Top 10 Worst Video Games of All Time

You've booted up your console, controller in hand, ready for an epic gaming session. And then you're left staring at the screen in disbelief, wondering how something so awful could exist. We've all been there. Whether it's glitchy graphics, mind-numbing gameplay, or a storyline that makes you question the developers' sanity, some video games have earned their place in the hall of shame.

From the pixelated disasters of yesteryear to the modern-day disappointments that leave you wanting a refund, the world of gaming has produced its fair share of duds. We're talking about the games that make you want to throw your controller across the room, the ones that leave you with a lingering sense of regret for the hours of your life you'll never get back.

These are the games that spawned internet memes, the ones that critics eviscerated, the ones that became synonymous with disappointment.
The Top Ten
1 Superman 64

I've heard people note E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial as the worst game ever made. It's not. E.T. is just forgettable. It isn't harmful, just boring. I also hear people calling THIS the worst game ever made. It is. E.T. is boring and forgettable. This is broken and unplayable. I have never seen a game be so awful in everything it tried to do.

There are games like Sonic '06 where you can master it and make it look like your average Sonic game. But, I don't think ANYONE can get enough practice or patience to master THIS piece of garbage. Anyone who has deserves an award because that takes a lot! If I did a review on this game, I would definitely give it a 0 out of 10. NOTHING good comes out of this experience.

2 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

This game is horrible because:

1. The essential instructions needed to understand any part of the game, like the enemies or how to play, were inside the cartridge box, which, at the time the game was released, was thrown away immediately.
2. The graphics were horrible.
3. You fell into a pit every new area you traveled into.
4. It was glitchy.

Also, the game was bad for the makers because, for some reason, they made more game copies than there were consoles to play it on. What genius came up with that? Some people say this game even caused the Video Game Crash of the 1980s, but although it isn't true, it did help cause it, along with lots of other bad games and various factors.

3 Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing

The thing about Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is that, unlike every other game on this list, you seriously can't play it. In Big Rigs, it is literally impossible to lose. Your opponent is frozen solid at the starting line, making you win by default. Along with that, the game is unfinished. Your truck is a ghost that can go through everything, you can drive up 90-degree angle hills without losing any speed, and you can drive out of boundaries without any effort.

And even if the game had no glitches, you still wouldn't want to play it. The tracks are uninteresting, there are no different stats for the trucks you drive, and there's no music other than the sound of your engine. Although "You're Winner", Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing "Is Loser".

4 Bubsy 3D

This game should be number one. It is, without a doubt, the worst video game of all time. It's so bad that it makes Superman 64 look like Super Mario Bros. 2. The graphics are terrible. Being made in the 90s is no excuse, either. There were 3D games made before this that were much better.

I will admit: Bubsy wasn't really anything special in the first place, but it was much better than this. The graphics and colors are all too bright, and the designs are terrible. You would get much more out of staring at a dull wall. The controls are terrible as well. You know how hard it is to use chopsticks for the first time? This is how horrible the controls are. Not to mention, Bubsy's voice is so annoying. He sounds like Dot Warner on her period.

5 Action 52

With games that crash, exhibit hideous jumping controls, contain random characters, display microscopic sprites, and feature a mass array of horrible space shooters - dying in mid-air, experiencing problems with proportion, encountering misleading titles, misleading power-ups, and embarrassing weapons - not to mention seizure-inducing backgrounds, a lack of enemies, games you can't win, games you can't lose, and games that make no sense whatsoever.

That's what the Angry Video Game Nerd said about this game! Why is it only number 16? The top 10 should be E.T., Superman 64, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, Sonic '06, Action 52, The Wand of Gamelon, Custer's Revenge, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Bubsy 3D!

And do you know what makes this game the most deserving of the Top 10? It was $199. Have you ever seen a new game cost THAT MUCH? You might as well just shred that money or do anything else, really. Doing anything else with $199, especially donating it, would be a much better idea than getting this pile of junk.

6 Custer's Revenge

This is the stupidest, most sickening game on Atari. Basically, the objective of the game is to control General Custer, who has a visible pixelated erection - you read this right - and ensure you save your thing-a-ding from getting skewered with an arrow. I know that sounds wrong, but pretend you didn't read it. The end goal is to have relations with a Native American woman tied to a pole. How wrong does this seem, guys? Pretty wrong.

If you think the gameplay alone is bad, just look at the instructions that come with the game. Wow, Atari. I know it's an adult game, but why would they let it even go through and actually produce copies? This is the most sickening Atari game in the world, ever. Believe me when I warn you, do not, I repeat, DO NOT play this game. You're going to wish you didn't.

7 Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is essentially a movie with a menu appearing every five or so minutes to affect the choices of the characters. I'm not sure if you would even classify it as a movie because everything after the opening cutscene is a still picture, yet the box classifies it as an FMV (Full Motion Video). Random filters are applied everywhere for no apparent reason, and the characters lack any discernible personalities. The story also lacks coherence.

What's even worse is that PDWT was released for the Panasonic 3DO, a system that cost $700 at the time (which, adjusted for inflation in 2014, would be $1,149.64) and had very few good games. Unless you're a collector, avoid purchasing this game.

8 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Birds that defecate enormous droppings, women who run at the speed of sound and crash into you, young boys who use slingshots against you, guys who place bombs in your way, spiders that descend from trees, and bees that fly around all contribute to making this one of the worst games ever. A completely useless cane doesn't help your cause either. It literally doesn't harm anything.

When you transform into Hyde, you start shooting balls at brains with legs, baby demons, and other weird monsters. But when you reach the end - surprise! - a lightning bolt strikes you, and you die. What a fantastic game (sarcasm intended).

9 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

The story, glitches, and level design make this game almost like a Sonic Adventure 3. The only good thing about this game is the music, and you don't even have to buy the game to enjoy it. Just buy the soundtrack, because this is an absolute joke of a game.

People try to defend this game, saying Sonic Team didn't have time to finish it. But that doesn't matter! They might have been able to complete it on time if they hadn't wasted so much development time. The game wasn't even supposed to have nine playable characters. It was just supposed to be Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. Thankfully, Sonic Colors managed to bring Sonic back to form.

10 Ride to Hell: Retribution

This game is a reminder that being in a biker gang, having awkward liaisons with unusually forthcoming women, and shooting thousands of reckless bikers who charge at you isn't what it's cracked up to be. In fact, most people who played this probably got up, prayed earnestly to their gods, then found the nearest soup kitchen to help their community, hoping that they won't ride to hell for playing such an awful creation.

So, in a way, it's probably helping mankind realize their mistakes and give back to the world while becoming productive individuals to society in the process.

The Newcomers

? Enchanted Portals
? Stellar Blade

Still better than, Steven Universe.

The Contenders
11 Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

When you give the licensing of your video game character to another game developing group, who ends up making their own console instead, this is what you get.

I've watched the gameplay of this "Zelda" game. It was beyond terrible. This was nothing like the Zelda series. The animating was stupid, the plot was terrible, and the pause button was the crouch button.

I'm just glad it wasn't Nintendo who created this monstrosity, but it was dumb for them to give the licensing to someone else.

A great game where you have to sit through the best cutscenes in the world! Doesn't watching them make you proud to be a Zelda fan? Also, go ahead and defeat Ganon by putting him in a book, the most epic way to end a Legend of Zelda game!

Additionally, they released two versions of this game! So, you can go through all of that all over again with a few tweaks. Also, using a state-of-the-art controller that sometimes will spazz out of control. Yay! So, buy your copy and CDI add-on today, and make sure you also play Zelda's Adventure, Hotel Mario, and The Faces of Evil for even more torture... I mean... pleasure? Yeah, I don't understand how the project that made the PlayStation can also create this utter garbage.

12 Shaq-Fu

Dear Shaq-Fu,

This game is terrible. It's just Shaq trying to be cool. Even though Shaq is famous, this game still falls flat. Rated one out of ten, this game deserves a 0.1. Did I mention that the graphics are okay? They're not as bad as those in Minecraft.


"Yeah, what's better than a guy looking at you like this and saying, 'Hey, give all your money, and I won't shoot.'"

Shaq Fu is terrible. Shaq Fu is just short for Shaquille and Kung Fu. What a lame title. The gameplay will make the players easily bored, just like that lame Shaq Fu.

13 Hotel Mario

When the name springs to mind, I just end up cringing at the fact that all that happens is you shut a door. Puzzle game? Yeah, right - a puzzle game without the puzzle, more like.

I'm sorry, but I can't consider this a game at all. It's just pathetic - a joke on paper because I think 3-year-old children could, and maybe would, come up with a better game idea and concept.

I finish my point with this: What is a game without an objective?

Who can make a better video game? The answer: anybody. This game hardly even qualifies as a game. When playing the game, all you're doing is running around and shutting doors. Really? Shutting doors? Could it be any more stock?

How about the hideous controls and horrible jumping? When you're trying to stomp on enemies, you bounce up and get killed by enemies on the floor above you. Worst of all, the cutscenes. No enclosed instruction book can help you with this horrible "game."

14 Crazy Bus

It's crazy that someone made a game where you have to play for eight hours straight. This is the most boring game ever. There's nothing to keep your attention. The background is always the same, there are no passengers on the bus, and there is no music.

What do you get when you reach the end? One point. One miserable point! If you doze off while playing, the bus deliberately steers to the right and gets stuck. Then, a tow truck brings you back to the start - in real time. Then you have to start the eight-hour journey all over again from the beginning.

This is just outrageous. Did I forget to mention that you can't pause or save the game? That's "Crazy Bus" for you.

15 Hong Kong 97

Long ago, in 1995, the evil Jackie Chan was raining terror down in our local country, with his mind of abominations that permanently scarred the reputation of our lives. But then suddenly, he stopped and thought, "Wait a minute," he said, "I can destroy the video game industry too!" So off the evil Jackie Chan went, to appear in Hong Kong '97, the most terrible bootleg game ever created. His most evil abomination yet!

Hong Kong '97 is one of the most annoying, ear-piercing, offensively stupid video games to deface our local country. It's filled with continual crude jokes, burp jokes, and toilet jokes. All while this game smashes into your screen with this dead man's head. It seems more like a bizarre form of psychological torture than it does a video game. Chan is not charming in this game. He's not even relatable in any way. They've somehow managed to take all of the characters' worst qualities and multiplied them by 1.2 billion.

Something like a 43-something Chinese stereotype wiping all the soldiers out of the way is considered "comic gold" for this game. Well, it's funny because it's a crazy mess. The only way they could top this train wreck is by repeating the same music loop. No, I'm not going to listen to the song. I'm done! I don't think they could have made this game more offensive if they'd renamed it Cripple Kong '97. It's one of the most annoying video game disasters I've ever played.

16 Desert Bus

Who… The heck… Thought that this was a good idea for a game? The only redeeming factor I can see in it is that there aren't any whiny kids screaming in the background, but aside from that… God.

You're driving a bus at 45 mph from Tucson to Las Vegas in real time, and at no point can you stop playing because the bus veers slightly to the right. So, it will crash on the side of the road (which is completely lacking in scenery), and you'll have to get towed all the way back to Tucson, also in real time.

Some bad games are at least somewhat playable for a few seconds, but Desert Bus has absolutely nothing going for it. It has no redeeming factors. It has absolutely no quality. It is the worst game of all time.

17 Fortnite: Battle Royale

All you do is loot the house, shoot people, build treehouses, and repeat. This game has led to little kids stealing their moms' credit cards to get 100-pound V-bucks for only ten skins, with children becoming addicted and screaming down the whole bloody house just because they died.

Literally, my friend is addicted to this game, and now I'm forced to do this 2FA that I don't care about, just to give her an ugly skin. If I don't, then she ends the call and starts an argument. If I also buy her dream skin, she does the same thing.

Really, I wish this game just wasn't made, and I'll maintain the same opinion on it even though chapter 2, season 7 is here.

18 Pac-Man (Atari 2600)

This was seriously one of the only games that gave me nightmares when I was little. I'm the kind of person who isn't scared by zombies or man-eating plants. It's the open space. No sound. Darkness. I may sound like I'm insane, but even Boom-Blox and Chime scared me, especially Chime. Shivers.

This game gets monotonous after a while when you play it by yourself, so it helps to have someone around. You can get really mad with the ghosts, too. There are a lot of glitches and definitely some things that could use improvement.

19 Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis

Admit it, everybody hates water levels. The one in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES really ticked a lot of players off. So, it was decided to make an entire game based around the concept. Not only does it suck, but the bad camera angles just make the gameplay worse.

Mario Party 7 is way better than Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis.

Who would even want to play this abomination!

20 Flappy Bird

This game is overrated. It stole 90% of its graphics from Mario, it has absolutely no ending and must continue forever, and the character flaps all over the place like an idiot. The hit detection between the pipes is godly horrible, and it offers no feeling of satisfaction whatsoever.

It spawned so many crappy clones, the touchscreen controls suck, and there's no story at all. It made everyone addicted in unhealthy ways. One time, a person killed another over the fact that he couldn't beat his high score.

This game is highly addictive but for all the wrong reasons. The graphics were stolen from Super Mario on the NES, it's repetitive, and there are a ton of other issues. I could go on forever, but you get the idea. I also heard that this game caused people to commit suicide. I don't know if that's true or not.

21 Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

I can defend Sonic '06, but I can't defend this game. I could have made this game in a night while a dog was chewing on me! Its story is awful, it has bad graphics, the designs are terrible, and the dialogue is horrendous. Let me give you an example.

Sonic: Look! Ramps!

(2 seconds later)

Tails: We can use these as ramps!

Great writing, creators! They even got the music wrong. It's so generic that it falls below average. Sonic is slow, Knuckles is an idiot, the villains are terrible, and overall, it's just an awful game. You can even phase through walls.

I played this game at a Target because I refused to pay money for this abominable game and hated every second of it. The developers really did not care about making this game.

22 Link: The Faces of Evil

I couldn't decide which of the two games I should add, so I included them both. First off, the graphics are actually alright, but the gameplay is frustrating, the voice acting is awful, and the characters are hideous!

How the hell is Fortnite above this? In my opinion, Fortnite is not good, but it's at least a well-made game compared to this.

This crazy joke is one of three lousy Zelda CD-i games too many. Can anybody say Rainbow of Doom!

23 Five Nights at Freddy's

Oh, Call of Duty fanboys and Hillary Clinton supporters, just stop. Yes, the game has a perverted fanbase of furries that watch Zootopia on an endless loop every day, but doesn't Pokémon and almost every other pop culture icon deal with that? I don't understand why you whine about this when they make infinite amounts of inappropriate content on everything else we love. There is no way of stopping the Rule 34 machine. Get over it!

Also, if you ever played it, it is actually a pretty good horror game (although 4 and Sister Location are superior in my opinion).

24 Cheetahmen II

Why is there a sequel to one of the worst retro games of all time in the first place? There are still some typical glitches appearing somehow, despite being fixed. The story is generic and it's about a scientist who created the Ape Man. They even recycle the music from the previous Cheetahmen game. One boring game sequel is all I could say.

Anyone who can get to the gameplay of this game, when you turn it on, please tell us how by putting your cmment in here, I want to play this game to experience how bad it is, but I can't seem to play the game, it just loops the title screen over again.

25 Dark Castle

The controls are the worst abomination on the face of the planet. The main character is such a chicken. He always gets dizzy, or dies right when he is about to jump to another platform.

The music is incredibly lazy, and the noises the character makes are so annoying. You will want to just put your hand into the TV to punch him in the face! Moreover, there are some items that they want you to collect to beat the final boss. However, you don't need them! All you need to do to defeat him is to pull some levers so the antagonist falls into a pit.

To make matters worse, you can just skip all of the levels just to get to the final one! Even worse, you can beat the game in exactly two minutes!

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