Top 10 Worst Things About Instagram
I love Instagram but there are also things about it that just make me angry.You won't believe how many times this has happened to me. I always get tagged by some stranger under a post about buying more followers. Whenever this happens, I just block that person.
I'm really starting to get sick of it.
Spam accounts and people trying to boost their following using apps just seem fake and pathetic.
I hate this with a passion. I thought Instagram was working on deleting spam and fake pages.
There are so many people who make accounts filled with posts of their favorite celebrities. What is the point of that? Most followers can just Google the name of the celebrity and find pictures of them.
This is why I decided to make an account about myself instead of a fan account - because you're just taking photos of celebs from the internet.
Every single time I follow a sports team's Instagram page, I get follow requests from fan accounts nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY! I even put in my bio that I don't accept follow requests from fan accounts, but they still request to follow me.
I'm really getting sick of it.
I'm not even allowed on social media for at least another two months. Plus, I've always hated selfies, trends, awkward slang, and people who beg for followers.
I mean, I don't know if Wattpad is a social media network, but a couple of people did this to me, and I followed them because I was like, "Okay, fine, as long as I don't get bothered by you anymore." But other than that, I don't follow people like that.
I actually earn my followers, and usually, I end up following someone that I think is interesting, and multiple times, they follow me back. Anyway, yeah, I agree with this list.
I'm not even gonna talk about this.
Instagram recently made a change where the comments are no longer in chronological order. THAT is awful.
I don't mind the timeline being like that, but not the comments!
In my opinion, everyone should just let their followers come in naturally and not ask for them. If someone wants to follow you, they'll follow you.
It's a shame it's gotten to the point where they have apps, people buying pages, and even giving away items to get more followers.
You know, the fun of getting Instagram followers is actually earning your followers! If someone just tells people to go follow a certain account, that account ends up getting followed by a bunch of strangers who could end up stalking your account.

There's absolutely no reason this moron deserves 109 million followers. If you ask me, she deserves ZERO followers.
The Newcomers
The only credit is to another page that stole the creator's art, or you have to go through multiple "Credit to @___" posts to see the actual artist's page.
This is just a way for females to act promiscuous and post a different guy on their page every Monday. Then they wonder why they're single.
Mostly women do this, and all it involves is posting an old picture of yourself alongside a recent one. It makes no sense to me at all. To me, it's just letting strangers see all of your personal information because you're willing to put it out there.
A way for men to "cheat" on their women (if they have one).
Same as Transformation Tuesday.
It's the same as Transformation Tuesday and Throwback Thursday.
This generation is just brainwashed by social media to the point where they are putting all their personal business out there without caring who sees it.

This guy has more followers than he deserves. That's all I have to say about that.
Damn, this guy is racist. He called me Mexican, but I am from Puerto Rico.
It's come to the point where you've completely run out of ideas for what to post, so you just walk into a restaurant, order a meal, and feel the need to let the world know that you're about to eat something. Shocking!
Actually, I'd be lying if I said I haven't done this before.
To be fair, food can be gorgeous, and one defining purpose of photography is to preserve the fleeting beauty of the world.
Also, I spend like 67% of my free time watching Tasty videos and looking at food.
I remember having dinner with my friend, and he was about to take a photo of his food. I asked, "Oh, why?" and he said, "To remember what I had today."
I was thinking to myself, "Nobody cares what you eat."
They always post the same thing on every popular page: "I'm pretty, but no one cares" (yup, you read our minds) or "Don't see my story," etc.
Their comments always get more than 500 likes, and the likers are either their fellow thotties or some weird, horny teens. IG really needs to take action against them.
They're always posting pictures of themselves, trying to get attention.
I've stumbled across a few accounts where it's just the same picture over and over. Maybe they've changed their hair, makeup, or shirt, but it just looks the same - same angle, same facial expression, etc.
When I follow somebody, it's because I can relate to them and their hobbies. It's kind of hard to gauge a person who just posts what is essentially the same photo of their face.
I am so bored that I think I'm just gonna post a picture of myself making a weird face in the bathroom and see how many likes it gets.
Nice try, but we all know no one can be that beautiful. People often post pictures of themselves or something else and claim it's unedited. Most of the time, they're lying just to boost their self-esteem.
The amount of editing, both subtle and obvious, is shameless. Do they not know about the tagged tab? We can see your actual face, hun.
The tagging is annoying, the mass following and unfollowing is too, but occasionally I go to my feed and discover I'm following an account I have zero recollection of following or even an interest in following. I don't even know how it's possible for an account to make authentic accounts follow them, especially if you haven't used any of the sketchy third-party apps. It doesn't seem to be something that even gets acknowledged.
Shameless self-promotion and stolen, recycled garbage posts.
When people are so desperate to get a lot of likes on their posts, they convince others that if you like their post, they will give you a like. This isn't always the case.
I've seen posts with this hashtag, and when I liked their posts, nothing happened. They never liked any of my posts. I hate how desperate most people can be.
They look so stupid in front of their plates. Haha, stupid and funny.