Best Weapons in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

The Ratchet and Clank series is known for the ridiculous weapons and the obscene power that many of them have, so I wanted to make a list about the ones from the first truly great RaC game. I won't be taking weapon mods, mega or ultra weapons into account.
The Top Ten

Everything about this weapon is absurd. The fact that the explosions create bombs that create more explosions is nothing short of hilarious. The actual damage of the weapon is also absolutely amazing. This is even better once it gets upgraded because all it does is make the explosions even better.

This is so broken that I just shred everybody to pieces with the Heavy Bouncer. 10/10.


The only reason I don't consider this the greatest weapon in the game is that you probably won't have enough bolts to buy it before the end of the game. The weapon itself is amazing, though. The pure destruction it causes is unmatched.

Rip You a New One, the second coming.

Plasma Coil

I personally don't like the base version of this gun because it barely holds any ammo. Luckily, the upgraded version is the single best form of crowd control in the game. If it weren't for the fact that weapons take an eternity to upgrade, I'd rank this higher than sixth.

This weapon is by far the greatest room cleaner in the entire galaxy!

Just imagine a sparkle of destruction coming your way, and that's basically how the enemies should feel about this weapon. Don't even get me started on the upgraded version of the plasma coil. In one word: Destruction!

Shield Charger

This and the Synthenoids are almost the same for me. They both serve the same purpose of giving you extra power without compromise.

As well as protecting you well, the upgraded version of this is a beast in combat.


This weapon is great because you can use other weapons while these are active, giving you a boost in DPS without any cost.

The upgraded version lets you destroy everything without needing to shoot yourself.

Hoverbomb Gun

I find this to be a fairly underrated weapon.

Carefully maneuvering these balls of destruction is really satisfying, and the upgraded version is beyond ridiculous. The only issue is that it barely carries any ammo.

Minirocket Tube

I find this to be a decent long-range weapon.

The ammo amount is okay, and the splash damage is great. The one issue is that it should do a bit more damage - not a great amount, but enough to feel like you're actually shooting explosives at the targets.

Miniturret Glove

The turret gloves are always a great deal of fun in these games, and once again, it gives extra power while you use other weapons. The main reason I don't like this one as much is because of the inconvenience of having to aim where it will drop, which makes it a somewhat less reliable weapon than the shield or synthenoids.

Lava Gun

The base version of this weapon is one of my favorites in the game and series in general. I always found it really fun to shoot this beam of pure liquid death at my enemies. I was furious when it upgraded into what is essentially a lancer that does more damage but has shorter range. Great base weapon, terrible upgrade.

This is one of my favorite weapons in the entire series. It's so cool to shoot lava. I repeat, LAVA. The second form is okay but not nearly as cool, though powerful. RaC 3 did better with liquid nitrogen, but this is still a favorite!


As well as being unbelievably fun to use, the Sheepinator is decent.

While it has a short range, the fact that it has infinite ammo makes it quite easy to upgrade, and its upgraded form is awesome. The sheep will now take aggro and explode, making this a very good weapon.

The Contenders
Bomb Glove
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