Top 10 Worst Video Game Consoles of All Time

The Top Ten
1 Virtual Boy

This console causes eye damage and headaches!

2 LJN Video Art

Look Mama! I'm drawing a poorly rendered circle!

LJN made their own console? Uh oh...

3 Philips CD-i
4 R-Zone

This thing is a worse version of the Virtual Boy. Yes, I actually said that.

Your eyes will start to hurt in a few minutes by looking at the screen on top of your headband.

A worse version of the Virtual Boy, which was already pretty bad.

5 HyperScan
6 Ouya
7 Wii U

The only thing that made this console suck was the lack of clarity when it came to marketing. People only saw it as an accessory to the Wii until they found out that it was a standalone console. I thought it was an accessory too.

It's not as bad as the others, but I think its poor marketing is a contributing factor to why this console sucks.

It had a great lot of exclusives towards the end of its life, but it wasn't better than the Wii.

8 Google Stadia

It flopped so hard that everyone forgot about it again the day after it launched.

9 Atari Jaguar
10 Xbox One

Some PlayStation fanboy probably put this on here.

Completely flopped. No exclusives, awful launch.

The Contenders
11 Chintendo Vii
12 32X
13 Nintendo Switch

This handheld had some really good ideas but they weren't executed well.

15 Atari Jaguar CD
16 3DO
17 Apple Bandai Pippin
18 Nokia N-Gage
19 Atari 5200
20 RCA Studio II
21 Nintendo 3DS

It's on here because the games are bad and the graphics are too.

22 Sega Saturn

There wasn't even a main-line Sonic game!

23 Nintendo Switch Lite

It has all the bad things about the Original Switch: bad battery life, no virtual console, and Nintendo Switch Online. When it drifts, you can't just buy new Joy-Cons. It can't even connect to a TV, and Sword and Shield are bad.

24 Casio Loopy

It's just a girl's SNES. And Casio, doesn't "Loopy" sound too X-rated for its demographic?

25 Nintendo Polystation

Shameless PlayStation clone. And yes, this is a legitimate console (despite it being a Famiclone).

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