Top Ten Most Annoying Things People Do On the Internet

The Top Ten
Criticize your opinion

You see people arguing online, and rarely do you see someone say, "I'm afraid your viewpoint is incorrect, and in my view, this is why." Instead, we have a miasma of flames spewed over someone's viewpoint, and the rules of the discussion are completely thrown out the window.

Bonus points if the people spewing insults are well-respected members and/or moderators. If they do this continuously, they ought to be the ones banned for their repetitive bad behavior, rather than the other side of the argument. Especially if that side is actually reasonable to argue with.

''Correct'' your grammar even though it was right

There is this one girl who needs to search the words "pay" and "attention" in a dictionary or something.

I noticed a grammar error in the first two sentences, so I decided to correct it. Then this girl comes along and tries to ruin it, and what does she say to the other guy?! "It's not you who made the mistake. It's the guy that corrected you, LOL."

A) Do not misuse acronyms, which a lot of people do.
B) No matter what, if I tell her she's wrong, she will look like a jerk - when she already is.

What is "right"? Anyway, people usually correct your grammar when they know they are losing the debate.


There are some trolls I cannot stand, the majority of them really. But then there are those who are actually pros, like the ShigeruMiyamoto parody. But there are tons of baddies that just need to get out of here with their notorious history.

Yeah, trolling can be a real pain in the neck most of the time, but not really if you're watching a video of a gamer trolling some douchebag in a game of Call of Duty.

These losers have no lives. They are the second worst type of person on the internet, behind pedophiles.

Threaten to do something bad
Use caps in every comment

Using all caps means that you are yelling at people.


Spamming is annoying. Especially bronies, who are running around the internet, putting pony pictures everywhere they go. Then, they look for a random forum website, discussion page, or the comment section of a YouTube video and post some random My Little Pony comment, even though the topic has nothing to do with ponies.

Post selfies

I don't like selfies either, but when they're online, you can just ignore them and carry on with your day. However, it's when your mom starts forcing you to have lots of pictures taken of yourself that it gets really annoying. Every time we're somewhere, even if it's a place we've been to millions of times before, my mom has to take lots of selfies and feels like it's her duty to make me do the same.

I hate having photos taken. I even hate seeing myself in a mirror, never mind on an electronic device or on Facebook. I hate cameras and the ability to take pictures on phones. It makes me feel so anxious. Also, she sometimes does the most awkward poses you could imagine while taking her selfies. Sometimes she does flirty poses, and considering that she's 41 or something, you can imagine how cringey that is.

Selfies are cringey as a whole. She feels like an artist messing around with the filters on her phone, but I don't feel like I'm good at art, even though I can do decent work using Photoshop and drawing on it.

Post porn in chat rooms
Hack into accounts

It's just... why would you do this? What do you gain? I get when people do it for money, although they shouldn't do that either, but to ruin people's lives? It's wrong.

Hacking is not acceptable, and the act should be banned immediately.

Hacking into accounts is actually illegal.

Repost popular content

The Newcomers

? Argue about politics
? Use lots of abbreviations

It can be annoying having to look up what they all mean.

The Contenders
Act immature

Such as attacking others or posting awful sexual content. They should be banned.

Be sexist

"All girls have to wear makeup." But I hate makeup. I never wear it.
"All boys cannot like the color pink." WRONG. You can like any color you want, no matter your gender. My favorite color is black.

Feminazis have made men sexist again. Both genders are acting like hypocrites. You simply cannot fight sexism by being sexist. (I'm not just talking about radical feminists. Men suddenly feel the need to post sexist things as well now.)

At least now the playing field is level, even though, let's face it, men post more memes and comments than women.

Tell you to "KYS" because you like something they hate

It's very common to see a hater make this comment, and it's flat-out wrong.

This is basically what fetish haters do.

"Thumbs Up If..."

For example, "thumbs up if you hate Justin Bieber" or "thumbs up if you like cake." They actually get a lot of likes because people can never recognize a scam when they see an obvious one. It just makes me facepalm to see that people are that dumb to actually give it a thumbs up.

For example, "thumbs up if you like cake" or "thumbs up if you hate Justin Bieber," and they somehow get a lot of likes because people can never recognize a scam when they see an obvious one.

(It was something similar to that.) I was playing Epic Minigames on Roblox, just minding my own business, when this guy randomly says "f you beauty" and then follows up with "say yes if you hate beauty" for no reason. I didn't do anything to him! I reported him, but I don't think it worked. (My username is XxBeautySeviperxX, by the way.)


Are people really stupid enough to trash-talk over a little mistake when our world is full of rapists, murderers, and robbers?

Arrogance, I see. Back it up, why don't you?

Inappropriately message you
Be homophobic
Try to win an argument they already lost
Bash someone for no good reason
Use autism as an insult

This is the worst kind of insult ever. I have seen autistic people go on to achieve bigger and better accolades.

Capitalize the first letter of every word

It's annoying, for sure. It's hard to read, and it's like you start shouting and then stop.

This is irritating when people do it. It also makes the text hard to read.

Yet this is how most people start off a sentence, though it's grammar 101.

Hate popular things
Say they were raped for attention
Respond to you without reading your comment

Irrelevant random things get thrown out there, pretty much.

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