Top 10 Best Team Fortress 2 Engineer Weapons

The Top Ten
Rescue Ranger

Probably the best utility Primary for Engineer, and, hey, that's what he was designed for. I'd have to say that this isn't the best Engineer weapon overall, however. You lose the ability to deal high damage without your sentry. Only use this if you've got a good team. Otherwise, it'll be ridiculous trying to set up buildings and defend yourself.

Basically, what it does is shoot fast-moving, slightly arcing "repair claw" projectiles, which deal around 30 damage (the lowest default health of any class is 125). They are more effective at range but less effective close-up compared to normal Shotgun shots. Their main purpose is to repair buildings at range (but not destroy sappers, restock ammo, or repair the other teleporter), and they do this at the cost of no metal.

Additionally, you can pick up your building from far away at the cost of 100 metal (half your total building resource, which can be restored). This saves your building but creates a huge flash and a tracer beam, alerting enemies of both your location and the location of any buildings you left behind (e.g., you took the sentry but ditched poor ol' Spencer).

Apart from weaker close-ranged firepower, the Rescue Ranger also has a moderate fire rate, hard-to-aim shots, 4 rounds in a clip (instead of 6), 16 reserve ammo (instead of 32), and it marks you for death upon picking up a building (even when doing it normally). The mark for death makes you take slightly more damage and removes enemy damage falloff.

The biggest problem with this weapon is the fact that everyone will be shooting at you. Your bolts, tracer beams, flashes, the mark for death (a skull floats above your head), and your buildings will draw constant attention to you. Without a half-decent team, expect to become toast. With weaker self-defense and the mark for death, you'd better be really good with that sentry of yours (i.e., placement, repairing, restocking, protecting, hiding, destroying sappers, etc.), or else... more


I think the Wrangler is too hard to use because enemies move too fast. You won't see anyone standing still unless they're AFK or at their team's spawn. Even though it does give your sentry a shield, it's usually better to let the sentry operate automatically and focus on repairing it when you can.

If you mix this with a mini-sentry, all your opponents will hate you. But I like how you can have a shield, and if you know there's a disguised Spy, you can shoot missiles at it.

This item is one of the most OP weapons in the game. You get manual control over your sentry gun, and it gives it a shield that reduces damage it takes!


A wrench suited for Engineers who depend on their buildings a lot (which is most Engineers). It offers faster building and repair speeds.

It's very useful for building sentries fast and for repairs, with basically no downsides.


I am an Engineer main, and I use this weapon a lot. Why is this so low? It should be at least in slot 4. It's a good weapon as long as you're steady with your shots, and you have an unlimited ammo supply. Aim for the center mass and time your shots.

Using this gun is like gambling for metal. If you need metal, you can shoot people for it, but if you miss or don't do enough damage, you lose metal.

Okay, this thing is great. So what if you lose 30 metal? You get 60 back! If you're using your Shotgun a lot, you're not helping your sentry unless it's RR.


In my opinion, this is the best wrench. If you want to abandon the boring playstyle of sitting on your turret, waiting for some idiot to run into it, then this is the weapon for you! Its disposable Mini-Sentry costs only 100 metal, while a normal sentry costs 130, and if you want to fully upgrade it, that's 530 metal in total!

The minis are also proficient at area control, and there's no worry of a Spy sapping the gun when it's only a 100 metal penalty. You also gain +25 HP, which adds more to the "combat-engineer" playstyle the weapon enforces. Its only real downside is the random crit penalty, but since the third consecutive punch always lands a crit, it's an incredible weapon. It also looks badass.

Frontier Justice

A great weapon that gets bonuses from your sentry. If your sentry gets destroyed, you get crits for each kill your sentry made! You can use it to kill enemies and get to a safe place to build a new sentry again.

Paired with the Gunslinger, this baby will be your best friend, as long as you treat it with respect.

This Justice is better than the other Justice because it's golden and at a higher level.

Southern Hospitality

The reason this weapon doesn't get as much love as it deserves is because strange variants only get points for direct melee kills. But it really doesn't need that, since the downside is negligible. You don't often run into Pyros when you're just working on your machines, and the lack of random crits isn't a big deal since the shotgun and sentry can handle most enemies.

Personal favorite. Gives you much power against Spies and has two negligible downsides: direct confrontations with Pyros are rare, and the Wrench doesn't need random crits. The Shotgun should be used for enemies anyway.

Pomson 6000

So instead of bullets, this thing shoots unreflectable energy projectiles. They aren't too good at damage, being very similar to the Rescue Ranger bolts, except they don't arc. The projectiles, though horrible for self-defense compared to the default Shotgun, are easily spammable. People will be bombarded by a ton of low-damage bullets, which are very hard to predict. The gun has infinite reserve ammo with 4 rounds in the clip.

A weird downside is that the projectiles deal 80% less damage to buildings (is it really the Engineer's job to destroy buildings?). The main purpose of this gun is to reduce enemy Medics' ubercharge or enemy Spies' cloak meter by about 10% for ubers and 25% for cloak (I think?). This is useful for wasting enemy push attempts (bait them, then shoot the Medic before he pops the uber) or for dealing with Dead Ringer spies. However, it drains less uber/cloak at range.

A glitch that still exists as of May 2016 is the ability to turn the projectiles invisible by shooting through your own dispenser. Don't know why it happens, but it does.

Shotgun (stock)

I often use this because it's balanced. I don't use Frontier Justice because if I die, I'll lose all the crits. When I need to fight and my sentry hasn't killed anyone or isn't built up, I screw up. RIP.

No excuse to use the Shotgun. Frontier Justice or Widowmaker are gods on offense, and Rescue Ranger or Pomson for defense.

In my opinion, this is the best primary for Engineer. At point-blank range, it does tons of damage. I have gotten many kills with this gun.

The Newcomers

? C.A.P.P.E.R
? Lugermorph
The Contenders
Short Circuit

You can camp with your sentry and destroy all those dangerous rockets and bombs!

After the update, you are basically Samus or Mega Man.

Wrench (stock)

I'd say this is one of the few cases where stock isn't that great. Southern Hospitality and Jag are much better choices.

Eureka Effect

This isn't very good, but if you don't move your buildings around much, you can use it to get out of difficult situations.

Sentry Gun
Panic Attack
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