Top 10 Best Tier-5 Upgrades in Bloons TD 6
Tier 5 upgrades in Bloons TD 6 are the ultimate game-changers, turning your favorite monkeys into devastating forces of destruction. These upgrades represent the peak of what each tower can do, offering jaw-dropping abilities and insane levels of power to obliterate even the toughest bloon waves. Of course, such incredible strength doesn't come cheap - Tier 5s are often the most expensive upgrades in the game, so unlocking them takes careful planning and resource management. But once you do, the payoff is massive.
Even after the nerf, it is still able to destroy an ENTIRE B.A.D. with Monkey Village and Alchemist support.
The Tier 5 upgrade of the third path of the Spike Factory, the Perma-Spike, was unanimously the most overpowered upgrade in the entire game before update 2.0, when its fire rate was decreased drastically. This upgrade sends out piles of 50 spikes which do 10 damage each. These spikes will carry over for 4 rounds, giving it its name. It used to cost 20,000, but the price was increased to 25,000.
This is literally the best tower. You can regen farm with this easily, allowing massive income and even more money. It can literally destroy the hardest Bloon on screen. DDTs a problem? Here's the solution.
Just overclock it, perma-brew it, and use Homeland Defense, and you're set for round 100.

The Tier 5 upgrade of the first path of the Wizard Monkey, the Archmage, is known to be one of the most powerful upgrades in the game. It attacks much faster than its previous upgrade, Arcane Spike, and its attacks do a whopping 25 damage to M.O.A.B.s and higher.
On some tracks, it can even destroy an entire Z.O.M.G., children and all, by itself. That's not bad for a tower that costs $32,000.
Combine with Comanche Commander for an incredibly powerful two-man defense that can easily defeat a ZOMG.
Best wizard path because of Dragon's Breath and Shimmer added.

The Tier 5 upgrade of the first path of the Boomerang Monkey, the Glaive Lord, isn't really known to be a badass by most people. But they can pretty much destroy an infinite amount of B.F.Bs. In BTD5, it was kind of overpriced, but not anymore.
The three spinning glaives can hit camo, and the ricochet is amazing. It is amazing at dealing with super ceramics.
This version of Glaive Lord is much better than the BTD5 version.

This thing makes money for free, and you can use the money it makes to buy more banks and make more money. It's even better than BIA from bad 5, which is better than a loan by the way.
The Tier 5 upgrade of the second path of the Banana Farm, Monkeynomics, will give you a lot of money. If you need quick cash in the late game, you can use Druids. But if you can afford it, get this.
For $100,000, you'll get an ability to give you $10,000. Just use it 10 times, and you've got your money back. Sure, you could get a lot of Druids, but those take up space.

The tier-5 upgrade of the third path of the alchemist, the Bloon Master Alchemist, can easily turn any bloon up to a B.A.D. into a red bloon. That's right, ANY bloon up to a Z.O.M.G. can be transformed. He's not that slow with it either.
Can turn any MOAB up to a ZOMG into a red bloon and can make you money with lead to gold.

The Tier 5 upgrade of the second path of the Druid, Spirit of the Forest, does multiple things. Its main use is to do damage to everything on screen several times, being able to destroy pre-round 81 ceramics. But that's not it.
It also gives you 25 lives and $1000 every round. Combined with its previous upgrade, Jungle's Bounty, you'll be making money really quickly. Not bad for a $50,000 upgrade.
The vines can one-shot ceramics, and it can one-shot the test bloon. It can also make money and lives.

The Tier 5 upgrade of the second path of the monkey sub, Preemptive Strike, is a free ticket to defeating one of the hardest rounds in Impoppable and CHIMPS modes, round 95. This round has a rush of D.D.T. bloons, but they're no problem for this tower. In earlier free play rounds, the Preemptive Strike sub will destroy all M.O.A.B. and D.D.T. bloons, no problem. The reason it's not higher is due to its use going down in higher rounds.
Can destroy a BAD alone. The ability wrecks BADs and this can make it so there are no remains of a BAD.

The Tier 5 upgrade for the third path of the Monkey Ace, the Flying Fortress (of Bloon Doom, as I like to call it), is extremely powerful. It shreds M.O.A.B.-class Bloons with relative ease, able to do major damage to B.A.D. Bloons.
Why so low, then? The reason is its price. The Flying Fortress costs a whopping $120,000! More than a temple! My point has been made.
One of the best Rank-5 upgrades. Just awesome (if a bit expensive), shooting a salvo of darts and bombs at hypersonic speeds. Shreds all difficulties.
It has bombs, it has darts, it is strong. And it's a BIG plane.

The Tier 5 upgrade of the first path of the Monkey Village, Primary Expertise, isn't really a good upgrade by its definition. It gives primary monkeys Tier 2 upgrades for free. Why not give all monkeys Tier 2 upgrades for free?
This tower is more than just that, however. It also gains a powerful attack known as "Mega Ballista," which can easily take down M.O.A.B.-class Bloons. To me, it's worth the $25,000.
Dude, this NEEDS to be higher. It shoots with infinite range, dealing 200 damage to MOABs, with huge pierce. Not to mention giving primary monkeys tier 1 and 2 upgrades for free, saving lots of money.

This should be #2 or #1. You can get the dark vengeful temple and glitch it so the balloons cannot even be seen.
True Sun God, and especially the Vengeful Temple, can solo long after round 100 and beyond.
How could we have this list without the most destructive upgrade of them all? The True Sun God isn't higher on the list due to its price, coming in at a whopping 500,000!
The Newcomers
I think this is good because you can have as many of these as you want.
It may not be the best wizard, but Prince of Darkness is absolutely insane when combined with a mortar.
Summon your own legion with this!
The reanimated Bloons can pop purple and can decamo Bloons. It's also good at dealing with MOABs.

The Tier 5 upgrade for the first path of the Alchemist, Permanent Brew, isn't very useful by itself, since it doesn't give any extra bonus from Stronger Stimulant. But with the help of a Support Chinook helicopter, it can be pretty good. It's a little overpriced in my opinion, though.
This should be higher for sure. Permanent Brew provides permanent buffs to other towers, making the first 100 rounds basically free.
Best buff in the game. It can give extra range and attack speed permanently to any tower.
The best super monkey T5. No questions asked. The Legend of the Night's ability can suck in entire BADs and can prevent you from losing lives.
The neutral ability can kill any bloon, including the test bloon.
The ability, when bloons are going to leak through, is OP as it can literally take anything.

The Tier 5 upgrade for the first path of the Monkey Sub, Energizer, used to be useless. It gave water-based towers in its radius a quicker cooldown. Now, it's amazing, giving every water tower a quicker cooldown and halving the cooldown time of water towers in its radius. Not to mention the hero XP bonus. It also gives a pierce buff to its attack.
It can solve all of your problems. The glue is insane at dealing with super ceramics and makes rounds 63 and 76 easy. It's cheap and can melt anything.
Just does an insane amount of damage, plus slows bloons down. No reason not to use it.
The Bloon Solver eliminates MOABs instantly and is strong enough to take down a BFB in a few seconds.
This tower, with 20 max Shinobis, overclock, and other support towers, makes the strategy easier. Though, these things I listed may be expensive.
The Grandmaster Ninja with caltrops is insane and can output a lot of damage in a few seconds.
The best of them all. With Full Metal Jacket and Large Caliber, it shoots every 0.05 seconds, with each shot dealing tons of damage.
When it's not hitting bloons, there are no bloons. Seriously, there is no break between shots. It is nuts.
Super Mines can instantly destroy a Z.O.M.G. Just a single Super Mine spike ball can do extreme damage to a B.A.D. Super Mines and Perma-Spike are able to take down an entire B.A.D. in a few seconds. No wonder Super Mines is so expensive.
Can solo a BAD, and the explosions are so big they can hit Bloons without the spikes even being hit.
Super Mines simply do tons of damage and can destroy literally any bloon.
It may be expensive, but it is extremely overpowered. It has a variety of attacks, including druid spikes, lightning shock, balls of lightning, and a super tornado capable of blowing away MOAB-class balloons.
Overall good tower when paired with more subs.
Easily can solo anything but a BAD with a 4-2-0 Monkey Village. Stalls eternally.
With the two other Tier-5 upgrades, the bomb towers can destroy the BAD and the BAD's ZOMG children. However, it will need a 2-5-0 village to take down the BAD's DDT children.