Best Kid Icarus Uprising Bosses

The Top Ten
1 Hades

Final boss is awesome

2 Dark Lord Gaol
3 Dark Pit
4 Great Sacred Treasure
5 Hewdraw
6 Chaos Kin
7 Aurum Brain Pyrrhon
8 Cragalanche
9 Thanatos
10 Palutena Palutena is a character from Kid Icarus (1987), Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (1991), and Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012). She is also a playable character in Super Smash Brothers for 3DS and WiiU (2014), and in Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate (2018). She is the goddess of light and ruler of Angel Land, more.
The Contenders
11 Pandora
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