Top Ten Things Gamers Hate Most
What really ticks you off when you're trying to have some true gaming time?
Really, it's annoying. Who the heck finds this not annoying? Put it like this: you are playing your game, and you are on the last level. All of a sudden, it lags, and you have to start all over again.
Also, you are a prestige in Call of Duty II. A level 2 noob comes out and kills you with an Executioner at long range!
Yes, I find this annoying in SSBB when I screw up because of the lag. What happens is when I attack (I usually use Bowser), they know I'm attacking and have time to react. Then, if their character has quick attacks or a wide range, I usually take damage. I suck at this game enough already.
Or if you're playing a game and it jumps off a cliff and crashes... better load the game again.

I've had this happen to me and I nearly lost my mind. This happened to me twice and it is the worst thing that could happen. When I was a kid, I was up to the last level on Crash Bandicoot 1, and I was near the end when the power went out. I was so pissed off.
This happened to me so much, I absolutely hate it with a passion. What's even worse is when the power goes out, you forget to save, and you lose all your progress. Seriously raging.
The biggest pain in the ass. After playing through this incredibly hard level, you're about to finish after nearly losing all your lives, and then the power goes out.

Oh my god, that must be SO annoying. I never had that bad of an issue, but my illiterate younger sibling once logged onto my most recent save and accidentally sold one of my weapons, thinking he was upgrading them.
I was able to go back to before he messed up and didn't lose THAT much progress, but that still annoyed me.
I read this story where some kid at school was playing Pokemon FireRed during lunch. He left the room with his GBA in his seat, and a bunch of other kids turned on his GBA and deleted his save file.
That's genius!

OH MY GOSH! This is the most annoying thing ever! It's just like, "Can't I just finish this level or at least get to a save point, mom?" Then she's all like, "NO!" and shuts off the system.
Now next time, when I want to play that game again, I will have to do the whole thing all over again! That REALLY annoys me!
I know, right! I play Minecraft, and I just finished building something that took forever. When I'm just about done, she says, "GET DOWN HERE!"
I say okay, but I stay for a little longer. Right when I put the last block, she bans me from playing it and turns it off before I can save it! :(

I bought a Powersave the other week, but it came without a license key. Therefore, I couldn't even use it. I'm just glad I got a refund and that the seller was a good sport about it.
That happened to me when I got Mario Superstar Baseball, Carnival Games, and Disney Infinity. But my mom or dad fixed the disc.
One time I bought a copy of Forza Motorsport 2, and the game disc had a scratch ring around it. It was unplayable!
No one can resist asking, but it is still annoying as hell, especially considering the fact that you are most likely already frustrated with the game itself.
I'm actually a nerd (so about 500 might dislike), but I play educational games for 8th grade at grade 4/5, and little kids like grade K-3 try to use it.
If I have a friend over, I usually am a good host and play co-op or multiplayer games with him.

I was playing Roblox Hide 'n Seek, and I was about to get to a good hiding spot, but "IT" was right behind me. I was almost there, but it froze, and he got me.
God, this happened one time when I was playing FIFA 10. The game froze after I beat Fulham 8-0, and it didn't save.
Someone found a shiny Giratina, then the game froze.
I seriously hate it when this happens.
That happened to me once, and it was on Great Cave Offensive, which is a long one, especially if you're playing on a very slow and laggy emulator.
I forgot to make a save point before I went to take on the first boss, and then my Chromebook died when I was getting close to beating it.

Even though The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is one of my favorite games of all time, it had this insane glitch. At a random moment while I was fighting a boss, Link started randomly running in circles, and I couldn't control him at all. So annoying!
This happens so often! I make the most glorious thing, and it all gets destroyed!
That is really annoying. That's happened to me in Black Ops and Battlefield 3!

I have absolutely zero patience, so yeah, I prefer easy games.
The Newcomers
This happens so much with modern AAA games. They take the full story, rip pieces out of it, and slap extra price tags on them for more money and less convenience.
It is the most annoying thing in the world!

Call of Duty hackers are the worst. The game is fun, but then one guy comes and says, Hello, having fun? Good. Cry in a corner while I rain bullets on your skull and watch you die 50 times after I make it so you can't quit. Ignorant modders and hackers are the worst.
Call of Duty hackers are a nightmare. I was playing Call of Duty with my sister (who was 21 at the time and I was a smart 11-year-old) and somebody jacked it and messed it up.
I was playing this game on my phone (Minecraft Pocket Edition), and when I played on a server for the first time, hackers...hackers everywhere (not really).

I hate escort missions because if the person gets killed, the game "gets mad" at you and forces you to start over. Then I get mad.
Why do they have to keep making new consoles all the time, and why do some video games have to be exclusive?!
I like Halo (Xbox only).
I like Ratchet and Clank (PlayStation only).
I like Mario (SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, now Nintendo Switch).
Just stop! Stop making so many consoles!
I have a PS3, PS2, PSP, and a Wii. I wanted to get Super Smash Bros. 4 and Batman: Arkham Knight, but unfortunately, they are on consoles I don't have.
I'll only get games from now on since I have too many consoles already. I guess I'll just watch people playing them on YouTube, and my friends don't have them either.

Nothing annoys me more than when I can't beat a game or pass a level because of a stupid boss!
Diddy Kong Racing, dude. I only use my laptop because of him.
Ugh, I have a problem like this in Sims 3. Windows 7 ALWAYS decides when I'm playing that it's a great time to bother me about backing up data or something. When the problem is solved and I open the game, all I see is a black screen, and I have to turn off the computer.
This is probably the most annoying thing on this list. It's even worse when there's a system hotkey to bring up a menu or something that is also used within the game, with no way to change it in-game or in the OS itself.
The worst thing ever! Freaking AIM updates are so annoying!
I went to my room to play some Roblox on my iPad, but when I went inside, my little brother was using it. I couldn't do anything about it because if I did, he would cry, and my mom would take the iPad away from me.
Every time I get a new game system, mobile or console, as soon as I open it, someone else asks to play.
This happened to me when I was playing Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. The memory card was corrupted and I had to start all over again!
My Pokemon Leaf Green. Gone. Goodbye, Blake. You will be missed. (Blake was my Charmeleon.) I was at Lavender Town!
This happened to me when I was playing Pokemon X. The memory was corrupted, and I had to start all over again.

I got my first royal weapon in BotW after a lot of challenges, enemies, and tricks. Suddenly, a Lizalfos appeared and shot me with a shock arrow. I made him drop his weak bow, and he took the sword and ran away after killing me.
I returned to before I made the plan to sneak into that place, but I forgot how I did it.
God damn! Same with me on Mario Kart!
I was playing, and I got a ruby sword. Then there was this person who had just spawned and only had his hands to fight with. I was like, "Oh, this guy got no weapons. I can easily defeat him!"
So I went up to him and attacked, but with ONLY HIS FISTS, I died. Now I don't play anymore.

Oh my god, this has happened so many times to me!

Has this ever happened to anyone? Like, seriously?

That is why they invented the Start/Pause button.
This was FNF. I needed to pee so badly, but I held it in until I finished the battle.

When your friends or people invite you to join the Xbox game party online, and your Wi-Fi is slow.

He hates on every game and makes up lies about them.