sewers of a prison escape map. Annoying.
They make really annoying sounds and add nothing to the game. They don't even drop experience when killed.
The sound is annoying. Why do they exist?
Finding an end city is hard enough. Having to deal with these scaredy cats is a whole new level. Camping in their boxes and shooting small orbs that make you fly up and drop down to your death, these little pests are not that easy to handle. Feather falling or slow falling potions are essential for these guys.
Those tower rooms with multiple shulkers are so annoying. The game turns into bullet heck and Steve/Alex pinball while you're trying to kill them and grab their shells.
They double the amount of time you spend raiding end cities because you have to wait for the effect to wear off.

There are definitely more annoying mobs in the game than ravagers, but I feel like they still deserve a spot. They're big, heavy-hitting, often carry annoying illagers, and to top it off, they are fast as hell.
Sure, they're not as annoying on Bedrock, where you can just spam them with your maxed-out sword to kill them, but on Java, you need to time your swings well, which gives the ravager an opportunity to kill you. Unlike the phantom, however, ravagers actually give a valuable reward upon death: a saddle. It's something that's obviously really rare for no real reason.
Personally, I just find catching on fire annoying. The flames block your view, and you get small damage knockback, which I also find annoying. Plus, you have to kill them to beat the game unless you have a mod, and they're just SO ANNOYING.
I'm surprised these guys weren't on here yet. Perhaps it's because they're only found in nether fortresses, but that doesn't change the fact that they are most definitely annoying. They shoot fireballs at you that burn you when they hit. That's pretty annoying if you ask me.
I just don't like the raids because I have a habit of killing mobs in creative mode to save room in my houses. When I kill one with the flag, all of a sudden, this annoying deep horn sound goes off once in a while. It's basically a Minecraft jump scare. God, I hate them so much!
These guys deal a ton of damage and can be deadly even when you're wearing full Protection IV diamond armor. I had to eat an enchanted golden apple to survive the first raid on my world.
The vindicators are the worst of the bunch. They are so quick and can kill you in 2-3 hits in full diamond armor. They are OP as hell if you can't defend yourself.
I play with loads of mods, and I found this cool stone cube in the middle of the ocean. I mine in, only to discover that it's a cave with two guardian spawners. I get murdered by these guys multiple times, never managing to get my drops back. If features like guardian caves were in vanilla, they would absolutely be higher on this list.
Guardians make it very difficult to mine ocean temples because they spawn infinitely, and their attacks are impossible to dodge within a certain range and without cover.
I hate wolves. They kill the sheep and don't use the resources, and (when I'm in Creative) I quite enjoy skeletons. Once, I built an entire forest of skeletons so the place was wolf-free. Sure, they can be good companions, but it can take a while to get a bone for a companion that has low health and takes up your food source. Plus, they kill foxes, which are cute.
Okay, these things kill my sheep. I'm trying to have infinite wool here! Let's face it, I know we all hate when skeletons shoot us, but wolves are annoying as heck when they kill our sheep! Almost everyone knows what to do when there is more than one skeleton: get one of the skeletons to shoot the other one! What's the big deal with wolves? I just use skeletons for bone meal and bones, that's it.
They give mining fatigue, are underwater, and have boring drops.
Shoots slowness arrows - you can't sprint. They have player tracking AI in newer versions of the game and with a name tag and enchanted netherite gear could follow you (and kill you) forever!
Skeletons whose arrows inflict slowness.