Top Ten Most Annoying Things Beauty Gurus Do On YouTube

I love watching beauty videos, I really do. But the members could use some criticism. Since YouTube is such a fan-content creator relationship, it's understandable that I would tell them how to make their videos more pleasant to watch. I've seen the same formula for every big beauty vlogger and I do not want to hate. But I'm simply tired of some of these trends.
The Top Ten
Overdo the cutesy

I don't mind a naturally bubbly personality, but there is something very off about people who overdo the teeny-bopper, cutesy thing. I find it impossible that 70% of beauty vloggers just happen to have the same personality. A lot of YouTubers are difficult to watch because they seem so fake. Truth be told, it creates a barrier between the content creator and the fan. Be yourself in the videos, and I'd really embrace the diversity.

Here's an average beauty YouTuber:
"Hey guys! How are you doing? LOL! You can't talk to me! Haha, well I guess we'll start the tutorial! So here we have some ADORABLE pink lipstick that I LOVE because it is sooo pink! Anyway, you apply it to your lips, and here we go with that *flashes across the screen.* Now we will put on some foundation, ha-ha, I recommend *product placement.* Now let's put on the eyeliner I just LOVE because it is super adorable! And that's it for our tutorial! I love you guys, like and subscribe for next week's video!" *crappy photos come across the screen*

Talk for five minutes before giving you the information the video promised

I just skip the intros. They're usually rambling and overly ditsy. I'm not saying you can't interact with fans by talking to them, but these long intros are wholly unnecessary. Especially when they spend five or more minutes explaining what they're going to do, even though we just read the title and already know what they're going to do.

YouTuber: "How to get laid and still look pretty and not fat from it."
Five minutes later: "This protein shake is so good, like, it's made from cauliflower and butt juice. I just got my weave done and colored, and I got these Starbucks Nutella Ugg boots iPhone 7 from Shamazon, yay! So fun! Should I cut my hairrr or naw? Post your opinions in the comment section below!"

Make too many sponsored videos

I know, I know, you have to get paid. I get that. After all, it's your job. But NEVER try to hide sponsors or deceive us. Because it will not work. Ever. And please only endorse products you truly like. I remember being able to watch a video or review without having to scroll through the description to see if it was sponsored. I miss reliable opinions, basically.

It's great that you're such a big YouTuber that big corporations want to advertise with you, but please just know that we don't want you to turn into another advert.

Not put effort into their videos

Either by uploading only once a month or putting out bland, quickly thrown-together videos. I think the continued spark is essential if you wish to draw in viewers, because they will be subconsciously attracted to that.

Gaming videos are of much higher quality. People laugh at YouTube gamers, but they all work so hard on their videos. Beauty gurus seem not to. Coincidence?

Have the same, generic outfits

My main problem with the beauty community on YouTube is that so many of them are just carbon copies of the trends going on and of each other. It's why I appreciate YouTubers like iamkareno. They don't just wear outfits, they style them. Have your own unique tastes because there's nothing more valuable you can offer to the public. Trust me, I want to see YOU when I see what you wear.

Some of them consider themselves beauty gurus, but they make videos that hardly relate to beauty. They use the same songs from the iTunes most downloaded list and wear the same styles like crop tops, high-waisted shorts, and sneakers. They drink Starbucks and try to act awkward and quirky.

Try too hard to be "dorky" or "nerdy"

Straight up annoying. You can easily tell the fake fans from the people who genuinely enjoy certain "nerdy" stuff. Most beauty gurus fake it to the point that they look awkward.

Oh, I am so tired of this. I just... Agh. It's annoying. I'm sorry. It just comes off awkward and forced.

Come off as extremely shallow

It's simply true. A good portion come off really basic. I get it, the bubbly personality sells and looks good, but I know there's something below the surface. I'm sure your viewers would respect you more if you spoke more intimately.

That's because they are shallow. It boggles the mind how much people can blabber over so little.

These people are as deep as a dried-up puddle.

Use and wear only wildly expensive brands

As a student with no income, it's hard to afford these products, but I'm still into fashion, makeup, and all things pink. It's extremely disappointing when you think you've found someone honest to look up to who can give you real advice with affordable products. It seems like they're not trying to help us find good products. Instead, they're advertising with a hidden agenda.

Brandy Melville, Cotton On, VS Pink, Nasty Gal, etc. All of those clothing stores are highly expensive, and most middle-class people can't afford them.

Wear too much makeup and call it "natural"
Repeat the same video ideas

Almost all beauty gurus do the same types of videos, like How I do my makeup, Expectations vs. Reality, or My Morning Routine crap. How these people have millions of subscribers is crazy, considering a lot of people are good at makeup nowadays. It's like you get the same generic makeup look over and over. I understand it's hard to come up with new ideas since both old and new creators are constantly coming in with different stuff, but trying to apply makeup with random objects or repeating these same videos is just getting old.

You know... the "morning routines" and the "everyday makeup" videos. I'd like to see something fresh and original - maybe it'll click!

This is not to say I don't enjoy those videos - I do - but just that those don't have to be the limit. Think outside the box!

The Newcomers

? Cause unnecessary drama
? They get jealous at other beauty gurus
The Contenders
Think they are so attractive when they aren't

I know, right? There's a beauty guru that I really hate. She's so egotistical and thinks her style is the best. She talks bad about people who don't like her and acts like she's so special.

Use unprofessional background music

I swear the playlist for every video is filled with Top 40 hits. I don't particularly mind, since it fits the traditional flashy, energetic video format, but it just seems unprofessional. A classy, subdued soundtrack (electronic songs tend to work best for background music) would be very pleasant every now and again.

A lot of them use that annoying "happy" music. You know, the ones with a ukulele and happy whistling that promote unicorns, rainbows, and all things girly and fluffy. It's utterly nauseating.

Make their videos really bright

They all have the same bright, pastel/popping color and lighting scheme. I'm getting headaches from it.

Act spoiled

Yes, I also see spoiled behavior amongst these grown ADULT people! And just *so much makeup!*

Talk about going back to drugstore products like it's a bad thing or an end all
Expectation vs. reality videos

These videos get on my nerves. Almost every beauty guru does this, especially the ones about high school. Most of these girls are in their twenties. Grow up!

I think some of them are entertaining, but they shouldn't have six different versions. It just gets annoying after a while.

Copy other videos

Some of them also steal ideas. Ugh, hate that.

Beg for subscribers

And sadly, that's what they get - subscribers that they don't need!

Put on way too much makeup

A lot of the time, these girls are crazy pretty, and they ruin their faces by piling on way too much makeup.

Be dumb on purpose
Talk too fast
Look at themselves in the view finder all the time

Why are they always messing around with their hair - oops, I meant their hair extensions? Some of these girls forget what they were talking about because they're distracted by their hair. Is it insecurity?

Yes! They get so caught up looking at themselves that they stop speaking for some time.

I find it so annoying when you're watching a video and the person just can't stop looking at their viewfinder. Come on now, who are you addressing?

Try to act goofy/funny to seem interesting

Have you ever noticed that they do random goofy things while they're putting on makeup? Like singing, wiggling their makeup brush, or making a quirky face before using it. That bothers me so much.

Talking in 3rd person
Poorly edit
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