Top 10 Worst Things About the Creepypasta Jeff the Killer

Jeff the Killer's story begins with a young boy named Jeff, who moves to a new town with his family. In a series of unfortunate and violent events, Jeff gets into a fight, gets burned, loses his sanity, and eventually becomes the disfigured, murderous figure known to many. With hollowed eyes, a wide, permanent smile, and an insatiable thirst for killing, Jeff's character has been both intriguing and horrifying to readers around the world.

This unsettling figure is embedded in online culture, known for his grotesque appearance and spine-tingling story, but like many things on the internet, it's not without its flaws.

Maybe it's the inconsistencies in the plot, the lack of depth in the character development, or perhaps the uneasy feeling that the story tries too hard to shock rather than genuinely scare. Or is it something else that irks you? Something deeper, maybe tied to the overall presentation and execution of the story itself?
The Top Ten
The story has no emotion

I literally felt nothing for any of the characters, even when Jeff was being hurt. I still didn't think much. There wasn't any demonstration of him feeling pain in the story.

Ticci Toby's story actually made me feel sad. I can't say the same for JTK, though.

It's unrealistic

I know it's a fantasy story, but three kids in the suburbs walking down the street and deciding to pull out guns and knives to pick a fight? If the story took place in a city, it would make sense, but this is just stupid. Also, during the second fight, adults were around. Why didn't any of them try to stop it or call the cops? And how exactly did Jeff burn only his eyelids and not the rest of his body? And cut off his lips without bleeding?

Jeff got set on fire and ended up looking white. That does not make logical sense.

It's overrated

Words alone can't explain how overrated he is. He's not even scary in the slightest bit! Other Creepypastas like Eyeless Jack, BEN Drowned, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, and 1999 deserve Jeff's spotlight because they're more well-written, more realistic, and scarier. Even though they're not too scary, at least they're scarier than Jeff.

The story is terrible. It's about a bunch of kids with no emotions who are pretty much psychopaths already. They fight among themselves, one kid decides to burn off his eyelids and cut his lips off, and then goes to kill someone. The end.

There is no character development

Jeff has no motivation to snap. He just snaps because he wants to be a Joker ripoff. Also, the other characters have no motivation either. BASIC WRITING 101: Make your characters actually have a motivation to do something. If you don't, it comes off as lazy, like you're not even trying.

It's okay to have the main character be a villain, but at least make him interesting. Can anyone explain Jeff's personality before he became a psychopath? Before Jeff's fall into insanity, he was one-dimensional, and it's hard to explain him to someone. His brother was also one-dimensional, with going to jail for his brother being his only development. Every other character was very flat and cliché, like the stereotypical boy gang (leader, skinny guy, fat guy).

The fans

I'm sorry, but someone has to address the elephant in the room. The fangirls turn him into an emotional, lovey-dovey angel with abs who would fall in love with some random girl. Have you seen the Jeff the Killer x Reader stories? They're awful! It's like he says, "Hey, you're cute, wanna make out?" The real Jeff would kill you without an inch of remorse. So to fangirls everywhere: Get your head out of your *ss and realize that even if he were real, he wouldn't care about you!

Hopefully, they won't find out about this list...

The fanfiction makes it worse

A typical Jeff fanfiction works like this:

1. Draw Jeff, but make him smile with bright eyes and look as attractive as possible, which is nothing like he would look in real life.
2. Add in a completely irrelevant character.
3. Draw her poorly.
4. Have them locked up in a room together.
5. Make them have sex after two minutes of knowing each other.
6. After a one-night stand, Jeff gets emotional and leaves her for her protection (as if psychopaths act like that).
7. The girl cries.

The end.

The dialogue is forced

Everything seemed forced and formal, like Jeff's dad calling him "son" in the 21st century? And kids using words like "illuminated" or "ominous"? What?

The title is bad
The original photo of him allegedly came from a girl who committed suicide

Really!? It's messed up that they used a photo of a girl who killed herself for a serial killer.

The beginning is weak

It is very misleading. I thought it would be some sort of murder mystery or police files, but it just spoiled the story and was pretty pointless. If the boy had given details, the police investigated, and eventually Jeff's story unfolded, that would have been better.

The Newcomers

? The popular story isn't as good as the original story
? It's inappropriate
The Contenders
The endless "Does Jeff like you?" and "How does Jeff feel about you?" quizzes

Jeff is a psychopath! He doesn't care about you or anyone else. What's so attractive to female fans about a psychopath who goes around with a permanent smile and burned-off eyelids and likes to kill people? Attractive? Out of curiosity, I took one of those quizzes, and it said, "He Loves You." I'm like, what? It even suggested we'd have sex. Psychopaths can't feel love for someone, especially after just five interactions. They don't want to have sex because they love you. It's about lust.

He is a copy of the Joker

I thought he looked like an oval-shaped white cheese with paper eyes and black string hair.

Psychopathy is portrayed unrealistically
He is a Kuchisake-Onna wannabe
It's cliche
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