Top 10 Splatoon Weapons

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The Top Ten
Aerospray RG

My second favorite weapon. It is perfect for spreading ink, and it is also really good for splatting foes with brushes or carbon rollers. Most people that use this weapon should be surprised if they lose a Turf War.

The Ink Mines can scare your enemies so much that they won't see the Inkstrike special that you drop on them! Even though the accuracy and range aren't great, its fire rate is amazing, and it doesn't lose ink quickly to make up for it. I'd be surprised if there was someone who didn't like this weapon!

Krak-On Splat Roller

I like the Krak-On Splat Roller a lot because it's faster than the normal Splat Roller and does more damage than the Carbon Roller (I tested them both, and the Krak-On did more damage). I like the Squid Beakons because I can Super Jump to them when all my players are down.

The Kraken is useful when I am stuck in the opponent's ink and have no ink or any ink around me. I can just swim in it and splat everyone on the other team while also being able to go up walls. In my opinion, this is the best weapon ever!

Although the Splat Roller is good, I can't get the Killer Wail to do anything. Massive damage. Love Squid Beakons when the area is covered. It is the best in Tower Control because if you are on the tower, you can place them on the tower and fly back to it whenever you want.

Splattershot Jr.

This one needs some explanation. Despite being designed as a downgrade from the regular Splattershot, the Jr.'s stats relative to the Splattershot (specifically, its lower accuracy and higher rate of fire) make it more suitable for covering turf.

While this weapon may struggle to splat opponents directly, its special (the Bubbler) helps users to retreat or get close enough for a kill.

If you get close to your opponent, this thing has amazing splatting power. It also inks turf incredibly fast, and you can get the Bubbler really quickly. If you get Special Charge Up or Ink Saver, this thing feels a bit overpowered, too. Throw two Splat Bombs, use the Bubbler, throw two more... I wish this was the same in Splatoon 2...

Aerospray MG

This weapon is very cool. I like to crush people with this weapon in turf battles. The players are like, O.M.G!

I win every time with it. It is the king!

Splat Roller

I love this weapon. It's good for Turf Wars and does a ton of damage.

Dual Squelcher

The range is the absolute best. You can get splats from a splat zone and a half away. The fire rate makes up for the not very good damage. In just one ranked battle, I had fifteen splats and only got splatted four times. This should be the best gun in the game.

Dual Squelcher is amazing. It's pretty similar to the N-Zaps but has better range and a shorter fire rate. It also has some great specials, which are Splat Bombs and Echolocator. I love using Echolocator to Super Jump to my opponents and splat them. I also have Stealth Jump ability with my shoes, so they never see me coming.

N-Zap '89

This is my main weapon, along with some of the rollers. I use the Sploosh-o-Matic quite a bit, but hands down, this is the best weapon. It is fairly accurate, and the special is one of the best.

I tend to use it a lot. The Sprinklers give a good distraction to go in for the splat, and I love to just cover ink everywhere with its insane fire rate and then hide and call an Inkstrike last second.

Literally one of the easiest weapons to use. Once you get really efficient, you can turf 800 points in the first 60 seconds of a match. My record is 2903 for most turf in a match (counting the 1000-point win bonus).


This thing is a sniper's second-worst nightmare. In Splatoon 2, you can go behind a Brella user who has the sensitivity too low, which must be really annoying for the Brella.

It makes you go faster, giving you an advantage.

A spammer's best friend.

A charger's worst nightmare.

Easily get into the middle, but when in a pinch, just hold and get outta there!

Kelp Splatterscope

If not the best weapon, then definitely the best charger. I just got off of a match on Arowana Mall where all of my teammates got disconnected, as well as half of the opposing team. I was still able to hold my own - I got a good chunk of the map covered and inked 1003 points of turf. I doubt I could've done that with any other charger.

This is the weapon I use. Having a Sprinkler as a sub weapon makes it easy to ink lots of turf, and it is possible to splat people with it. It's not uncommon for me to get well over 700 points in a Turf War using this weapon while still splatting lots of players on the opposing team.

.96 Gal

Very good weapon for Splat Zones and surprising your enemies. I used this weapon as my secondary in Splatoon 2, and it's pretty good and does a ton of damage - I mean, two shots, and it has good accuracy. Buy this if you have enough Sheldon License!

The Newcomers

? Bamboozler 14 Mk III
? L-3 Nozzlenose D
The Contenders
Tentakek Splattershot

The Tentatek Splattershot is a very balanced weapon and better than the regular Splattershot. You can both spread your ink and splat your enemies with it, and it has great sub and special weapons.

I miss the Tentatek from the first game. The Suction Bombs are always great for pressuring opponents, and the Inkzooka is useful for taking out snipers. The main weapon is also very well-rounded. It has tools to handle just about any situation.

Quite literally the best weapon in Splatoon 1. The only problem with it is that you need around 200 points of turf for the Inkzooka. I like the Forge Splattershot Pro a bit more because of that.


Splattershot is the best. Tentatek is not good! I once used it, but it disappointed me. I used the Splattershot once, and I loved it! It should be number one.

.52 Gal Deco

One of my favorite weapons in the game. I love the kit and the damage on it. I feel like a tank running over people when I use this (but I usually feel that way when using a roller).

The time it takes to splat someone makes up for the rate of fire. The sub and special are another great combination.

I got 26 kills and 5 deaths. I love it!

Slosher Deco

This weapon was underrated, and it is almost perfect for competitive play. On my list, I put it at number 7 because it is not perfect for Turf War.


It's basically a better N-Zap. It is a little harder to use, though.

It may not have the best range, but its close-up makes it deadly.

Amazing weapon with good range and damage. Love to use it all the time.

Wasabi Splattershot

This weapon is my favorite. The main weapon, the sub weapon, and finally the special weapon go perfectly together! I always ink lots of turf and still splat lots of enemies with this weapon. Nearly every time I use this, our team wins!

This is my favorite weapon from the first game. The main weapon is one of my favorites, and it has the Splat Bomb, which is really useful for keeping enemies at bay. It also comes with the Inkstrike, which is my favorite special.

I love Splattershots, and this is my favorite of them. In fact, this is my favorite out of all the main weapons. The Splat Bombs force enemies to retreat, and I finish them off with my favorite special: the Inkstrike!

Mini Splatling

It takes less time to charge up, and it has good range.

Splat Brella

Brellas are very underrated. They offer protection and attack power, good for pushing the other team and not dying too much.

My go-to weapon in X rank! I love it!


This weapon is the greatest thing ever. Fast swing speed, decent range, wide ink spread, pretty high damage, and so much more to love about this weapon. I love placing Squid Beakons in corners on the opponents' side, Super Jumping back to it every time I die (which normally only happens once per round because the main weapon is so good for sneak attacks), and placing another one in case I die again.

This tactic is great at pinning down the other team. And the special is the Kraken. Need I say more?

It can be outranged by a lot of other weapons, but being sneaky balances it out. Sub: Autobomb. Awesome. Special: Inkjet. The Inkjet was an okay special until the huge nerf it got at the beginning of September.

Gold Dynamo Roller

This is my favorite weapon in the whole game. If you know how to use it, then you're good to go. Splat bombs are useful for splatting people quickly. Just drop a splat bomb at the floor when you super jump and catch the enemies by surprise.

Recon and Inkstrike are the best combo because you know where to aim, and you can drop an Inkstrike right on their heads when they least expect it. It's not that slow, and the range is good. You can get multi-kills with this in one swing. You can even get all four enemies in one swing if you're lucky.

In Splatoon 2, it has Ink Armor instead. If you're going to head straight into the enemy base or want to back up your team, Ink Armor is great! The vertical swing will fling ink like 10 miles forward, so if you can make a good strategy and learn how to use the weapon properly, this is no doubt the best weapon. It has been and always will be my favorite weapon in the entire game.

Aerospray PG
Forge Splattershot Pro

Normal Slosher is great, but Deco is my personal preference.

Dynamo Roller
Custom E-Liter 3K

So, I know. This was my main in Splatoon 2, as it continues to be in Splatoon 3. It slays!

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