Most Anticipated Video Games of 2019

At the time of making this we will have to wait for 2 more months until 2019 comes, but these games have gained some attention and will most likely blow up in the next year.
The Top Ten
Devil May Cry 5

No, this is not a reboot. This is an actual continuation of the critically acclaimed Devil May Cry series. Gamers have been waiting for the series to continue, and it looks like we got our wish.

I have yet to play DMC, but I have seen footage of all four of the DMC games, and they look badass. Now I can't wait to actually play a DMC game.

Dante is the best protagonist you can have in a game with a little sassy attitude.

Only the Xbox One and Windows version.

Sony had to censor the PlayStation 4 version.

Animal Crossing Switch

I vote for this because Kingdom Hearts sucks and is overhyped. Animal Crossing deserves its hype, mainly because it was announced with Isabelle's Smash reveal.

I'm so happy this is as high as it is. I didn't expect to see it, actually, but it was immediately in my mind as soon as I saw the topic of this list.

We need a new one. It's been 6-7 years since New Leaf came out. Can't wait to see Tom Nook again and his monopoly on the town.

Cyberpunk 2077

I have played a lot of Cyberpunk 2020 and felt it was always the most brutal of RPGs that I ever played. The trailers and gameplay videos make it look like they have incorporated that into the video game.

I may have to buy my own PS4 since my son is unlikely to share the controller with his old man!

I looked into its graphics and details. There's no flaw in it. Loads of NPCs and a huge open-world environment with countless interactive features. It's getting as much reverence as Rockstar Games on the internet.

I hope it releases soon.

P.S. The cars and guns are smoking hot!

Metroid Prime 4

Metroid Prime 4 is a sequel to the greatest trilogy ever created in video game history. The only reason why I own a Switch.

I've only played the original and Super Metroid, but I can tell Prime 4 is gonna be lit.

Metroid Prime 4 is a long-awaited game, and if they delay it, I'm dead.

The Last of Us Part II

This should easily be #1! The Last of Us is one of the greatest games of all time. Truly a visual masterpiece. I know sequels are rarely as good as the originals, but the graphics jump from PS3 to PS4 should only further propel this game to greatness. Plus, they are really taking their time with this one, as TLOU came out back in 2013. Believe the hype!

I can't think for the life of me why this isn't number 1. The first game is still the best ever made.

Excuse me, why isn't this #1? The first is without a doubt the best PS4 game of all time.

Kingdom Hearts III

Welp, the release of this game is an indication that whoever has been interested in this series needs to get both HD collections if they haven't played the series already. Good games, most of them.

This game is the finale of the "Dark Seeker Saga." 17 years have been building up for this. Why isn't it number 1!? Why!?

I still have major nostalgia from playing Kingdom Hearts I and II on PS2. Such a legendary series!

Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta is my favorite game, and Bayonetta 2 is also one of my favorites. I am very excited for this game. Hopefully, it will be even better than the original and maybe the second one too.

Planned to be released sometime in 2019.


Yoshi's Crafted World is another game that I'm way more hyped about than Smash. To be honest, I'm more hyped about this than Super Mario Party as well, and THAT game made me super hyped!

Yoshi is more like "You see."

Did you "Yoshi" that?

I am bad at puns... I might be.

Pokemon Sword and Shield

It does not need to be open world to be good. If it is a normal Pokemon game, I'm happy. I liked Let's Go. Just the timing was absolutely terrible because I got to the Elite Four, and then Smash Ultimate came out.

This time, nothing's stopping me from completing Gen 8. I am okay with whatever they give us, but some things I would like are a decent postgame. Looker Missions in X and Y were fun, but nobody remembers they exist. Team Rainbow Rocket was good too, but a Battle Frontier would be even better.

Although, there is one thing I know everyone wants: a second region.

Doom Eternal

Can't wait for this to come out. Bethesda and Id better not screw this up. Doomguy is a total badass!

I'm taking this as a seal of hype.

The Newcomers

? Battletoads

How is NO ONE talking about this? This looks really fun!

? Medievil (2019)
The Contenders
Fire Emblem: Three Houses

One of Nintendo's most well-known RPG series is having a sequel, Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Already has one advantage over Fates: you only have to buy the game once.

I love how it looks like Persona x Fire Emblem.

Luigi's Mansion 3

Me at 11:59 AM on October 30th: Zzz

Me at 12:00 AM on October 31st: Eyes open suddenly with SSBU's remix of the series medley and the game in the background.

I'm surprised no one made this meme like they did for Smash before it was released.

I only played Dark Moon, which I really liked, and this one looks awesome as well. The HD graphics rock!

I love Luigi's Mansion 2, and the third game looks awesome.

Maybe it will be one of my future favorite games of all time.

Honorable mention to Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Death Stranding

I don't know what to think about this game. It looks interesting, weird, and a completely new concept. I hope it's good.

Metro Exodus

Metro: 2033 is a very well-known post-apocalyptic game. The series had a sequel known as Metro: Last Light, and now another sequel. I don't know much about the Metro series, but it is very well known, so a sequel would be anticipated.

Amazing game. First time playing in the series.

Great all-around gameplay and amazing graphics.

Super Mario Maker 2

ONLY 29th? I don't get how all these other games can live up to the hype this game has. The only reason it would be so low is that we haven't seen a whole lot of new stuff revealed in the past couple of weeks.

This is THE game! Super excited! I always loved the first game, and I'm so glad there's going to be a big upgrade!

Top Three Most Exciting Things In The Trailer:
1. Two-Player Mode
2. Challenges
3. Slopes

Super excited for this one! So much stuff to be excited for, only from a trailer that's 90 seconds long. Any new information we get on this will be super exciting.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled

Dear Activision, please make a new Crash Bandicoot game that isn't a remake for once. Thanks.

Expected to be a contender to Mario Kart. Hope it lives up to expectations.

Never played the original CTR, but I'm excited for it to come out so I can try it.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

I think Cuphead is an amazing game that is getting hate for pretty much no reason. Sure, it's hard, but that's the fun of it!

Tom Clancy's the Division 2

Still continue to play the first The Division. It's one of my fallback games to play while I'm waiting for something new to come out! Cannot wait for The Division 2!

Well, if this game is coming out soon, and just like every other Tom Clancy game, it looks cool.

Yes, I'm sort of looking forward to this game.

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story DX

I have never played the original, but this one looks great! I can't wait to get it.

Samurai Spirits
The King of Fighters XV
Borderlands 3

Been waiting for this game for years. I've played through Borderlands so many times.

Streets of Rage 4
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
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