Top 10 Reasons Why Old TheTopTens Users Are Better Than Current Users

Hello, I am a visitor with no account and I never had an account on here. I would just like to say that old TheTopTens users were better than most users now. I will list the reason why. And these are all facts from what I seen. And this is just sad. You TheTopTens users now are very whiny. At least the old users had great post. Admin please don't delete this list because it's something needs spoken. No it's not targeted to every user now, it's targeted to some not all.
The Top Ten
They didn't do it for popularity.

This list is offensive. I'm a newer user. I don't try to be rude. I don't do it for popularity. I just had good ideas for lists and decided to stop being a Visitor so that I could make those lists. I may not be ALL nice, but, no one's perfect. I may insult Croatia and Cats a little too much, but, to be fair, Croatia is a terrible country (I was born there so I know), and Cats aren't even domesticated. And plus, who are you if you can't take a little constructive criticism? This list really offends. It doesn't matter when you join, but only how you act. I didn't try to be rude, but that's just who I am. Deal with it.

They never created bad lists like ways to kill a celebrity

Why would anybody make a list about killing a celebrity? That would just make people think you're messed up in the head.

If you guys looked at the description, he said that I was targeted towards some users, not all.

Velitelcabal you're messed up in the head. Making list about killing someone is not a joke. You could be taken to jail.

They wrote good posts

Old users wrote great posts with humor, sarcasm, and excellent writing styles, when ranting, reviewing, or just making a really good T.V. Based series.

New users only make two types of blog posts. The ones that tell you to rate them, and the ones that tell you to rate some random thing like "Rate Music Artists" or "Rate T.V. Shows".

Yeah that's true. Well I only have two high quality posts, which I'm not sure if I deserved or not. Also, am I considered a new or old user? I joined October 2015.

Lots of them are highly regarded for great quality in their posts.

Current users act like special snowflakes
They never cared about having a lot of followers

I see this as well. I'm a new user and appreciate the follows, but I don't need them. Though maybe I'll become egotistical down the line, who knows.

Some of the new TopTenners just say hi or something just because they want you to follow them, after you follow them, they have nothing to to with you.

I don't care for followers, if you want to follow me then that's fine. I'm not looking for 100 followers to be popular.

They never asked people to rate them

I never understood why would anyone would want some random stranger online to rate them.

> B-buh muh criticism

Oh come on, this site is about creating list and having fun. It's not some serious business. Just make your list, make sure it follow the guidelines, and go. If you want criticism go somewhere else like to an ArtStation, SoundCloud, or YouTube. Those sites provide the criticism that you want. And no, criticism does not mean insulting, attacking, and giving someone a low rating just because you don't like them or because they were mean to you and your friend. Criticism is about honest feedback on someone's work and providing suggestions on how that individual can improve.

Current Users are going to make a rant on this list because they're mad

Yeah of course I'm mad there are a lot of new users who are just as good as the old users

They weren't looking internet friends

I've been around here for 3 years and one of the biggest advantages in this website is that I got to make friends with a lot of wonderful people. I wasn't exactly 'looking' for friends, but I don't see anything wrong with it either

Hey, I only made an account to make lists and posts. I never intended to message people in the first place. Although it was quite fun talking with some users.

It's better to have real friends, but it's fine if you also have on the Internet. Well, I have both!

Current users bully Justin Bieber fans

One user who loves JB is being cyberbullied by lots of Users and visitors. Some visitors are sticking up for her and telling those Users to leave her alone which is good and nice of them. I think the Top Tens is really going downhill not only those Users who bully JustinBieberLover is making themselves and the Top Tens look bad, but are making their parents look bad. The Top Tens is a site where you a community not a site where you are to treat people wrong for their likes. I don't care if it's criticism or your opinion learn to keep it to yourself and yes I've done some horrible things and I'd like sorry for what mean and terrible things I've done. I've learn to be more nicer and show some maturity. I'd hope you users learn to treat someone with respect.

Current users are disrespectful

NESSquid needs to get a life and stop being desperate followers and read Dork Diaries before disliking the series.

The Newcomers

? Old users didn't witch hunt other users
? They respected opinions more.

I am a TheTopTens User (including my old accs) since 2018, and I respect opinions. but I saw someone that got mad over a list using roblox in a list called ''top 10 worst games''
or something like that.

The Contenders
They weren't sensitive sissies
Current users are instigators
Current users are often closed-minded metal heads that think metal is the best genre

It seems like most arguments start between metal and pop fans. while I have seen some rock fans are supportive towards metal fans and rap fans are supportive towards pop fans. but smart users never slip into arguments

Velitelcabal misinterpreted the meaning of favorite genre. Especially with pop fans.

And you misinterpret the meaning of "favorite genre".

Current users bully Nicki Minaj fans

Thank you, I just hate it when people treat others wrong. I'm just an 8th grader girl and a police officer came up to my school and talked about bullying and to change ourselves. I used to treat others wrong in elementary school, but I don't do it anymore. I learned my lesson and to ignore people who talk trash. I also apologized for my actions.

Bullying pretty much sucks, you shouldn't pick on someone that likes nicki minaj or any other music preference.

Well just remember that some people are going to change and some are not going change. It's life.

Current users are more selfish
Current users force opinions on everyone
Current Users Bully People Who Like The Minions
New users think swearing is good

Admin banned swearing for a reason, and it's good that he did.

Okay, "new" users, generally speaking, do swear more than they should, but I am still yet to say anything worse than "dang."

They didn't call themselves mature

Maturity is based on what others think, not what you think. It's one of those few things that you can't judge for yourself; others must judge how mature you are.

For my age, I'm the most immature person ever. Me and my best friend are but we know things most "mature" people don't know.

People who call themselves mature or try to act like it, tend to not be mature

Old users didn't list their least favorite user on their profile

When I first time joined toptens, I also though I should make a list of my favorite users on my profile. but something stopped me. and I though it would be wiser if I don't write things like these. least or favorite users. I think a user can imagine himself/herself who likes them and who don't.

I'm guilty of this in my old account. Then again, I was like, 9, 10, somewhere around that area. Glad I forgot the password.

I prefer criticizing them through blog posts than just desperately putting them on my profile.

They ask people to criticize them
They were nicer

MatrixGuy and Alexandr were nice users.

Old users didn't talk to people they didn't like
They didn't have a lot of mainstream bashers

Bashing the mainstream is giving them more money and filling the pockets up.

They didn't whine about the new policies

Stop whining about that policy. It didn't do anything wrong, and you need to stop whining about it. If I were a user who joined in 2013 or 2014, before the policy, I would've been fine with it.

To be fair, the "policy" isn't new and predates almost every single active user on the site. Only a handful of users (maybe a dozen or so) can actually call them "new".

Considering I've been on TheTopTens since 2015 it's strange I don't quite know the "new" policies. That's just me. Let's get to you.

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