Most Racist Moments of 2018

The Top Ten
BuzzFeed uploads video of a black feminist whipping white people

BuzzFeed has gone too far. They hate white people for no reason and still include them in their "BuzzFeed videos."
I honestly don't care if anyone dislikes a certain race since it's people's own opinion, but this? A black feminist whipping white people? Now this has gone too far, and it's extremely brutal. This is why I'm not a feminist!

Blacks didn't get their own rights until later on, so of course they have the right to play the race card. Honestly, I don't blame them.

Michael B. Jordan and Donald Glover attacked for dating non-black women

It's funny because this is racist. It's basically saying people should only date or marry those of the same race.
I thought the left was all for people being free to be with whoever they want.

The tides have turned over the past 10 years. The left is hypocritical, prejudiced, and full of racist village idiots who don't have a life.

Well, surprise, surprise. Interracial dating is a thing. Do you have a problem with that?

What's wrong with interracial marriage?

CNN calls Antifa an African American organization despite most Antifa members being white
Harvard refusing to give scholarships to Asian kids despite their high GPA and SAT/ACT scores

So they want school shooters but not hardworking Asians. Good for them.

White girl named Keziah Daum attacked for cultural appropriation after wearing culturally appreciative Chinese prom dress

If she's not Chinese or doesn't have any Chinese background, she shouldn't wear any cultural Chinese clothing.

That's not cultural appropriation.
People make little things into a big deal.

And the person attacking her was racist against black people.

Candace Owens and Kanye West are called race traitors and Uncle Toms for becoming conservative

I find Uncle Tom ironic. Wouldn't it be a racial term to them?

Alt-right Redditors sabotage online ratings of Black Panther

A twist on an old standard left-wing trick.

Donald Trump calls Haiti a s***hole

Donald Trump refused to allow Mexicans into the United States, so he lost the 2020 election.

Starbucks has 2 black people arrested for using restroom without ordering anything

Starbucks needs to relax. Those two black people just wanted to use the restroom.

What? I thought you couldn't get someone arrested just for that.

If I were one of the police, I'd arrest the workers.

CNN calls Kanye West a negro

I don't care if CNN is racist, but they should keep it to themselves. Everyone has their own opinion.

This is why it's never good to use a racial slur, especially when directed at someone.

CNN, the most liberal organization... Unless you're speaking Spanish, you shouldn't use that word.

The Newcomers

? Trump administration family separation policy
? PewDiePie making fun of Indians
The Contenders
Tennessee couple writes "we don't tip white people" on their restaurant check

No one deserved that, but white people clearly started racism. I'm sorry, but still!

Tennessee doesn't have to like white people, but at least be kind to them.

Racism is racism!
White people are like every other race.

Kendrick Lamar calls out a white fan for singing N-word that was part of his song on stage

Kendrick Lamar can write his own rap lyrics for M.A.A.D City however he wants, but if he doesn't want his fans to use a racial slur, why did he have to use that word in his song?

Why bother getting upset about it?

At the same time, that white fan should never use that word. But at the end of the day, everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect, and we're all human beings.

That fan shouldn't have said that word.

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