Most Annoying Types of Players in Online Games

Every once and a while a player or group of players may annoy you for hours in online games. There are different types of players that do this and each of them are annoying in there own way.
The Top Ten
Little Kids Playing M Rated Games

This is annoying. Some little kids who use the microphone will often annoy other players, which is really frustrating. I think that games should not feature voice chat because of how they misuse the microphone.

In my opinion, they should not be playing M-rated games because their irresponsible parents allow them to play games that may have blood and gore, violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Little kids who play M-rated games should be banned from playing them until they're old enough. It's the fault of their irresponsible parents who allow them to play games like that.

Griefers + Cyber Bullies

These people are abusive and morally dangerous. They have morals similar to those of animals. They take advantage of the online gaming community by being disrespectful to innocent players, and they think that upsetting others is funny - behavior that is somewhat mentally ill.

Griefers and bullies are the most annoying type of players in online games because they prevent others from having fun, reaching in-game goals, or just plain annoy them. In games like Minecraft, some griefers will even destroy your creations.

Spawn Campers

Spawn campers take you by surprise when you exit spawn. They will kill you along with other players.

If you see someone spawn, whatever. Shoot them. But camping the spawn so the other team can't even advance is just cheap.

The most annoying thing ever: Getting killed nonstop when somebody is camping at spawn.

Cheaters + Hackers

Some players often use cheats or hacks to do things that others cannot. For example, some players will use a jump cheat that allows them to jump great distances or maybe hide behind walls where others cannot go.

The worst part about hacking is that most people can't do it. There's likely only one hacker per server (except in, which means that unless the whole server teams up against them, they are probably going to win.

Fun for personal use, but extremely disturbing for online multiplayer use.

Administrator + Moderator Abusers

Some players with admin or moderator powers may abuse their authority just to pick on other players for fun. This often results in a ban or de-op for the targeted player.


It depends on the troll. Bullying little kids and laughing when they get annoyed - that's not cool. But I'm okay with trolls like ZexyZek. (Look him up on YouTube.)

Rage Kickers

Some players deal with an annoying player by calling a vote to kick them.


Players who hack their game in first-person shooters may often cheat by using an aimbot. Aimbot is a hack that allows the player to shoot at enemies without missing any shots from their gun, which is altered to be automatic.


This is super annoying. I played duos with my friend in Fortnite, and I was going to the vault in The Authority. Then, this trash player camped in the space above the vault and just spammed his RPG on me and knocked me. Luckily, my friend finished him off.

I know what it's like. My siblings camp when we play Halo. That's why I hate small, complex maps. That, and the fact that there are no banshees.

Campers are players who stay inside the spawn point and refuse to come out. This is very common in games like Team Fortress 2 or Minecraft.

Microphone Spammers

The Newcomers

? Teamkillers
? Hypocrites
The Contenders
Online Daters

You go into a game, and there are couples standing around doing nothing or hooking up. Ugh! The worst is when they team up against you just because you beat one of them. So annoying.

I hate them. Back off, I will never get into any relationships.


Once my brother and I played Zone Wars in Fortnite with our friends, but then our neighbor joined us and just kept spamming his AR and SMG in close-range fights. We were all raging at him, and he was like, "That is the way to win! Unlike YOU guys who just spam your shotguns!"

Wait until you see them in Super Smash Bros. online play, and you'll see what I mean.

The High-Level Douchebag

This is the player who gets online and constantly critiques other players' performance. They wait for someone to make a mistake, then make snide remarks about what should have been done, claiming you can't tell them anything because they're a pro-level 85. This type is common in games like Call of Duty and Halo online.

Oh my gosh, they're so annoying. It's just a freaking game! I had some loser who boasted he was an ex-MLG player (yeah, sure) tell me I sucked and to go kill myself.

People Who Team in Games Meant for 1v1 Combating.
PvP Loggers
People Who Spam Emoticons

This is annoying in the Roblox game, Flicker. I have to be able to read what others on my team are saying, but there are people who say stupid stuff (nothing to do with the game) and pass notes with emoticons, death threats, and mild curse words.

Meme Lords
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