Top Ten Most Common Passwords

The Top Ten
1 password

Like the password to getting a googolplexian dollars and googolplexian centuries of being able to not go to math jail or real jail and really good stuff is anything (I mean anything you say as the passcode is the passcode)

Nobody expects this password even though it is so common. all of the computers at my school had this as their password.

My password is none of these things on the lists. I guess I made TOO hard. But am I going to say it? NO WAY!

2 123456789
3 last name

Would easily get hacked

4 phone number
5 favorite historical person or athlete
6 qwerty
7 letmein
8 pet's name

lol. that's always mine...

9 0000
10 monkey

I think this is the best password since no one will think of it!

The Contenders
11 space

I got this on my ipod touch they stole it for 2 months they couldn't get in haha

sometimes they write nothing and thats their password

12 WWE World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. is an American publicly traded, privately controlled entertainment company that deals primarily in professional wrestling, with major revenue sources also coming from film, music, video games, product licensing, and direct product sales.
13 first name

My Password is... Nah Better not say But my first name with some numbers.

14 enter
15 favorite team
16 Miley

damn it, I gotta ask admin for a new password, lol jk jk

17 ''birthday''
18 1234
19 favorite cartoon
20 123456
21 crush's name
22 696969
23 football

No numbers or any special characters. A password based on one of the most popular sports can be cracked in a matter of seconds

24 soccer

Numbers or special characters not included. Based on a popular sport it can be cracked in seconds.

25 1234567
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