Top 10 Wargaming YouTube Channels

The Top Ten
Tabletop Tactics

A new, exciting channel with a cutting-edge style. It churns out at least two high-quality batreps a week, with very cinematic intros and special effects. They offer great painting tutorials and weekly list analysis.

Excellent quality videos and tutorials, with plenty of regular content to keep you coming back. I love the engaging list analysis, and they have by far the best-painted armies.

Brilliant explanations! Very good skills, lots of updates, and very lively. The channel host is effortlessly cool. Keep it up!


Where else can you get such a wide variety of videos? Loving the Deathwatch campaigns just out, and even the Dark Heresy roleplaying somehow works.

Their regulars are all quite different, and they have regular guests who can be very amusing. Mitch springs to mind for general silliness and knowledge of the game. You can even go and play them in Canada if you want, as they are 100% a professional outfit.

A wide range of videos and people making them too. Excellent battle reports and reviews.


Possibly some of the most in-depth and best batreps on YouTube, with some interesting videos outside of that. Sort of like Miniwargaming, but more focused on batreps.

Very fun and fluffy lists, focusing more on the narrative rather than winning at all costs. The quality of the paint jobs is breathtaking, and the theatrical video editing just rounds it all off.

Golden Throne Wargames

A new channel, so don't be put off by the subscriber count. Although they have a lack of battle reports, aka "batreps," they have excellent review series and easy breakdowns of rules, along with videos on Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, and Dropzone Commander. Just get some of those batreps up!

Tabletop Minions

Best audio and great thought pieces.

I love these videos on this channel, and I'm into wargaming myself.

The Beasts of War

Covers many wargames and has excellent, thorough discussions with knowledgeable people on the channel, including some awesome special guests.


The best. It's like talking 40k with a friend. He puts a lot of effort into addressing all the different facets of the game.

Sometimes a little informal, but maybe that's good! They have some excellent videos, but their professionalism is the only thing lowering their place on this list.

Joey Berry

Or "Warhammer Joey," the dominant figure for females in the wargaming hobby, with some videos that break the boundaries of wargaming. For example, "Starting a YouTube Channel." This makes her videos very broad in range, but her irregular uploads may reduce her subscriber count and also her placement on this list.

Winters SEO

The best for his ability to tell the stories behind his armies. Listen to his story time videos of the 13th and the Penitent Forge.

Not as many ad breaks as SS82, and he edits his batreps down to roughly an hour. He always has great guests with lovely-looking armies.


Not many videos, but if you're into Warmachine, she is definitely for you.

The Newcomers

? SkaredCast
? Play on Tabletop
The Contenders

Very formal, but they're gonna be - they're the creators of Warhammer Fantasy and 40k! The fact that this is only for Games Workshop products and not lots of wargames lowers its placement.


The clue's in the name. There are truly awesome painting tutorials done with a professional style and welcoming tone. Check him out.


There are better painters on YouTube, don't get me wrong, but the large amount of videos and wargames she has covered makes her a truly awesome channel. Go give her a sub if you feel like it!

The Long War
Tabletop Titans
Imperium Gaming
The Dark Artisan
40k theories
The Outer Circle
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